Anti-catabolic supps used on pct

No, not everybody loses muscle on PCT. that's a ridiculous thought. PCT has higher than natural levels of testosterone usually...

Either your training or nutrition are off if you're losing muscle like that during PCT.
I thought the purpose of pct was to get natural test production to start and to get back to natural test levels. If my natural test production is shutdown, and I waited for all esters of testosterone to clear out my system, wouldn't this cause me to have low test levels now?
And say you put on 20lbs on cycle you piss out 8lbs of water, you really think that you will hold onto "all" of those 12lbs of muscle. If people did then why do people cruise/not come off?? Spiked cortisol levels like that we suffer from on pct will consume muscle that is a fact. I'm asking how to combat that, diet and training are not a problem, if it was at anyway fault of mine it would be due to my frame/genetics.
Anyone that sees my posts directed at Ecpertrealistic please repost them. I think my bitch put me on ignore
If you could just go ahead and take 50iu of insulin on an empty stomach before you go to bed, I'd really appreciate it.

Let's make it 100iu just to be safe along with the 20mg of clen he was recommending
I thought the purpose of pct was to get natural test production to start and to get back to natural test levels. If my natural test production is shutdown, and I waited for all esters of testosterone to clear out my system, wouldn't this cause me to have low test levels now?
And say you put on 20lbs on cycle you piss out 8lbs of water, you really think that you will hold onto "all" of those 12lbs of muscle. If people did then why do people cruise/not come off?? Spiked cortisol levels like that we suffer from on pct will consume muscle that is a fact. I'm asking how to combat that, diet and training are not a problem, if it was at anyway fault of mine it would be due to my frame/genetics.

That is the purpose of PCT but while you're on the PCT meds, you're hyperexcreting LH so your test levels will be relatively high compared to natural. When you come off the PCT drugs is when test levels drop and begin to normalize again if you're going to recover.

People cruise for many reasons. Some don't know how to train properly so they can't make progress without steroids, some are psychologically hooked to the feeling of being on, some mistakenly believe it's healthier for them, some are so far past their genetic potential that they actually do need to cruise to hold onto muscle mass and many other reasons.
. If people did then why do people cruise/not come off?

Exactly. The more you gain above your genetic potential the more you can lose after cycle. Diet and supps along with the right bridging compounds can increase how much and for how long you keep excess gains.

I like running a week of insulin here and there, a week of clen here and there, a week of gw501516 here and there, a week of tongkat here and there so on and so forth to avoid side effects from abusing one compound. Add your bridge compounds and use them on a moderate way.
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That is the purpose of PCT but while you're on the PCT meds, you're hyperexcreting LH so your test levels will be relatively high compared to natural. When you come off the PCT drugs is when test levels drop and begin to normalize again if you're going to recover.

Wow I was unaware of this but yeah during pct you're test levels are hypersensitive, and clomid causes you to produce higher levels since you're out of homeostasis. I have dropped intensity and weights off my lifts for fear of getting injured or overtraining. I have always heard that gains can not be made during pct, and that you're more likely to lose them.

The threads question should be updated to "what drugs can be taken on pct and between cycle to minimize catabolism, and increase muscle atrophy."
Exactly. The more you gain above your genetic potential the more you can lose after cycle. Diet and supps along with the right bridging compounds can increase how much and for how long you keep excess gains.

I like running a week of insulin here and there, a week of clen here and there, a week of gw501516 here and there, a week of tongkat here and there so on and so forth to avoid side effects from abusing one compound. Add your bridge compounds and use them on a moderate way.

I like clen, but I'm never touching insulin, don't want to die or become a diabetic.
Wow I was unaware of this but yeah during pct you're test levels are hypersensitive, and clomid causes you to produce higher levels since you're out of homeostasis. I have dropped intensity and weights off my lifts for fear of getting injured or overtraining. I have always heard that gains can not be made during pct, and that you're more likely to lose them.

The threads question should be updated to "what drugs can be taken on pct and between cycle to minimize catabolism, and increase muscle atrophy."

Reducing weight on the bar makes it harder to,retain muscle mass. Intensity is one of the best factors in preserving muscle mass.
Reducing weight on the bar makes it harder to,retain muscle mass. Intensity is one of the best factors in preserving muscle mass.

This is very relevant as I’m in Week 2 of PCT (4 weeks post-pin) of my first cycle. I did my first true strength training program emphasized around powerlifting and my joints and tendons are definitely feeling. Therefore, I deloaded to help my body catch up. Is this not the best approach in terms of longevity?
This is very relevant as I’m in Week 2 of PCT (4 weeks post-pin) of my first cycle. I did my first true strength training program emphasized around powerlifting and my joints and tendons are definitely feeling. Therefore, I deloaded to help my body catch up. Is this not the best approach in terms of longevity?

A scheduled or needed deload is fine. Nothing wrong with that but you continuing to lift with higher intensity while cutting volume is the best way to maintain muscle mass when you're dieting or in pct.
Try running 12.5mg of ostarine in your pct. dose not high enough to suppress you but it’s extremely anti catabolic. Also igf lr3 is one of my personal favorites as an add on to pct.