Anxiety and Paranoia on Tren


Well-known Member
Maaaaaann.. this shit is crazy. Ive never ran tren for more than 8 weeks. Im on week 11 and this is definitely my last week doing Tren. Im holding it in the road but its proven to be difficult. Im constantly thinking about if my wife is fooling around and I get this terrible anxiety/ paranoia feeling. Im not blaming the tren on my actions because we are all responsible for keeping that shit in our head but Im sure some people can chime in and make me feel less of an insane insecure jealous wierdo right now.
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Maaaaaann.. this shit is crazy. Ive never ran tren for more than 8 weeks. Im on week 11 and this is definitely my last week doing Tren. Im holding it in the road but its proven to be difficult. Im constantly thinking about if my wife is fooling around and I get this terrible anxiety/ paranoia feeling. Im not blaming the tren on my actions because we are all responsible for keeping that shit in our head but Im sure some people can chime in and make me feel less of an insane insecure jealous wierdo right now.
One of the many wonderful things tren does
Maaaaaann.. this shit is crazy. Ive never ran tren for more than 8 weeks. Im on week 11 and this is definitely my last week doing Tren. Im holding it in the road but its proven to be difficult. Im constantly thinking about if my wife is fooling around and I get this terrible anxiety/ paranoia feeling. Im not blaming the tren on my actions because we are all responsible for keeping that shit in our head but Im sure some people can chime in and make me feel less of an insane insecure jealous wierdo right now.
Being married or in a relationship and running tren is a very risky move. Tren does a good job of ruining jobs, friendships and relationships. You've got to be incredibly self controlled and stable to use that drug. Would not recommend to anyone. Can make the same gains on test or test deca dbol or hgh. If you're trying to harden out go test/mast/var or winny for similar effects.
Being married or in a relationship and running tren is a very risky move. Tren does a good job of ruining jobs, friendships and relationships. You've got to be incredibly self controlled and stable to use that drug. Would not recommend to anyone. Can make the same gains on test or test deca dbol or hgh. If you're trying to harden out go test/mast/var or winny for similar effects.
Tren has a wildly different impact from person to person. Just because someone has a hard time on it doesn't mean the rest of the world will have the same issues, nor does it mean that they will continue to have the same issues on tren as they get older or more advanced as a AAS user. Keep the broscience in your head please.
Tren has a wildly different impact from person to person. Just because someone has a hard time on it doesn't mean the rest of the world will have the same issues, nor does it mean that they will continue to have the same issues on tren as they get older or more advanced as a AAS user. Keep the broscience in your head please.
Would you disagree with the following statement?
You've got to be incredibly self controlled and stable to use that drug.
OP. Do you have any history with anxiety or any sort of imbalance like depression?

In my experience, aside from the “standard” sides, juice (and most other drugs) tends to make people more of what they are without it; amplifying any normally manageable traits.

There’s nothing about this stuff that’s worth ruining a marriage, a friendship, or a career.

What @ickyrica is true. Some people can breeze through on tren. Some people can’t be within 100ft of it. But it’s not the only compound like that, just usually the one that gets people if anything will.
Would you disagree with the following statement?
Yes. As a generalized statement for all of the people using tren, yes.

I think that the segment of folks using tren that have abnormally outrageous reactions to it are just as abnormal as their reaction. They are outliers that make a drug have some sort of notorious background. They've either used too much of it, have included it in a massive stack that is more that they can handle with or without tren or they have a preexisting mental condition that gets exaserbated by the drug itself.
Yes. As a generalized statement for all of the people using tren, yes.

I think that the segment of folks using tren that have abnormally outrageous reactions to it are just as abnormal as their reaction. They are outliers that make a drug have some sort of notorious background. They've either used too much of it, have included it in a massive stack that is more that they can handle with or without tren or they have a preexisting mental condition that gets exaserbated by the drug itself.

Okay, thank you for the insight.
Every individual user is uniquely different.
What’s the dosage, perhaps you are running it too high for you?

