I've never had surgery, but my in my lower back my nerves are being pancaked. I've had stretches to where the slightest bit of movement in my neck / back would trigger what I call a paralyzing pain. Thankfully for the last 1.5 years I've felt pretty good. Everyday I feel something in my back, but it's minor. I've found that yoga back stretching + core exercises have helped. And making sure my posture is good, especially when seated. Sleeping on my stomach is a no go, too.
When I first hurt my back I was starting to deadlift. And I'm the type that likes to go as heavy as possible. Even though I was new to that movement, I thought I was keeping good form. And I remember before that I'd feel a burn in my lower back from squatting. I used to love heavy low rep squats. Maybe my core was very weak and I had an imbalance of strength? I was always trying to go heavier every workout and maybe I didn't give my body enough time to adapt? And I wasn't one for switching my routine around to lighter / higher reps. Looking back on it, I never gave my body a rest.
I feel bad for anyone that has an injury that takes away from the enjoyment of their life. But I can really sympathize with neck and back issues. I hope all is well with you and that you can remain pain free.
Take care bro.