Sorry I have a question here. I know proviron has anit-estrogen effect, and to some degree, it could negate the need for a traditional anti-estrogen. So does it also suppress testosterone production? Couldn't it be helpful in a PCT?
The "anti-estrogenic" effect of Proviron is more bro science than anything else.
Have you investigated this claim for supportive evidence?
I doubt it bc, if the effects of Proviron as an anti-E-2 agent were significant it would be classified as an antiestrogenic drug rather than an ANABOLIC STEROID, and perhaps would have undergone studies to determine its efficacy as an effective form of therapy for breast CA patients.
The effects of Proviron are primarily mediated thru altering the affinity of androgens and/or E-2 to SHBG. The net result is very short lived with androgens being displaced into serum in exchange for estrogens, primarily E-2.
Although such changes CAN result in considerable changes in vitro the effect is absolutely PALTRY in vivo with a FIVE LITER volume of distribution.
Finally even PROVIRON suppresses LH/FSH secretion in spite on its pathetic anabolic capabilities.
As Dr Scally has mentioned the PRIMARY REASON many AAS users "fail PCT" is the continued use of AAS during SERM therapy.
The reason is often overlooked, bc of the emphasis placed on modulating (blocking) the effects of EDTROGEN on the HTPA, but the presence of ANDROGENS and ALL AAS can also markedly suppress gonadotropin secretion.
To that end MANY BB have attempted to cheat those physiologic processes responsible for a "loss of gains" during PCT but the continued use of AAS will only delay HTPA recovery.
What does all this mean? You want to keep all those gains then you must continue to use those substances required for their acquisition, namely AAS.
Want proof ask ANY professional BB.