Anxiety and Paranoia on Tren

I agree. I’m on my first tren run now. 6 weeks in. I read the horror stories and wasn’t sure I’d ever try it. Man, I’m glad I did. I have not had any negative sides other than heartburn and a little lethargy. I’m 47 years old and I can say tren a and mast has made me more affectionate and I’ve never craved pussy like this in my life! Most incredible drug I’ve ever done. Strength gains are insane.

What dose are you running?
I'm gonna go ahead and guess he's on 350MG

What makes you say that? Did he post it else where and I missed it?

Have you ever used Tren or are you just reciting shit you’ve read other people say?

Pretty expensive compound compared to five vials of test. IJS lol

Sex drive higher with 2:1 test:tren ratio but a 1:1 recomps ME better. Curious to see what 1:2 test:tren is like personally.
First 2 weeks 350
Since I’ve been on 525 and 525 mast p. 250 test

What makes you say that? Did he post it else where and I missed it?

Have you ever used Tren or are you just reciting shit you’ve read other people say?

Pretty expensive compound compared to five vials of test. IJS lol

Sex drive higher with 2:1 test:tren ratio but a 1:1 recomps ME better. Curious to see what 1:2 test:tren is like personally.

Told ya. I guessed. That's the noob dose.
I really appreciate all the input. Like @ickyrica said, it helps to know others have experienced similar effects.

Im gonna stay with mild compounds in the future. No reason to run tren when I respond so well to milder compounds. My take from this is that, although it can be difficult mentally to run tren, it is controllable (atleast for me). Never let AAS be your excuse for losing control. On the other hand, if tren is proving to be difficult to cope with, then i recommend stopping it, especially if you have something to lose (job, family, wife etc..) unless your competeing, its not worth risking shit like that.

@Keepittight thanks for the nice words. My family means the world to me.
Def got anxiety from tren last time was only in 400mg tren e. It would come and go tho wasn’t all the time noticed it would happen when I would smoke weed give me paranoia n axiety.
I think tren contributed to my fatigue level because of SOB and the overtraining from the strength gains. This contributed to my impatience and irritability. Definitely harder to control my anger.
Being married or in a relationship and running tren is a very risky move. Tren does a good job of ruining jobs, friendships and relationships. You've got to be incredibly self controlled and stable to use that drug. Would not recommend to anyone. Can make the same gains on test or test deca dbol or hgh. If you're trying to harden out go test/mast/var or winny for similar effects.

Make the same Gains in Test/Deca/Dbol? Not hardly Bro
Told ya. I guessed. That's the noob dose.

350 Tren a week is a Noob dose? I remember seeing a pic of you on some Nutso Thread. What did you run Tren at? 350 is a good starting point for Tren and assess from there. I’m interested to know your Cycles considering your Physique Pic you posted before.
I don’t think he meant noob in a derogatory way. We were told it was his first time and 350 is a pretty common dosage.


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Told ya. I guessed. That's the noob dose.

He is on 525 STFU.
You shouldn’t even be using hormones you need to to go see a psychiatrist. Yes sir thank you sir please sir. FOH
Remember what I told you.

Also since you like to parrot info there are a ton of guys starting with a noob dose of 25-35mg ED smfh this guy :facepalm
Tren's side effects can very often be managed through dosage adjustment... If you're struggling, you may just need to make that adjustment.

With that said, there's no reason to keep taking something if it makes you feel badly.
I think your diet has more of an effect on mood than any steroid there is. I know I'm more irritable on tren and the insomnia was bad, but I have to look at everything as a whole too. I was dieting whenever I used it, and that alone makes ppl irritable. So to what degree it was, not sure.

But Im an asshole dieting on deca too. Its hard to say, i personally wont use tren again but the irritability wasn't 100% tren as I had a lot to do with it too
Caffeine brings out the tren demon.

The only time I had the bad mental side effects was after popping a few vivarin to combat being tired from bad Tren sleep. 3 hours after taking the vivarin and I was fighting with the wife assuming she was going to cheat on me. Just couldn’t let it go.
I am intrigued by the results reportedly achieved with tren even when considering the short term sides like the ones talked about in this thread. I had been planning to try a tren cycle. Then I came across the connection between tren and neurodegeneration as a long term side effect. That scared me off given that I have seen old folks with neurodegenerative diseases. I know all AAS with excessive dosing and long term usage can cause these issues.
17β-trenbolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid as well as an environmental hormone, contributes to neurodegeneration. - PubMed - NCBI
by Jerry Brainum

Those of you who have used tren long term and are knowledgeable about tren pharmacology, would you comment if these issues are real?
I am really interested in learning more about tren to make an informed decision.
350 Tren a week is a Noob dose? I remember seeing a pic of you on some Nutso Thread. What did you run Tren at? 350 is a good starting point for Tren and assess from there. I’m interested to know your Cycles considering your Physique Pic you posted before.

Consider the source. Before his last meltdown and subsequent ban, he was supposedly running stupid amounts of Test and Tren.

Either his shit was bunk or he had no fucking clue what he was doing. i'm going with the latter on that one.