Anabolic Empire - EU Domestic

Welcome. Do you plan to add some more pharmacy products to the DE warehouse and if yes, which ones?

I think you will be able to source Turkish products easily to Germany.
Hi, to be honest we dont have a good contact to a turkish supplier for pharmacy products and the german customs are strict.
we plan to get HGH and Peptides next for the german warehouse.
man im glad you have labs and discounts on these, but how are your numbers off by so much on your injectables?

what was the error?
i thought germans were precise
hey, oh man cant say anything against it. i just can tell you that we are straight honest with everything and we will improve from batch to batch, like we said we are not a huge pharmacompany, but we are honest and willing to improve.

german precision will come, promise!
Hi, to be honest we dont have a good contact to a turkish supplier for pharmacy products and the german customs are strict.
we plan to get HGH and Peptides next for the german warehouse.
I am desperately waiting for the HGH by you guys :) hoping you have it in your supply soon. :)
@Anabolic Empire Would you consider sending more tabs for testing to see variance in tabs, most do this and I know most customers would appreciate this.

Do you offer anything for blindtesting?
Hi mate, thank you for these good advice, which number is common ?
we will sent soon our new dianabol, letrozol and mk677 batch to janosh, first time we make tabs and not caps :))
Hi mate, thank you for these good advice, which number is common ?
we will sent soon our new dianabol, letrozol and mk677 batch to janosh, first time we make tabs and not caps :))
Usually 3 tabs I guess, when will the dianabol be available?

Also you didnt answer if you offer any credit for blindtesting?