I think people need to be level headed in general before deciding to use any AAS.

All the fear mongering associated with Tren turned me off of using it for years for fear I would snap on someone.

This is not the case at all.
Not for me, I actually get way more aggressive with Masteron than I do Tren.

No anxiety for me. No rage for me. None of the shit I’ve ever read about. Other than I am hot as fuck. (Which makes me irritable in the summer). Always hungry. I don’t even get the “cough” of death. I get a burning itching in the back of my throat. Being out of breath easier tends to be a problem the more I up the dose. A lot of mis information people are parroting.

Also maybe in the back of your head you were already wondering if she was cheating?

On the other hand how is your E2?
You got bloods to say it is where it is suppose to be?
In my experience, aside from the “standard” sides, juice (and most other drugs) tends to make people more of what they are without it; amplifying any normally manageable traits.
I agree with this entirely and always say it. Sort of like whatever you're emotionally predisposed to can get amplified by it. If you're a raging asshole, that might get worse.,if you have anxiety and depression that may get worse
I have used tren a Decca anavar test prop test pp test e an none of them do anything to me mentally but wen I take my ai I'm emotional the day after I think the side effects are exagerated with gear an the people that have issues already had them to begin with but maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones
@bama_barbell1014 it was already said I think but all the drugs are just going to make you more of what you already are

They're not going to bring out completely new characteristics, if your jelly and paranoid on tren you were jelly and parry natty.

I get REAL weird on tren and high doses of any gear really, BUT I can keep that shit to myself and recognize what it is, good luck
I wouldn't go as far as to say he is a dick. I mean, we are using drugs here...

The fact that he made a thread as a way to help cope with the feelings shows he has something in him that wants to stay calm, cool and collected. Sometimes just talking about the feelings makes a world of difference. It helps me to know others have dealt with the same or similar shit that I'm going through.
Yeah like I said, Im holding it in the road snd not letting it effect my actions but its definitely hard. Its not just in my head, i know that for a fact, but i dont deny that im already kinda crazy in some ways. Definitely agree that aas just amplify existing mental instabilities.
Yeah like I said, Im holding it in the road snd not letting it effect my actions but its definitely hard. Its not just in my head, i know that for a fact, but i dont deny that im already kinda crazy in some ways. Definitely agree that aas just amplify existing mental instabilities.

Ur almost done with the tren the rest of the week just try to remember she with u cause she wants to be an its just the tren you got this bud
I wouldn't go as far as to say he is a dick. I mean, we are using drugs here...

The fact that he made a thread as a way to help cope with the feelings shows he has something in him that wants to stay calm, cool and collected. Sometimes just talking about the feelings makes a world of difference. It helps me to know others have dealt with the same or similar shit that I'm going through.
Now you're being a dick making me get in touch with my sensitive side... lol

I loved and hated tren. I responded very well to it, but it made me a little unstable emotionally. I was quick to become irritated over even the simplest things. About four weeks in, I got a grip on it. I definitely will wait to run it again until everything in my life is going right.
Yeah like I said, Im holding it in the road snd not letting it effect my actions but its definitely hard. Its not just in my head, i know that for a fact, but i dont deny that im already kinda crazy in some ways. Definitely agree that aas just amplify existing mental instabilities.
I hope you were able to make up with your wife. Assuming your thoughts may have led to some unpleasant behaviors with her. Love and family comes first. Do everything you can to protect it.
Tren has a wildly different impact from person to person. Just because someone has a hard time on it doesn't mean the rest of the world will have the same issues, nor does it mean that they will continue to have the same issues on tren as they get older or more advanced as a AAS user. Keep the broscience in your head please.
I agree. I’m on my first tren run now. 6 weeks in. I read the horror stories and wasn’t sure I’d ever try it. Man, I’m glad I did. I have not had any negative sides other than heartburn and a little lethargy. I’m 47 years old and I can say tren a and mast has made me more affectionate and I’ve never craved pussy like this in my life! Most incredible drug I’ve ever done. Strength gains are insane.