Altered Genetics (New Source)

You just said you do the same thing until you get bloods, hypocritically much? What's your point if you google certain things it will take you to it no matter the date.

I am not trying to be disrespectful towards you, but it really only takes the search bar to find out anything on here. So your friends have never ran any of your brews??

lol I do the same thing for my own knowledge. I don't sell, the only time I ever did was a very small batch of the strongest tren on the planet. ( fina) The only reason I sold that is because I knew that it couldn't come back to haunt me because its 100% tren. So NO I DONT DO THE SAME THING. I would never put a product out there without knowing the dose and quality of it. Even with having bloods on a product I still wouldn't sell on Meso to be honest. You fucked up coming here. In all your research I guess you missed that NO SOURCES LAST HERE. Not only do they not last but we destroy their rep on ALL BOARDS
You do realize no ugl knows the exact dosing right? But you have used plenty. You brew and use without knowing the concentration but that's okay. You sold fina, I'm sure you've offered it or sold it to members on here... Which is technically sourcing.

Don't say you've never offered because I've seen you post to manny asking if he wanted some
I've have never been on this board or any other, before posting. I repeat myself once again. I actually read and do research, if I hadn't Done research someone would complain and since I did they still complain
So you wanted to be soooo prepared for your big entrance on Meso you read all those old threads hey ! But in turn you forget to mass spec your Raws. As well seems Doc had to teach you a lesson on your bake process. Yeah that hard research you put in on those old threads paid off buddy ! o_O
You do realize no ugl knows the exact dosing right? But you have used plenty. You brew and use without knowing the concentration but that's okay. You sold fina, I'm sure you've offered it or sold it to members on here... Which is technically sourcing.

Don't say you've never offered because I've seen you post to manny asking if he wanted some

@Manny This guy says I offered you some Fina. Can you please tell this guy that I have NEVER asked you to buy my fina.

Yes its okay for me to experiment with my own body and not use others as my lab rats
You do realize no ugl knows the exact dosing right? But you have used plenty. You brew and use without knowing the concentration but that's okay. You sold fina, I'm sure you've offered it or sold it to members on here... Which is technically sourcing.

Don't say you've never offered because I've seen you post to manny asking if he wanted some

So how many years, I mean how long have you been lurking here? :rolleyes:
@Manny This guy says I offered you some Fina. Can you please tell this guy that I have NEVER asked you to buy my fina. lol

Yes its okay for me to experiment with my own body and not use others as my lab rats

I didn't say buy. I said offered it was either manny or that Boston guy. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Here's the question to sum it up. have you ever Asked/offered your brew to any one on here??
So you can go back and quote my older post, but can't scroll up to see a question really?

Okay the question was have you EVER used ANY source from this board?? Any including pharmacist, pharmacom and ultimate? ANY?
I haven't used any source here as yet. There is your answer.
Hi, I am openly saying that my raws have not been ms/hplc. So I make sure to overdosed each and every batch, not to the point where I think would begin to cause pip. All I have to go on are bloods which have came back capped thus far, except for a customer who assured me his will be uncapped and done with the next week or so. My goal is a minimum of 7x and if it doesn't come back reflecting that then I will adjust dosing on the next brew

24K that you?
@Manny This guy says I offered you some Fina. Can you please tell this guy that I have NEVER asked you to buy my fina.

Yes its okay for me to experiment with my own body and not use others as my lab rats
What the fuck!!!! If you had i would have gotten some, only heard g9od shit about fina. @Altered Genetics , who are you man? You don't know you? You and i have never had a conversation that i know of. If you are a bro from meso let us all know. I guess i now have to read this whole thread and see what is really going on.
I think he might be Phurious. He knows to much about me and Meso. Stuff that would take weeks worth of reading and digging up. Also his labels are the same tacky colors as Phurious
Have you purchased from any though?
No not from any

I think he might be Phurious. He knows to much about me and Meso. Stuff that would take weeks worth of reading and digging up. Also his labels are the same tacky colors as Phurious
Think you are onto something, and if this is true watch this thread really blow up like the last one did!

So Phurious, what made you decide to come back after that last beating you got? Also you got a beatdown over at SG as well so what you have to say about that?
What the fuck!!!! If you had i would have gotten some, only heard g9od shit about fina. @Altered Genetics , who are you man? You don't know you? You and i have never had a conversation that i know of. If you are a bro from meso let us all know. I guess i now have to read this whole thread and see what is really going on.

If it wasn't you, I apologize. It was the Boston guy then. I know I saw him offer it bottom line and if he's a man he will admit to it