Any climbers?

Ill face to give the d2 flexion and the prone w to i. I’ve started to incorporate a lot more finger curls and external and internal rotations. I got a hangboard so i some finger training while at home.

The sloper pull ups sound like a good one. I haven’t even tried hanging on those yet. My favorite training is just doing routes on the tension board.
Campus board work is good too

Really the best training for climbing is climbing, but some specialty work to bring up weaknesses and hangboard work when you can’t be climbing is beneficial
The reason the best training for climbing is climbing is because you can’t simulate all the angles and positions effectively with anything else
I’ve only had access to a system board in the past 6 months. I can see how it would be a game changer and I keep meaning to spend more of my climbing time on it.
Campus board work is good too

Really the best training for climbing is climbing, but some specialty work to bring up weaknesses and hangboard work when you can’t be climbing is beneficial
The reason the best training for climbing is climbing is because you can’t simulate all the angles and positions effectively with anything else

That true. The times i make the most progress is when I’m consistently pushing myself on the wall, trying different moves I’m not use to
I’ve only had access to a system board in the past 6 months. I can see how it would be a game changer and I keep meaning to spend more of my climbing time on it.

It’s definitely fun too especially when you have some people trying hard with you. I messed up when we first got ours, i spent 3 days in the row going hard for hours a couple months ago and my fingers are finally just starting to recover lol
Anyone run HGH or secretagogues to aid with skin or tendon/ligament recovery between sessions?
I wanted to chime in here. I had previous old AAS and peptide experience, then started climbing about 2 years ago. Late 30s here so i wont be cracking 5.13, but i boulder a v6-v7 and can probably lead 5.11a outdoors. I can top rope 5.12 gym grades.

My first year was riddled with an old bum rotator cuff, a2 pull, multiple bicep tendonitis, etc. It forced a lot of weeks off. They were all acting up at the same time when I started on a Ipam/cjc no dac, bpc-157 cycle. After a long break, I sourced an HGH kit after getting bunk peptides, and recovery is a noticeable change using before bed post climb 2-3x per week.

All my climbing ailments have disappeared, and my tendons never feel over trained hitting it hard 3x per week. I'm doing more sport climbing which is easier on fingers, and started Emil's soft hang training every day at the same time, so it's difficult to break down sources of progress. Over the past month i've slowed on Emil's and have been doing max hangs 1-2x per week. I could easily push more.

I've been looking for a thread like this because reddit is no help.
2iu. I'm going to continue for a while for general wellness, and check back in after this kit is finished. I'm interested to see if tendons feel any worse after stopping for a few weeks.

As an add on, I'm also on 120mg of self prescribed trt after my doc thinks 400ng/dl looks great... This is new, but no real effect on anything.
2iu. I'm going to continue for a while for general wellness, and check back in after this kit is finished. I'm interested to see if tendons feel any worse after stopping for a few weeks.

As an add on, I'm also on 120mg of self prescribed trt after my doc thinks 400ng/dl looks great... This is new, but no real effect on anything.
I'm in similar same boat. I'm on prescribed 140mg/wk after testing 230 then 400.

I'm up about 10lbs in 6 weeks after being down about 75lbs in the past 2 years on glp1 therapy. My guess is most of it is water, some fat and a bit of muscle. It's tougher to carry up the wall but my recovery is great between that and HGH. I'm on 3.5iu every night.
I'm in similar same boat. I'm on prescribed 140mg/wk after testing 230 then 400.

I'm up about 10lbs in 6 weeks after being down about 75lbs in the past 2 years on glp1 therapy. My guess is most of it is water, some fat and a bit of muscle. It's tougher to carry up the wall but my recovery is great between that and HGH. I'm on 3.5iu every night.
It sounds like you should get some great results from that. HGH even in ghrp form leans me out like crazy, and it doesn't quickly rebound. My blood sugar is very good though, so that's something to watch.

Are you new to climbing, or what are your climbing stats and progress? I'd like to hear more experiences on higher IU.

IME, skin issues solved themselves in under a year on nothing. If i hit prickly limestone a few times, it's hard to use a keyboard because my finger tips thicken so quickly. If you still have issues, Joshua Tree climbing salve will help a lot.
It sounds like you should get some great results from that. HGH even in ghrp form leans me out like crazy, and it doesn't quickly rebound. My blood sugar is very good though, so that's something to watch.

Are you new to climbing, or what are your climbing stats and progress? I'd like to hear more experiences on higher IU.

IME, skin issues solved themselves in under a year on nothing. If i hit prickly limestone a few times, it's hard to use a keyboard because my finger tips thicken so quickly. If you still have issues, Joshua Tree climbing salve will help a lot.
I've been climbing for about 2.5 years now. It was a powerful motivator for seeing changes in my weight and composition. Outside, I've only sported climbed. Inside, I'll boulder and sport climb. Outside I'm doing 5.10s and projecting in the 5.11 range. Inside, sport climbing is about the same. At my soft gym I'm at my limit at v5-7, and the tougher set gym around v4-6.

I saw good recovery with ghrp/ghrh peptides. I may switch back to them after I finish these HGH kits for price. They've all been helpful with leaning out. I need to do more on my part as far as nutrition goes.

For skin, long sessions leave things pretty raw. I think taking the time to get adapted to higher volume was most helpful.

The extra weight from trt is tougher on my fingers right now. I'm hoping they'll get stronger as well.

My trt doc let me know that anavar is an option. I'm still researching this to see if it would be helpful or worth the risks/outcomes with my goals, one of which is to remain injury free.
Tbh I'm wondering if taking GH over months/years accelerates finger strength

You hear "tendons take years to grow" / "finger strength takes years to develop" as a climber, which is true--how much faster is it on 3-4iu of GH + 250mcg BPC/day, let's say?

This hypothetical stack would be for both injury prevention and tendon strength/growth purposes. Can't find much on it though. The bodybuilding/gear use community and the climbing community have very little overlap.

EDIT: Can't find much on it *for tendon growth / sports recovery purposes specifically*, rather than for injury healing
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Tbh I'm wondering if taking GH over months/years accelerates finger strength

You hear "tendons take years to grow" / "finger strength takes years to develop" as a climber, which is true--how much faster is it on 3-4iu of GH + 250mcg BPC/day, let's say?

This hypothetical stack would be for both injury prevention and tendon strength/growth purposes. Can't find much on it though. The bodybuilding/gear use community and the climbing community have very little overlap.

EDIT: Can't find much on it *for tendon growth / sports recovery purposes specifically*, rather than for injury healing
I would not take BPC long term for anything never mind theory u have that it helps finger tendon grow/stronger.

BPC works same as antidepressants which also show tendon bone healing.. animal models of course, like BPC.. which mostly happen because of less stress/movement. also BPC has cancer risk which is not worth increasing tendons strength.. unless ur tendons are breaking ur fine..