New MESO-Rx member ranking system

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I like it here. Day 2 and I already have a few profile likes

Everyone, let’s all dislike this guy’s post. Just kidding. Although if you got two thumbs down does that cancel out your two thumbs up or does that go towards your reaction score?
Everyone, let’s all dislike this guy’s post. Just kidding. Although if you got two thumbs down does that cancel out your two thumbs up or does that go towards your reaction score?
Reaction score useless at this point now that status is gone. Yay.

I pitched getting rid of it along with the emoji reactions. Some still want to use them for fun-sies.
Should I try testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate ?
Odd question in this particular thread. But they are both long esters and either will do. There have been some people reporting PIP with some UG Test E, but I don’t know if that was from a specific source or various sources.
I don't have a horse in this race as I do more listening than talking, my post count is nowhere near some people that apparently just camp here 24/7 with notifications going to their phone perhaps? But, I can't help but wonder how and why I went from "well known member" to "member" with no explanation. In all actuality, likely because calling out a pair of muck rakers may be frowned upon by some, but actually by just skimming this thread all I have done was type what people were thinking anyway. Couple of people that I see no use for that act like 3rd graders running to tell the teacher what that evil milkbone did or said while providing zero useful information have no place here, they may be better served in a forum dedicated to growing old and the drugs, etc that they prefer to run out the clock a bit longer. Insults, condescension, all the way to blatant lying, in my view, can be a better fit in a place like, IDK, Facebook maybe? This is a site dedicated to harm prevention and sharing of experiences, reviews of sources, diet, and exercise hints and again, sharing what works for them personally. When astronomical post counts are built upon none of that but rather on doxxing, threats, and being a rat there should be no recognition, just an invitation to leave really. Doxxing to destroy a man's life via family court, false accusations of a member threatening a vendor with ratting to the filth (of course with zero proof), questions met with answers such as "down them all" referring to bottles or strips of medication, and all the other pre-pubescnt statements about showing a tranny penis are the opposite of harm prevention, that's harm invitation. What if the member that got doxxed lost his family and ended up committing suicide, not only is that harm PROduction, it very well could invite more LEO right through here gathering IPs and MAC addresses of any and all. Really worth keeping that activity around? On other forums I see news now how MESO is losing respect due to a couple of bad apples, is that really worth it? Rats in general are to be found in traps, because a rat is going to be a rat no matter what. It's in their character. Like the saying "Back the Blue Until They Get To You". Any serious talk cannot be had here anymore, the risk is present. Ratting to the teacher because you're mad becomes ratting to the law because you're mad.

















