Steroid Profile Anadrol

Keep ralox on hand and don't start taking 100mg right out of the gate, start at 40mg and gauge how you feel before you work your way up.
Great advice. Agree start low and see. Eventually most find a good spot between 75-100 daily. Depends on your goals and other cycle compounds. TBH I have found Drol most useful at the backend of a cycle the last 6 weeks or so. It really helps to give the muscles a nice full look that isn’t always achievable with other compounds. Keep your diet in check and Drol can assist with achieving amazing results.
@Bill Roberts profiles oxymetholone (Anadrol). He discusses dosages, side effects, side effect management, and even Anadrol use by women. Tell us what you think of this profile. Anadrol is not just a bodybuilding drug but really popular among powerlifters too and I know many of you have experience to share. For which situations and goals is it best suited? What are your favorite stacks with it? Please discuss.

Good info
I was very interested to try Drol on the back end of this Test and Primo cycle and got some Turkish Anapolan.

Wow it hits immediately - I started yesterday with 50mg (2 x 25mg) and had itchy nips within about 5 hours!

Muscles were a lot fuller after 8 or 9 hours. Crazy how quick it started working

Itching has only ever been on the left side but started on the right also yesterday

It also killed my libido yesterday. It was quite high then an hour after the Drol, zero

As the itching wasn’t intense I tried 2 x 25mg today also. Libido zero again and it’s made me feel a bit depressed as well

What’s going on with the mood and libido - what’s the mechanism it’s causing that (other than it’s not a drug I should take)

Is there anything other than a SERM that can stop the gyno? I don’t use SERMs after learning some people get bad eye damage from them

Although the SERM question is moot point because the mood effects show it’s not for me right?

FYI I’m running 750 Test Enanthate a week and 300 Primo a week - and feel excellent on this.

300 Primo and I have no aromatisation sides from 750 test - I’m pretty dry actually. For some perspective on how powerfully the Drol has added the itchy nips !

More than 300 Primo with 750 Test and the Primo makes my mood go from excellent to depressed also.

As an example last week I tried 400 primo by using 200 on Monday not 100, and Monday to Wednesday felt pretty crappy

About the tolerate Dbol/ don’t tolerate Drol and vice Versa - yeah I can take 50mg Dbol without gyno worries and feel great on it.

Very interesting how we react differently to these things !
Anadrol is the best oral. Period. You can utilize it for bulking, cutting, etc. Great for strength and quality tissue gains. If you’re lean already and you add it to the back end of a cycle, it imparts a nice full look to the muscles that other compounds don’t achieve - provided your nutritional aspects are managed properly. I like 75mg daily as a sweet spot. I think that bad sides are overblown and somewhat folk lore. That being said, Anadrol is no joke - keep an eye on your health markers. Keep a SERM on hand in case of gyno flare up as an AI will not help with this compound. My favourite stack is any that include Anadrol. If you can’t grow on Anadrol and test then nothing will work!
You have me intrigued by this compound and I am going to explore it a bit more.
Have run it a couple times at 2 different doses. 100mg split and 50mg split. Got to say for me the sides are dose dependent but it is currently my favorite oral...
Hey bud 34 here looking g to run an oral for first cycle I know how to find the I j. But what about the oral
If you don't mind me asking
I was very interested to try Drol on the back end of this Test and Primo cycle and got some Turkish Anapolan.

Wow it hits immediately - I started yesterday with 50mg (2 x 25mg) and had itchy nips within about 5 hours!

Muscles were a lot fuller after 8 or 9 hours. Crazy how quick it started working

Itching has only ever been on the left side but started on the right also yesterday

It also killed my libido yesterday. It was quite high then an hour after the Drol, zero

As the itching wasn’t intense I tried 2 x 25mg today also. Libido zero again and it’s made me feel a bit depressed as well

What’s going on with the mood and libido - what’s the mechanism it’s causing that (other than it’s not a drug I should take)

Is there anything other than a SERM that can stop the gyno? I don’t use SERMs after learning some people get bad eye damage from them

Although the SERM question is moot point because the mood effects show it’s not for me right?

FYI I’m running 750 Test Enanthate a week and 300 Primo a week - and feel excellent on this.

300 Primo and I have no aromatisation sides from 750 test - I’m pretty dry actually. For some perspective on how powerfully the Drol has added the itchy nips !

More than 300 Primo with 750 Test and the Primo makes my mood go from excellent to depressed also.

