Anxiety and Paranoia on Tren

Consider the source. Before his last meltdown and subsequent ban, he was supposedly running stupid amounts of Test and Tren.

Either his shit was bunk or he had no fucking clue what he was doing. i'm going with the latter on that one.

I read back, he said he was FIXING to run Tren at 350 a week, and don’t remember what he said he was gonna Run Test at. Completely Bogus I think.
Affects everyone differently. With something harder like tren, you are MORE LIKELY to have issues but that doesn't mean you absolutely will.

Impacts my sleep a bit, definitely a hit to cardio, otherwise I'm fine up to 500mg range of tren ace.

For anyone new to the compound, I'd run acetate, start reasonably (350mg max even 50mg EOD might be better for 2 weeks), and see how it goes. Get bloods 6-8 weeks to see what's going on exactly. Everyone has buttons - if it pushes yours badly, drop it and go another route. No shame in being smart, responsible, and prioritizing what's important in life.
Maaaaaann.. this shit is crazy. Ive never ran tren for more than 8 weeks. Im on week 11 and this is definitely my last week doing Tren. Im holding it in the road but its proven to be difficult. Im constantly thinking about if my wife is fooling around and I get this terrible anxiety/ paranoia feeling. Im not blaming the tren on my actions because we are all responsible for keeping that shit in our head but Im sure some people can chime in and make me feel less of an insane insecure jealous wierdo right now.

Bro, I simply don’t take Tren. EVER. I’m insane, dick doesn’t work, angry AF and think craziness.

Oh, may I add first time taking Tren was Tren E....... yeah......... terrible couple of weeks