if you actually took the time to read you would see that i posted just to pm me for the discount code instead of putting your handle in the order.I have protocols and its none of your buisness brother.I said very early in my postings customer info is not saved and i have the right to not disclose any of my methods.Its very absurd you would even think someone would give you that information on an open board.I do understand that you and a few others do this just to be accepted as the meso police and hate all sources supposedly and actually accuse and flame a source for absolutely nothing at all but just to be cool and feel like someone speacial.That is okay.I will continue to sell good products to customers and you will continue to do your thing.
It is our business, fuck-face, it's our information and we want to know what you do with it. Its absurd that you think you can set up shop here and dictate what's best for us. Remember: YOU made the claims I've been hounding you about, I didn't make them up! Aside from a few, this isn't a paid board eager to suck source dick. This is our board, not yours, shape up or ship out!
The fact that you dance, deflect, and cite security over your supposed data wiping is ridiculous - if you knew what you were doing and/or had a protcol in place, you wouldn't be the slightest concerned. But go ahead, keep up the charade.
Question, fuck-face...if you don't store/save customers information, then how do you handle a problem with an order? How do you verify they purchased, what they purchased, and when they purchased?
"I do understand that you and a few others do this just to be accepted as the meso police and hate all sources supposedly and actually accuse and flame a source for absolutely nothing at all but just to be cool and feel like someone speacial"
Really, how did you come to understand that (quote above)? Some butthurt "member" PM you looking to make friends? lol