As an example last week I tried 400 primo by using 200 on Monday not 100, and Monday to Wednesday felt pretty crappy

About the tolerate Dbol/ don’t tolerate Drol and vice Versa - yeah I can take 50mg Dbol without gyno worries and feel great on it.

Very interesting how we react differently to these things

It's interesting review ....

If i take Anadrol only 50mg daily i have a bad effect on the mind, it's strange effect the opposite of Dianabol, it's like as if i was in an anxious environment, i am constantly on alert, as if negative things were going to happen during the day, and for the night i have everytime nightmare and i wake up early without problem.
About physical, i gain lot pounds, but a big part are from the water (not sure if it's water retention sub-cutaneous, or intra-muscular / hypetrophy) with high BP, high vascularity, awesome pump too.

When i stop i lose around 60/70% of the water in a few days (around 1/2 weeks)

If i take Anadrol 50mg + 10mg Nolvadex i feel a lot better, i don't have the bad feeling, generally i sleep well, the BP are not high like when i take Anadrol single, less water retention, better quality gain, always good vascularity / pump.

For both my liver don't like this compound, when i was younger i tolerated orals better like today, but recently i tried only UG lab, younger i used good quality gear like British Dispensary for Androlic 50 and Anabol 5, liver less stressed at the same dose ... maybe because i'm older or i use a product with less quality.

About Primo if your feel better with 300mg it's surely because this dose + your dose of test have a good ratio for you, when your take more Primo you have a impact on your estradiol surely very low, it's why surely you don't feel great when your add more Primo.

Run with only 300mg Primo and 750mg test after 6/8 weeks give a blood work.

Change your dose of Primo and after few weeks send another blood work and check your value.

Actually i use TRT 125mg Test Enanthate + 100mg primo i plan to add 100mg primo in a few weeks and see how i react.
I'm very sensitive to the convertion of the test, when i add 100mg primo i have less side effect, better mood, more energy etc ..

Remind Primo work in RBC, test too, so you need surely to check your hematocrit, sometime the bad feeling come from high hematocrit.

Take Care <3
Great advice. Agree start low and see. Eventually most find a good spot between 75-100 daily. Depends on your goals and other cycle compounds. TBH I have found Drol most useful at the backend of a cycle the last 6 weeks or so. It really helps to give the muscles a nice full look that isn’t always achievable with other compounds. Keep your diet in check and Drol can assist with achieving amazing results.
yea yea all that talk but im bigger bud.

Ive been on a tren only cycle for 2 weeks now pip squeak... (ur small bud)
(so are my testies)

this is my peak physique and in jjjjjjjj JACKED! real bigger than you lil bro

look and get MOGGED youll never be this big...
yea yea all that talk but im bigger bud.

Ive been on a tren only cycle for 2 weeks now pip squeak... (ur small bud)
(so are my testies)

this is my peak physique and in jjjjjjjj JACKED! real bigger than you lil bro

look and get MOGGED youll never be this big...
Ok then…
I did lipid tests after 3 weeks of taking anadrol at a dose of 50-100 mg. My LDL increased by 30% and my HDL decreased by over 60%

I am a bit surprised by the results, because on dbol my lipid profile was good, especially the HDL on it was really fine
I did lipid tests after 3 weeks of taking anadrol at a dose of 50-100 mg. My LDL increased by 30% and my HDL decreased by over 60%

I am a bit surprised by the results, because on dbol my lipid profile was good, especially the HDL on it was really fine
Yeah DHT's are hard on my lipids too.
I dont know how much the effect of DHT derivatives has on lipids and how much the fact that these compounds do not aromatize

I wonder how Tbol would affect them

It's interesting review ....

If i take Anadrol only 50mg daily i have a bad effect on the mind, it's strange effect the opposite of Dianabol, it's like as if i was in an anxious environment, i am constantly on alert, as if negative things were going to happen during the day, and for the night i have everytime nightmare and i wake up early without problem.
About physical, i gain lot pounds, but a big part are from the water (not sure if it's water retention sub-cutaneous, or intra-muscular / hypetrophy) with high BP, high vascularity, awesome pump too.

When i stop i lose around 60/70% of the water in a few days (around 1/2 weeks)

If i take Anadrol 50mg + 10mg Nolvadex i feel a lot better, i don't have the bad feeling, generally i sleep well, the BP are not high like when i take Anadrol single, less water retention, better quality gain, always good vascularity / pump.

