*Another* MESO-Rx Ranking System

I know Peter Attia counts this as a longevity test and has different levels of below/above/elite by age and gender, can’t remember what those are though.

Would think there has to be some sort of BW component though because it’s not fair to say that me holding up my body weight at an FFMI of 25 is the same as some giant near 30.
Very nice. Will check that out.

The equation above straight forward and I'm sure you could put some exponent on the body mass to account for human body size / allometry but as long as we are all just trying for more time then all good. I'll refrain from anymore complexity and try to make this fun for a change.
Anyone have any input on official categories vs scores please feel free to share. I just made up the 40 to 50 as it seemed really challenging floor to set.

Also, report score and time or just score on leader board? I feel like some handicap is needed for bodyweight to enter the math.
Score time definitely as is interesting to be able to compare the top 3 or top 5 times or rankings in general.

It is true that lighter people would have a massive advantage on this.

Maybe the equation should change, but I suck at mathematical formulas so I leave it to the others! Lol

Should you make a deadhang competition thread? We used to do some of this in another forum I am in from longer time, there will be the thread of the comp, be it a squat challenge or military press or whatever challenge and a leaderboard. (The only difficulty here is that you have some sort of timer in the editing, there you can edit a post whenever you like so it was easy to modify the rankings/leader board.)

Usually we would set up a time like 4 or 5 weeks (or more depending on how many participants involved and type of comp)

In the past we even used to do the best 3 months transformation challenge with before and after pictures, the other forum is much smaller but back then so many people participated and even a supplement company sponsored a couple of prizes it was great.

Food for thoughts as this forum is huge and can become a healthy way to share our gym passion/addiction
I know Peter Attia counts this as a longevity test and has different levels of below/above/elite by age and gender, can’t remember what those are though.

Would think there has to be some sort of BW component though because it’s not fair to say that me holding up my body weight at an FFMI of 25 is the same as some giant near 30.
This is real good
Score time definitely as is interesting to be able to compare the top 3 or top 5 times or rankings in general.

It is true that lighter people would have a massive advantage on this.

Maybe the equation should change, but I suck at mathematical formulas so I leave it to the others! Lol

Should you make a deadhang competition thread? We used to do some of this in another forum I am in from longer time, there will be the thread of the comp, be it a squat challenge or military press or whatever challenge and a leaderboard. (The only difficulty here is that you have some sort of timer in the editing, there you can edit a post whenever you like so it was easy to modify the rankings/leader board.)

Usually we would set up a time like 4 or 5 weeks (or more depending on how many participants involved and type of comp)

In the past we even used to do the best 3 months transformation challenge with before and after pictures, the other forum is much smaller but back then so many people participated and even a supplement company sponsored a couple of prizes it was great.

Food for thoughts as this forum is huge and can become a healthy way to share our gym passion/addiction
@Millard lots of great ideas here by @IronJohnDoe to really juice this thing up if Mod wanted to take over as a way to build interest / community. Fyi.
No natty athletes allowed.

Now I gotta have them post up their current cycle too. Thanks for more work lol.

** and no cheating. Everyone has to keep doing legs. No purposeful slacking on leg day to cheat.
My mrs trains legs twice a week, she'd literally kick me out of the house if I stop training legs lol (I train them only once a week but my excuse with her is that being a guy I lift heavier and I need more recovery time just don't tell her that is an excuse lol)
I must have missed something, what's the first number?
This, but next time use the search bar my Italian brother, capisci?? (Joking)

Score = dead hang time (s) * body mass (lb) / 1000

Inspired by the recent ranking system mayhem...

There's only one way to settle this now :D. Short of a MESO annual convention, I propose the following formula:

Score = dead hang time (s) * body mass (lb) / 1000

Example for me yesterday:

Score = 118 s * 250 lb / 1000 = 29.5 pound*kiloseconds (lb*ks)

Anybody up in the 40-50 score range? Elite.

Could also handicap for age and sex (and AAS use haha), but you get the idea. Hopefully inspires some time off the keyboard.

Good luck. LFG and post up and your calcs and scores.
Damn brother I just realised you are 250lbs I am trying to actually reach that milestone.

Not sure if I will still have 3 minutes with that extra muscles weight lol

Thank you Brother. Gonna try a run to 275 lean. We will see. The eating component is difficult at my age.

Incredible how some of you can shift weight so quickly but you are all young studs. I just like my canned fish and Brussel sprouts at this point.
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Thank you Brother. Gonna try a run to 275 lean. We will see. The eating component is difficult at my age.

Incredible how some of you can shift weight so quickly but you are all young studs. I just like my canned fish and Brussel sprouts at this point.
Not so young but not old either, I am going for 39 this year :)

How old are you brother if you don't mind me asking.

275 lean it would be really nice indeed.

I have to admit I don't have problems with shifting weight, especially losing weight which during bulk can be annoying as if I just eat one meal less one day I already lose something (ultra fast metabolism plus I walk a lot and this island have a lot of hills and the roads aren't all flats so just in my neighbourhood you can get a cardio workout done up and down doing errands).
ive tried it when i was 87 last time, did it for 2mins and my grip gave up. so im at 22,8 i think? basicly i can have weak pussy title? :D

anyway, ussually i do this hang daily, 3-4x 1min for stretching.
2 min is awesome. Well done. Sorry for the units choice but had to pick something so went with lb.

Thanks for your submission.
Not so young but not old either, I am going for 39 this year :)

How old are you brother if you don't mind me asking.

275 lean it would be really nice indeed.

I have to admit I don't have problems with shifting weight, especially losing weight which during bulk can be annoying as if I just eat one meal less one day I already lose something (ultra fast metabolism plus I walk a lot and this island have a lot of hills and the roads aren't all flats so just in my neighbourhood you can get a cardio workout done up and down doing errands).
Me equals you plus 10 on the age.

Yeah the eating less part is easy for me too. It's this eating more thing that just doesn't work as well as it used to. Probably too much disordered eating the last few years haha.

I think this 275 goal is going to take a while.