Altered Genetics (New Source)

I understand what you're saying, another fact is meso does have open sources, they all get scolded some survive and some don't, 24k got a beating in his intro and to my knowledge he is still here with people supporting him.

I know this is the meso way of vetting sources and I respect that. I'm not saying this in a disrespectful manner, but wouldn't you say it's hypocritical for this to not be a source but have open sources with people buying their gear through the same board that isn't a source board?

No, you don't understand what I'm saying.

You keep using the old, "others are doing it so it makes it okay for me to do it", logic. However, this is not logic but instead a fallacy.

The fact that sources are in here, openly sourcing or otherwise is not a statement of hypocrisy but a testament of Millards unyielding commitment to free speech. You like the other UGLs that come here, regardless of current or former standing, abuse the uncensored format for monetary gain.

Even though Millard doesn't want sources here, he doesn't take action, because he has virtues called principle, integrity, and the strength to uphold his beliefs even when tested. This is called character- something you should quietly consider before moving forward with your plans here.
Nice post with no insults, I respect that. Are you saying you have never ordered anything from any source on here?

I see where you're coming from with your they do it do I can too scenario, but seriously why is it some sources get all the support at some point and then the newer ones are told to go away, no reflection on you or the board but it is somewhat of a double standard. Look at pharmacist, he's been sourcing here for quite sometime and now he's Accepted and raved about.
Nice post with no insults, I respect that. Are you saying you have never ordered anything from any source on here?

I see where you're coming from with your they do it do I can too scenario, but seriously why is it some sources get all the support at some point and then the newer ones are told to go away, no reflection on you or the board but it is somewhat of a double standard. Look at pharmacist, he's been sourcing here for quite sometime and now he's Accepted and raved about.

I don't use AAS ;)

All good points and what would seem like a glaring contradiction and as you say, double standard. What you're observing however, is true freedom of speech in action.

Just as in the real world, the uncensored format allows for different opinions across the membership. Some would agree with you and others would agree with me. Others just seem to be clueless and don't really have an opinion either way.

Another thing to consider with the new UGLs like yourself, compared to longer standing and well funded operations, is the higher degree of risk. You have limited experience (this covers all aspects of an illegal operation, not just brewing), limited connections, limited funds, and no history for consumers to assess the probability that goods purchased will be goods received. High risk mean members are more likely to get scammed.

However, like I said, it's my opinion that all the sources here, regardless of standing, abuse the uncensored format for monetary gain.
I don't use AAS ;)

All good points and what would seem like a glaring contradiction and as you say, double standard. What you're observing however, is true freedom of speech in action.

Just as in the real world, the uncensored format allows for different opinions across the membership. Some would agree with you and others would agree with me. Others just seem to be clueless and don't really have an opinion either way.

Another thing to consider with the new UGLs like yourself, compared to longer standing and well funded operations, is the higher degree of risk. You have limited experience (this covers all aspects of an illegal operation, not just brewing), limited connections, limited funds, and no history for consumers to assess the probability that goods purchased will be goods received. High risk mean members are more likely to get scammed.

However, like I said, it's my opinion that all the sources here, regardless of standing, abuse the uncensored format for monetary gain.

All good points and I can't debate any of that. All I can say is that any that is and has been purchased will definitely be received, that's my word as a man.
I personally think you have done more than just lurk here. I think you have previously sourced here before...

I assure You have never sourced here before or anywhere else on line before the intro post. I have sourced locally however. I thought xeno and hammer were still around, but I could be wrong . I still see xeno thread and last I heard about hammer is that he was posted picks of naked women on Evo, but that was a while back
I assure You have never sourced here before or anywhere else on line before the intro post. I have sourced locally however. I thought xeno and hammer were still around, but I could be wrong . I still see xeno thread and last I heard about hammer is that he was posted picks of naked women on Evo, but that was a while back
So yes then you been here before if you are familiar with them
Not sure if you have looked over the thread in its entirety but I admitted to being a long time lurker and the threads are always available. I wasn't lurking during the time of stretch or that one lab dr Jim supported and thinks genetech is, but I know about it from reading the threads, oh and mike strong applies here too. All it take is reading to know what has happened here.
Not sure if you have looked over the thread in its entirety but I admitted to being a long time lurker and the threads are always available. I wasn't lurking during the time of stretch or that one lab dr Jim supported and thinks genetech is, but I know about it from reading the threads, oh and mike strong applies here too. All it take is reading to know what has happened here.
Yes we Lm our products first to ensure the product is what it's supposed be, but also offer Lm testing vials for purchases of 200+.

Are you saying that you are offering a free Labmax vial (or vials) for orders over $200? Which substances will the Labmax vial test? Are you offering a separate Anavar/Winstrol test if you plan to offer those products?

Just wanted to get some clarification.
Are you saying that you are offering a free Labmax vial (or vials) for orders over $200? Which substances will the Labmax vial test? Are you offering a separate Anavar/Winstrol test if you plan to offer those products?

Just wanted to get some clarification.

Yes lab max will be sent to the customers who spend 200 and up. The lab max will be sent to test whatever oil or oral they purchase accordingly.
We will see how it all plays out, but that is very interesting. I think it is a good idea for sure. Obviously the next concern is if you are giving out the Labmax, you could just put in enough hormone to pass. Not saying you would, but this game everything happens.

If an item fails Labmax what happens?

You said you used to be a local only source. Did you get much blood work back from your users?
In all honesty nothing we send out should fail lab max because it is tested by lab max beforehand. We never send out all of the inventory we keep at least 3 vials from each batch for personal reference in case they're is an issue with an customer and we have to re test and send pics/vid of the testing of a particular batch.
Didn't see the last part of your post, but the answer is I never asked them to, but being that it is the smart thing to do I can only assume some did. Before posting here I made an effort to get users to get bloods and two did but they were both capped. The next ones should be sent To me very soon and they said its uncapped.


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