For both my liver don't like this compound, when i was younger i tolerated orals better like today, but recently i tried only UG lab, younger i used good quality gear like British Dispensary for Androlic 50 and Anabol 5, liver less stressed at the same dose ... maybe because i'm older or i use a product with less quality.

About Primo if your feel better with 300mg it's surely because this dose + your dose of test have a good ratio for you, when your take more Primo you have a impact on your estradiol surely very low, it's why surely you don't feel great when your add more Primo.

Run with only 300mg Primo and 750mg test after 6/8 weeks give a blood work.

Change your dose of Primo and after few weeks send another blood work and check your value.

Actually i use TRT 125mg Test Enanthate + 100mg primo i plan to add 100mg primo in a few weeks and see how i react.
I'm very sensitive to the convertion of the test, when i add 100mg primo i have less side effect, better mood, more energy etc ..

Remind Primo work in RBC, test too, so you need surely to check your hematocrit, sometime the bad feeling come from high hematocrit.

Take Care <3
I get similar effects
One of my most memorable bulk ups of all time was with anadrol at all time heaviest about 260lbs. Strength increase was definitely very notable. Bench 415lbs. Squat over 500lbs. To remember it now it was damn fun. However side effects, blood pressure and outside the gym heaviness, climbing stairs was cardio for me back then. I felt like a bear. Now, I would definitely choose something better and lighter like anavar over it.
I'm trying to get a read on anadrol and its tendency to flare up gyno. Most people say you need to take a SERM like nolvadex along with anadrol and it won't create any gyno.

I hear lately that mast acts like a SERM and despite the potentially high e2 on paper, when mast is on cycle it negates gyno flare ups.

Does that mean that in a hypothetical cycle with 300 Test, 400 mast, 100 NPP and some anadrol occasionally preworkout gyno is out of the picture because of the mast? Or an actual SERM is still needed? This thing confused me.
I'm trying to get a read on anadrol and its tendency to flare up gyno. Most people say you need to take a SERM like nolvadex along with anadrol and it won't create any gyno.

I hear lately that mast acts like a SERM and despite the potentially high e2 on paper, when mast is on cycle it negates gyno flare ups.

Does that mean that in a hypothetical cycle with 300 Test, 400 mast, 100 NPP and some anadrol occasionally preworkout gyno is out of the picture because of the mast? Or an actual SERM is still needed? This thing confused me.
The mast can be less effective with npp in there. Npp makes the e2 more strong with the same levels. Also the activation of e2 receptor in breast tissue depends on the binding affinity of a ligand. If anadrol had a higher affinity then mast can not really do anything. There is no research for this.
Best thing is to experiment it for you self. First mast and test only then add npp then add anadrol. One variable at a time
I'm trying to get a read on anadrol and its tendency to flare up gyno. Most people say you need to take a SERM like nolvadex along with anadrol and it won't create any gyno.

I hear lately that mast acts like a SERM and despite the potentially high e2 on paper, when mast is on cycle it negates gyno flare ups.

Does that mean that in a hypothetical cycle with 300 Test, 400 mast, 100 NPP and some anadrol occasionally preworkout gyno is out of the picture because of the mast? Or an actual SERM is still needed? This thing confused me.
Does anadrol raise estrogen?
The mast can be less effective with npp in there. Npp makes the e2 more strong with the same levels. Also the activation of e2 receptor in breast tissue depends on the binding affinity of a ligand. If anadrol had a higher affinity then mast can not really do anything. There is no research for this.
Best thing is to experiment it for you self. First mast and test only then add npp then add anadrol. One variable at a time

Yeah i know that about NPP but it still reacts with e2 through a different mechanism than anadrol. I agree about one variable at a time, it's the safest method. I'm just curious how it works, that's all.

Does anadrol raise estrogen?

Not directly but it contributes to gyno and that's not from prolactin either. Also they say no matter how low or high your e2 is and despite the AI dosage you take it can still flare up gyno and only a SERM work with anadrol.
Yeah i know that about NPP but it still reacts with e2 through a different mechanism than anadrol. I agree about one variable at a time, it's the safest method. I'm just curious how it works, that's all.

Not directly but it contributes to gyno and that's not from prolactin either. Also they say no matter how low or high your e2 is and despite the AI dosage you take it can still flare up gyno and only a SERM work with anadrol.
Yes if Drol causes issues with Gino then a SERM is required. Nolva does the trick…