Anavar and lethargy


New Member
I started two weeks ago with 5mg morning and 5mg evening. Then upped it to 15 mg split into 3x day. I feel terrible. The acne is unreal, my stomach is bloated due to constipation. (I have since upped my water intake) But, the worst part is that I feel absolutely miserable. No strength gains, no new visible muscle mass, I just feel terribly depressed and lethargic.

I don't want to quit taking it all together and abort the cycle, but thinking I might have to.

Does it get better? or is it possible that anavar and I don't mix.
Hi there,

If you don't mind sharing, who is your source? I'm only asking because Anavar is one of the most highly faked compounds, so it is extremely important to check the authenticity. Also, did you Labmax it?

If what you have is in fact oxandrolone, you might feel a little at ease to know that a lot of women experience lethargy in the first couple weeks of cycling, along with other sides such as stomach pain or headaches. It's just your body getting used to the influx of hormones.

I know you said you upped your water intake but how much exactly are you drinking? You want to aim for at least 1 and 1/2 gallons a day, at minimum. Also, how is your fiber intake?

I understand that you don't want to give it up but if these sides continue and you still feel like crap a week from now, it's probably best to listen to your body and stop cycling. From all the research I've done, it seems that most folks level out a couple weeks after, but there are the rare instances where some people just can't handle it.

It's better to be safe than sorry. I hope things turn around for you soon. Good luck.
I started two weeks ago with 5mg morning and 5mg evening. Then upped it to 15 mg split into 3x day. I feel terrible. The acne is unreal, my stomach is bloated due to constipation. (I have since upped my water intake) But, the worst part is that I feel absolutely miserable. No strength gains, no new visible muscle mass, I just feel terribly depressed and lethargic.

I don't want to quit taking it all together and abort the cycle, but thinking I might have to.

Does it get better? or is it possible that anavar and I don't mix.

lethargy, for some, hangs around for the first 2 weeks as your body is getting adjusted and things start changing - hormones, diet, training, etc.... if it doesn't and based on the other sides you are listing, it could very well be diet. That's what I am leaning towards not the var.

Adjust your diet, and water intake. Have a look at what you are consuming and make the adjustments. There are a few ways of going about it. One, and this seems to work for most, increase your protein and good fats intake... as for carbs, maybe need change or adjust the choices you make and incorporate fibrous carbs as you may not be consuming enough. (at least seems that way from what you described)
turns out im sick with a sinus infection :(
thank you all! yeah i got my lab max kit before i got the var :)
Im sure that doesnt mean an absolute, but at least ruled out dbol and winstrol.
water oh my water...I have always tried to get in a gallon a day , but var has made me drink like a camel. the first week i just didnt realize how important it im up to 1 1/2 gal and trying to figure out how to get down more while at work.
Ive been working long hours, and that has thrown my routine off. Im not eating as much as i was and havent been good about logging it lately. just bad timing with work ing extra hours and starting a new cycle...but i work at a gym so i get to workout everyday! :)
still hoping this subsides..the acne has already gotten much better...but im just tired and dont have an energy boost or strength increase like i was really admiring from some of the other logs of ladies who have run it.
but im just tired and dont have an energy boost or strength increase like i was really admiring from some of the other logs of ladies who have run it.

Diet, stress management, prioritizing meal prep and training have been the keys to keep up the intense pace that produces results in the case of my cycle. I've had great performance enhancement, but not without really focusing and being consistent with the routine no matter what.

Hope it gets better for ya! :)