Anti-catabolic supps used on pct

That's why I don't go above 205. I hate how hard is to keep the gains on that level. And having to deal with the blood pressure and excess weight year round suck. I'm happy with my keepable 205. That way nobody will think I contracted the bubonic plague or some sort of terminal illness when I lose the weight

Can u post pics I'd like to see what you look like?
While you may get more gains from using GH during cycle,
it makes for a nice off-cycle/pct cutting drug while preserving muscle when combined with a little T3.
While you may get more gains from using GH during cycle,
it makes for a nice off-cycle/pct cutting drug while preserving muscle when combined with a little T3.
I would avoid T3 in a PCT unless you're blasting GH high enough to justify T3/T4... I don't like the risk of potentially heightened catabolism during PCT.... It's OKAY to add just a bit of fat while off cycle, it's relatively normal and to be expected at a small level.
I would avoid T3 in a PCT unless you're blasting GH high enough to justify T3/T4... I don't like the risk of potentially heightened catabolism during PCT.... It's OKAY to add just a bit of fat while off cycle, it's relatively normal and to be expected at a small level.

So then when do you prefer to burn fat?
Ok that’s what I figured. Like the last 4-6 weeks of a cycle?
Really depends, man. I guess as a general "broad" answer, yes... But, it depends on so many other factors it would be foolish to be so black and white... Very user/goal dependent. However, I generally think it's best to "blast" when you're most sensitive to insulin and anabolics (post PCT would be a good time).
Really depends, man. I guess as a general "broad" answer, yes... But, it depends on so many other factors it would be foolish to be so black and white... Very user/goal dependent. However, I generally think it's best to "blast" when you're most sensitive to insulin and anabolics (post PCT would be a good time).

Ya I’m in my first PCT and will be doing an 8 week cut. But I think I want to do a bulk-then-cut cycle with Tren and Mast in the future.
Ya I’m in my first PCT and will be doing an 8 week cut. But I think I want to do a bulk-then-cut cycle with Tren and Mast in the future.
I think that's a good way to do it. Remember to start low with the tren and increase every 2 weeks as needed.
I think that's a good way to do it. Remember to start low with the tren and increase every 2 weeks as needed.

I already have Test E and Mast E. I was thinking of running them with Tren E to just pin them all the same day. Would you still recommend tapering up every 2 weeks on Enanthate? Or should I get Ace?
I already have Test E and Mast E. I was thinking of running them with Tren E to just pin them all the same day. Would you still recommend tapering up every 2 weeks on Enanthate? Or should I get Ace?
I'm not a huge fan of tren enanthate... Always turns into side effects in a bottle for me, and it's very challenging to adjust... I prefer acetate. Taper up every 2 weeks with acetate... Start around 300mg's/week for 2 weeks and see how it goes. Buy little 1ml pins for your daily tren ace pins, they'll be simple and painless.
I'm not a huge fan of tren enanthate... Always turns into side effects in a bottle for me, and it's very challenging to adjust... I prefer acetate. Taper up every 2 weeks with acetate... Start around 300mg's/week for 2 weeks and see how it goes. Buy little 1ml pins for your daily tren ace pins, they'll be simple and painless.

Okay, definitely saving this. Thanks man. I may get some Prop to run at the end
Its that time again, Im midway through my pct and I have to start wearing hoodies to the gym to hide gains that I am losing. My question, aside from food, what can I take while on pct/after to prevent my muscles from being eaten up. I've been looking into sarms and peptides. I Can't afford growth hormone.
Last cycle I ran clen after and had success retaining mass and leaning out at a huge calorie deficit, but after recent research online I've discovered clean anti parabolic properties are most likely bull.
All I have currently is to start loading creatine, and I'm eating like a pig, more so then on cycle, in hopes I can bulk/bloat up and retain size.

Haven't you tried peptides/sarms?
Eat more protein and take a high amount bcaa, there is nothing much to do so focus on nutrition and training.