Steroid Profile Anadrol

I'm taking It again now, 25-50mg I love the lean size and mood If brings prior to workout.. God forbid I take It soon before bed though - I will wake up nonstop and mind racing, weird dreams.

I always hear more about Anadrol, I watch many BB podcasts and It's always that drug that comes up in topic and pretty much you can't go wrong with It, Definitely kills my appetite a bit and slight lack of excitement, mentally down I guess.

Interesting a few people actually who had analyzed my physique during the start of Anadrol and probably 1-2 weeks In without knowing the effects specifically or maybe if I was even taking It told me I look "slimmer but same amount or more muscle" Lol.. seems accurate :p
Yet to try this beast at 25-50mg alongside a cruise dose of 250T or so...

Always ran it at 100-150mg/day in the past for a short time like 2-3 weeks to break through a strength plateau. Worked well. Now I'm more interested what effect do lower dosages bring.
If on trt, coming off anadrol, do gains fade very fast? I keep reading you blow up on drol but gains fade fast after stopping it.
If on trt, coming off anadrol, do gains fade very fast? I keep reading you blow up on drol but gains fade fast after stopping it.
In my experience dbol and drol gains fade away almost instantly. What I mean by gains is that look, crazy traps, chest pop and illusion of being huge visually and of course strength stall. Actual gains in size and str might be somewhat keepable after all is said and done, but don't expect magic. Orals are so fun, but short term thing.
Orals are performance in a pill, mainly Anadrol, yes they give you a "look" but what they do, they enhance your performance very fast so you can gain more muscle.

In any case, I see only Anadrol for long term usage and even it, it's not for all people....
On Professional Muscle there a guy, ERGO that stayed on 100mg Anapolons (Oxys) for more than 15y non stop without any issues to liver or other organs.

A friend of mine can't use it for more.that 3w at 100mg without vomiting his brain off.

Use more injectables instead adding orals...
If on trt, coming off anadrol, do gains fade very fast? I keep reading you blow up on drol but gains fade fast after stopping it.
In my experience, it depends on how you are dosing?

If using pwo, then the orals aren't the real driver of growth, but can give a nice extra boost during the workout and the hours after when your body is really kicking into recovery. I don't think you lose anything since your injectable base is the main driver.

If you are daily dosing orals as a part of your cycle, and you expect them to be a driver of growth, then I think they need to be ran long enough to get actual growth. I personally don't feel that four to six weeks is long enough; eight to twelve weeks is more reasonable - and this holds true for injectables as well. You shouldn't expect much from a six week cycle of anything. However, if you run orals at say four weeks on, four off as a part of your longer injectable cycle, then I think that is a reasonable way to go and you shouldn't lose anything other than the cosmetic effect they have.

I won't discuss oral only cycles since most here on Meso know that is fools gold. Not saying some of us haven't done it (averts eyes, shuffles feet. .)
Thanks for the replies! I know injectibles are the main drivers of growth over time but I’m 45 now and don’t want long term blasts anymore, raises my BP for too long, increases my HCT, etc. I love deca add on to trt but read about it’s negative cardiovascular effects and arrhythmias etc, so I was thinking quick 6 week blast of prop and drol then maintain with my trt…. I’ll maybe try it once, but for health maybe I stick with 120 mg test a week and add on 120 deca 6 months or so a year , thoughts?
Thanks for the replies! I know injectibles are the main drivers of growth over time but I’m 45 now and don’t want long term blasts anymore, raises my BP for too long, increases my HCT, etc. I love deca add on to trt but read about it’s negative cardiovascular effects and arrhythmias etc, so I was thinking quick 6 week blast of prop and drol then maintain with my trt…. I’ll maybe try it once, but for health maybe I stick with 120 mg test a week and add on 120 deca 6 months or so a year , thoughts?
It's a good thing to be mindful and smart about it. I think we don't always need to measure gains in lbm or strength. Sometimes it's about muscle maturity. I swear that after every blast, I notice my muscles look different at the same body fat and not so big difference in weight.
If anyone interested…I have Iranian pharmacy anadrol 50. anadrol connoisseurs know:)
Those pills are little nuclear bombs man. I have a few left