Altered Genetics (New Source)

Hi, yes you are correct baking/brewing in general does lead to potential oxidation in vials if moisture is allowed to enter where it be stove top or oven.

However, I have not had an issue with oxidation happening, I believe the BA and .22 filter kit is enough, but I simply bake as an added measure.

Also I'm not sure if the doc memeber that commented earlier is an actually doc, but he thinks I should actually bake more... Not calling him out, but simply stating baking has its place.

I don't know where to begin with this one. You claim you have not had an issue with oxidation as a result of baking. Presumably that is because you have removed all adventitious water with molecular sieves and filled the vials in a glove box and purged the headspace of the vials with an inert gas like nitrogen or argon. Did you? No, you did not. There is some water and oxygen in your vials after filling, enough to oxidize the compound in the oil. Also note that BA and BB can be oxidizers if you heat the mixture enough. Basic chemistry, my friend.

Even if you had taken measures to remove all the water and oxygen, which you did not, how do you know some of the compound has not oxidized on baking? Did you run a mass spec before and after baking and compare the spectra? Run some sort of analytical testing? No, you admit you did not. This is a total hand wave statement on your part. Stop it.

I try to stay out of this shit but these totally baseless statements irritate me.
I don't know where to begin with this one. You claim you have not had an issue with oxidation as a result of baking. Presumably that is because you have removed all adventitious water with molecular sieves and filled the vials in a glove box and purged the headspace of the vials with an inert gas like nitrogen or argon. Did you? No, you did not. There is some water and oxygen in your vials after filling, enough to oxidize the compound in the oil. Also note that BA and BB can be oxidizers if you heat the mixture enough. Basic chemistry, my friend.

Even if you had taken measures to remove all the water and oxygen, which you did not, how do you know some of the compound has not oxidized on baking? Did you run a mass spec before and after baking and compare the spectra? Run some sort of analytical testing? No, you admit you did not. This is a total hand wave statement on your part. Stop it.

I try to stay out of this shit but these totally baseless statements irritate me.
It warms my heart that you are back!
I have a bad feeling about this one. The fact that he mentioned Phurious and Hammer A few pages back is terrifying. I'm curious to know who this guy really is. He's been here before you can tell.
When referring to oxidation in the vials I'm speaking of moisture that results in cloudy gear. Sorry for the confusion.

As I've stated before all it takes is reading to see what has happened here.
When referring to oxidation in the vials I'm speaking of moisture that results in cloudy gear. Sorry for the confusion.

As I've stated before all it takes is reading to see what has happened here.
That's not oxidation, that's contamination with water. Please stop saying shit you don't understand. My five year old can say the word "oxidation" too, fuck, he can spell it. Smart kid. Has no clue what it means.

And yes, I'm one of those anal retentive science types who won't let you hand wave. You're brewing gear, you should know this shit. So stick to talking about what you know. You googled around and found a recipe for brewing. Stick to that. You're a pair of hands following a recipe, not a Nobel chemist.
Nice to hear your kid is well educated. Oxidation is when oxygen combines with an element or addition of an electron which ever definition you prefer. Oxygen contains moisture which in theory could cause oxidation within a vial.

You are correct I'm not an expert and I'll never claim to be. If you've ever bought from a ugl I'm sure they weren't experts either. Again no sarcasm or disrespect intended.
Nice to hear your kid is well educated.

Your sarcasm is duly noted. He's brilliant. Thank god he doesn't take after me or his mother.

Oxidation is when oxygen combines with an element or addition of an electron which ever definition you prefer.

D-. Your regurgitation of the Wikipedia definition is inadequate and again, I can get my 5 year old to regurgitate this, doesn't mean he (or you) understands it.

Oxygen contains moisture which in theory could cause oxidation within a vial.

So wrong it's not even funny...please stop. Oxygen does not contain moisture, it's an element, diatomic oxygen comprises two oxygen atoms. Water is not in the picture, hoss. F.

You are correct I'm not an expert and I'll never claim to be. If you've ever bought from a ugl I'm sure they weren't experts either. Again no sarcasm or disrespect intended.

Nice use of the ad populum logical fallacy. Since every other bathtub UGL is staffed by kitchen chemists, it's ok that you don't have a clue. Totally makes sense to me.

However, you opened the door and started throwing around your vast knowledge, so I'm holding you accountable. I personally think if you are brewing gear for sale, you should be a skilled chemist or at least understand those chemical principles which are relevant to what you are doing. If you peruse a few other "start up" threads you'll notice I'm an anal retentive dick in those too. It's not personal, don't take it as such. But every time you decide to wax poetic about things you know nothing about I'll feel compelled, for the sake of the members who are not conversant with organic chemistry and who might believe your hand waving, to correct your misrepresentations.

Good luck.
Let me start off by saying you seem like a very knowledgeable person and we're both men with families, this board needs more members like you and the insert name here member. Both of you conduct yourselves in a pretty respectable manner, and as a man I do respect that.

I think we are talking about oxygen in two different ways, the chemical structure of oxygen doesn't contain moisture, but in the environment meaning every day exposure to oxygen of course there's moisture in it. There is moisture in the air that we breathe, or brew in. And when I said I wasn't being sarcastic I really meant it, the way society is now we need all the well educated children we can get.
This thread sure delivers, thanks to the likes of lightspan :)

Come on AG you can do better, but better yet you can end it by packing up and taking your show to another place where you *might* be accepted. Just don't take my word for it as you are selling trash that no one really wants.
This thread sure delivers, thanks to the likes of lightspan :)

Come on AG you can do better, but better yet you can end it by packing up and taking your show to another place where you *might* be accepted. Just don't take my word for it as you are selling trash that no one really wants.
Sorry I'm not going to take your opinion in high regards, since you haven't personally tested our gear.

If you are not interested -- that's fine. Other people are, so I'll be around.