Steroid Profile Anadrol

I'm taking It again now, 25-50mg I love the lean size and mood If brings prior to workout.. God forbid I take It soon before bed though - I will wake up nonstop and mind racing, weird dreams.

I always hear more about Anadrol, I watch many BB podcasts and It's always that drug that comes up in topic and pretty much you can't go wrong with It, Definitely kills my appetite a bit and slight lack of excitement, mentally down I guess.

Interesting a few people actually who had analyzed my physique during the start of Anadrol and probably 1-2 weeks In without knowing the effects specifically or maybe if I was even taking It told me I look "slimmer but same amount or more muscle" Lol.. seems accurate :p
Yet to try this beast at 25-50mg alongside a cruise dose of 250T or so...

Always ran it at 100-150mg/day in the past for a short time like 2-3 weeks to break through a strength plateau. Worked well. Now I'm more interested what effect do lower dosages bring.
If on trt, coming off anadrol, do gains fade very fast? I keep reading you blow up on drol but gains fade fast after stopping it.