Altered Genetics (New Source)

There is nothing to be apprehensive about. We have created a secure website for all customers. What other source is openly posting vids and pics of them labmaxing their gear?

From reading members encounters their seems to be more failed LM than passes and when a product fails their source doesn't accept LM as an test of their gear.
There is nothing to be apprehensive about. We have created a secure website for all customers. What other source is openly posting vids and pics of them labmaxing their gear?

From reading members encounters their seems to be more failed LM than passes and when a product fails their source doesn't accept LM as an test of their gear.

How are you ensuring that all of your products are properly dosed since most ugls come out with 60-70% purity max
Hi, I am openly saying that my raws have not been ms/hplc. So I make sure to overdosed each and every batch, not to the point where I think would begin to cause pip. All I have to go on are bloods which have came back capped thus far, except for a customer who assured me his will be uncapped and done with the next week or so. My goal is a minimum of 7x and if it doesn't come back reflecting that then I will adjust dosing on the next brew
Hi, I am openly saying that my raws have not been ms/hplc. So I make sure to overdosed each and every batch, not to the point where I think would begin to cause pip. All I have to go on are bloods which have came back capped thus far, except for a customer who assured me his will be uncapped and done with the next week or so. My goal is a minimum of 7x and if it doesn't come back reflecting that then I will adjust dosing on the next brew

Wow so you come here and open up shop and have no fucking clue what your test is dosed at?? Fuck off
Does any source really know?
We use bloods as a gauge, and I know how much raw I use per brew when overdosing it.

I've read enough about you you seem to be a valuable member here, I understand from reading hammers thread that u want to protect the community because you felt u kinda lead them to him.

I am not him,but I do respect your concern and wanting to not allow that to happen again.

When you home brew your gear do you know the real dose? Have you ever given your brew to friends? And I'm not talking about the fina in the first question, but I am in the second.
Why are you dragging this out, AG? You aren't wanted here and no one is interested in your products as far I can tell in this thread. You do sound like someone who has been here before under another handle.

Very soon the big guns here will come out and expose you for the liar you are!

And you seem to rapidly forget this is NOT a source board but a board where sources come to die ;)
Does any source really know?
We use bloods as a gauge, and I know how much raw I use per brew when overdosing it.

I've read enough about you you seem to be a valuable member here, I understand from reading hammers thread that u want to protect the community because you felt u kinda lead them to him.

I am not him,but I do respect your concern and wanting to not allow that to happen again.

When you home brew your gear do you know the real dose? Have you ever given your brew to friends? And I'm not talking about the fina in the first question, but I am in the second.

This is where I call BS. You've been here less then a week but your saying you dug up some pretty old threads and read them. Bull shit, who are you?

When I home brew I run it on myself and have bloods done, that gives me a pretty good idea of how its dosed. Makes sense ehh??? Why you think you could come here with 0 testing is beyond me.
Okay so you use bloods to gauge dosing, thanks for agreeing.

Any new member can read back as far as this board dates, I've read about stretch, hammer, mike strong, phurious, I've read the thread where someone asked if dr Jim can be trusted.

It's all here. Oh and about astro too
Okay so you use bloods to gauge dosing, thanks for agreeing.

Any new member can read back as far as this board dates, I've read about stretch, hammer, mike strong, phurious, I've read the thread where someone asked if dr Jim can be trusted.

It's all here. Oh and about astro too

What lab name did you use, on your last attempt on Meso AG ? Cleary this isn't your first failing attempt! Stage left please...
EXCATLY he's saying he's read threads that are over a 1000 pages long and are buried in the Underground. Astro and MS threads are way the fuck in back. Guy has been here less then a week. Buyers beware. This is EXCATLY why I don't use UGL's because I helped bury many of them and they come back under a differnt name. This one openly admitted that he's dosing by what he THINKS is good. He has no clue
I've have never been on this board or any other, before posting. I repeat myself once again. I actually read and do research, if I hadn't Done research someone would complain and since I did they still complain
Are you going to answer? I've already answered yours
I asked YOU the question. Care to answer it?

Nope, guess not. So why not take the time to leave quietly before a ruckus starts. The only way for you to save yourself right now.

I've have never been on this board or any other, before posting. I repeat myself once again. I actually read and do research, if I hadn't Done research someone would complain and since I did they still complain
Oh so you saying this is your first time? I don't think you are telling the truth, so spare yourself the BS just leave before your lies get exposed.

Or are you going to trot out your buddy Hammer again like last time???
Like I said before guys this guy is not new to Meso, and I don't believe for a minute he's new to sourcing either! Hmmm....Pep perhaps?
EXCATLY he's saying he's read threads that are over a 1000 pages long and are buried in the Underground. Astro and MS threads are way the fuck in back. Guy has been here less then a week. Buyers beware. This is EXCATLY why I don't use UGL's because I helped bury many of them and they come back under a differnt name. This one openly admitted that he's dosing by what he THINKS is good. He has no clue

You just said you do the same thing until you get bloods, hypocritical much? What's your point if you google certain things it will take you to it no matter the date.

I am not trying to be disrespectful towards you, but it really only takes the search bar to find out anything on here. So your friends have never ran any of your brews??
I asked YOU the question. Care to answer it?

Nope, guess not. So why not take the time to leave quietly before a ruckus starts. The only way for you to save yourself right now.

Oh so you saying this is your first time? I don't think you are telling the truth, so spare yourself the BS just leave before your lies get exposed.

Or are you going to trot out your buddy Hammer again like last time???

Yet again you avoid the question. In my First post stated what boards I am on now.

Care to answer now?