Altered Genetics (New Source)

Phurious and his rep actually came in better prepared than this guy. Atleast tried to answer questions and the wheels didn't fall off until it was exposed it was Krazie running it. This guy comes on with no product, no pics, no answers and a smartass. GTFOOH lol.
I posted pics in the intro with meso and the date next to it also pics are my avi.

There is a lot of skepticism here and to I know no matter what I say u will believe what you want and rightfully so this is your house, but the TRUTH is I have never been here before I have lurked for quite some time though, to see what happened with genetech, hammer...etc.

A lot of what's being commented on it asked has already been answered. Winny solution and dbol should be in stock next week.
I have been made aware, but also I realized that sources do source here, and by the comments I've read this happens up front and behind the scenes. Someone said they are tired of members sourcing, so that's what I deduce from that comment. I have went through great efforts to create a user friendly website that also ensures security, also label work I am not here to scam
If you have been lurking for a while you knew what to expect. A few srcs have managed to hang around after a good shagging but no one gets a pass and with no mods to protect you the scrutiny doesn't stop if you don't have your shit straight. More than a few like Phurious have been exposed only because of the meso way.

It's like fight club, now gtfooh lol.
I have been made aware, but also I realized that sources do source here, and by the comments I've read this happens up front and behind the scenes. Someone said they are tired of members sourcing, so that's what I deduce from that comment. I have went through great efforts to create a user friendly website that also ensures security, also label work I am not here to scam

And yet you still source here knowing full well it's not a source board. Why?

The answer: Because it is free.

You, like all the other start-up UGLs that come through here, abuse the unmoderated, uncensored format to make money off of Mesos members.

Go to a real source board, pay the fees. Stop trying to leach off Meso and its members.
I'm being up front about being a source, apparently some aren't. Yes, I knew what to expect and that's why my intro was the way it was. As previously stated we are here and on reddit, being transparent. Yes, I know this isn't a source board per say, but if you look here you'll see various pharmacom, future pharma, xeno...I don't think it should matter as long as I delivery quality gear supported by bloodwork, which is coming soon.
Lol future pharma and xeno haven't had much fun if you read their threads, I think FP bailed almost immediately. Xeno is a stubborn little fucker. Pharmacom was on the shit list a lot too and you aren't pharmacom.
I'm being up front about being a source, apparently some aren't. Yes, I knew what to expect and that's why my intro was the way it was. As previously stated we are here and on reddit, being transparent. Yes, I know this isn't a source board per say, but if you look here you'll see various pharmacom, future pharma, xeno...I don't think it should matter as long as I delivery quality gear supported by bloodwork, which is coming soon.

The fact that others are abusing makes it okay for you to abuse? How convenient for you.
I'm not here to pick a fight, I don't think I'm abusing anything but I'll agree to disagree.

I know pharmcom failed lab max on some things, but you've never tried my products so u can't truthfully compare us.
I'm not here to pick a fight, I don't think I'm abusing anything but I'll agree to disagree.

I know pharmcom failed lab max on some things, but you've never tried my products so u can't truthfully compare us.

I'm not trying to pick a fight either. There's nothing to fight about. I'm only attempting to have you face the facts.

1. Meso is not a source board
2. You are abusing the open uncensored format to make money

I know, you don't care about those facts nor do you want to fully acknowledge them because they interfere with your purpose here.

Go to a real source board, pay the fees. Meso is not for you.
I understand what you're saying, another fact is meso does have open sources, they all get scolded some survive and some don't, 24k got a beating in his intro and to my knowledge he is still here with people supporting him.

I know this is the meso way of vetting sources and I respect that. I'm not saying this in a disrespectful manner, but wouldn't you say it's hypocritical for this to not be a source but have open sources with people buying their gear through the same board that isn't a source board?
I understand what you're saying, another fact is meso does have open sources, they all get scolded some survive and some don't, 24k got a beating in his intro and to my knowledge he is still here with people supporting him.

I know this is the meso way of vetting sources and I respect that. I'm not saying this in a disrespectful manner, but wouldn't you say it's hypocritical for this to not be a source but have open sources with people buying their gear through the same board that isn't a source board?

Just fuck off.. Go away. Your gear sucks. You suck. Go rip off another board. GTF out botch.
And yet you still source here knowing full well it's not a source board. Why?

The answer: Because it is free.

You, like all the other start-up UGLs that come through here, abuse the unmoderated, uncensored format to make money off of Mesos members.

Go to a real source board, pay the fees. Stop trying to leach off Meso and its members.
I may have "felt it move" from this post. (that doesn't make me gay - George Costanza)
Phurious and his rep actually came in better prepared than this guy. Atleast tried to answer questions and the wheels didn't fall off until it was exposed it was Krazie running it. This guy comes on with no product, no pics, no answers and a smartass. GTFOOH lol.
We really should get out for a round, we see things the same.
Well well well, another one trying to slip in? Now its only a matter of time before there's proverbial blood on the floor, once the big guns start blazing.

And is this someone familiar?
Hold that thought please: "That's why my intro was the way it was"
This is still your "intro" dummy and you're currently tracking as an epic fail.
History doesn't lie.
Bump....because it wasn't responded to by AG, and because it was an awesome post.