Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

In the USA as of today, via worldometer...

1.03 million cases of covid
59.2k dead
Somewhere in the 6% range

Sounds like a problem and we should all take it seriously, I agree. But that's not the accurate data, just a sniff at what one angle could be when deciding what metric to use in an argument. All data matters here, not cherry picked garbage.

In Boston there was "extensive" testing done throughout the city. North end, southie, back Bay, metro West, alphabet row, the shit hole areas even got tested (Dorchester, JP, rozzy). The testing was for infection/antibodies. Throughout the entire city they found an average of 30% are infected.

Boston covid data as of the 28th

8600 are infected
330 have died

So now let's extrapolate that a bit. We know that the virus doesn't discriminate against age, everyone is getting it, so that death count is accurate across all age demographics meaning age can't be used as a metric to

If 30% have been infected and 330 are dead, with 100% infection rate you'd see around 1000 dead inside the city limits. We have 700000 residents.

You know, I'm no Will Hunting but that puts the final infection/death rate somewhere in the .3% range.

I've farted and caused a higher casualty count.
Let’s say those numbers are accurate. That’s 300% more lethal than the common flu. As bad as your farts are known to be, they’re just not that lethal

The data used to only mortality among those exhibiting symptoms. 50% don’t show symptoms. They just infect others.

when you factor in those asymptomatic people the mortality rate is lower.

these changing numbers are not the result of obfuscation. They are the result of better understanding and more raw data.
Food is being dumped because the processing plants have sick people. Farmers have nowhere to send their product. Sure sucks

And you believe this is worthwhile? That our country is “better” for imposing the lockdown.

Let me ask you, do YOU know someone that has the corona virus? Personally. Not “friend of a friend that works with someone who’s 88 year old grandmother has it and she’s concerned”.

I have not met nor do I know anyone in my small area of the world that is Philadelphia that actually has or had this virus.

Covid has a current death rate of 0.05% (the Stanford study with direct sampling, not modeling). That’s 1 in 2,000.
Heart disease 1 in 6
Cancer 1 in 7
Motor vehicle accidents 1 in 88
Self-harm 1 in 112
Accidental poisoning 1 in 130
Falling 1 in 171
Car crash 1 in 303
Assault by firearm 1 in 306
Pedestrian accident 1 in 649
Motorcycle death 1 in 770
Drowning 1 in 1,123
Smoke/fire 1 in 1,177

All are more risk than this silly virus that YOUR media somehow has us worked up in a tizzy over. Why?
The meat and milk plants were never shut down by the state or fed. Anyone dispute that?

the plants were shuttered because people were sick. millions of $$ in lost revenue.

It’s horrible to waste the food, but if the milk truck ain’t comin to get filled, what’s a milk producer suppose to do with the spoiled milk?
We can’t identify the healthy. No test kits. I think that’s on purpose here in the USA.

if we had test kits we could have those who survived and those that never contracted it get to work.
We can’t identify the healthy. No test kits. I think that’s on purpose here in the USA.
Which proves a political stance is being taken. More kits drops the death count lower, making it harder to keep people in their houses. It benefits the current admin to have as many of these tests done as possible.
I think more test kits hurts the current administration. I think that’s the exact point. He has been hiding from numbers since the beginning. Denying cases existed in Jan and Feb. Justifying his lack of a speedy response.

If they were good for him, we’d all have been tested already. Like Germany who has a low mortality due to testing, tracking and early distancing
We can’t identify the healthy. No test kits. I think that’s on purpose here in the USA.

if we had test kits we could have those who survived and those that never contracted it get to work.
I believe Quest and possibly LabCorp actually can test it now if you have it and even if you had it.
What I’m saying is this is a lot more lethal than your farts, and 300% more lethal than the common flu. It affects a broader range of people, not just your Nana So the world paid more attention to the looming threat
I’ll definitely agree with you about your original post here @NorthMich - IF this was a major pandemic or crisis, hospitals would be totally overloaded and couldn’t handle it. I drive around my city which is a good size and told my wife that if something major ever broke out, our hospitals would not be prepared since there simply aren’t enough. That being said, keeping empty hospitals staffed is not economically feasible either.
My bad. I thought 3% sounded high since everything else points to less than 1%
it's actually way lower than 1%. It's a shame that this can't just unfold organically and honestly. Everything has to be done in such a shithead manner.

I think more test kits hurts the current administration. I think that’s the exact point. He has been hiding from numbers since the beginning. Denying cases existed in Jan and Feb. Justifying his lack of a speedy response
his response has been fine. The aggregate would have been the same no matter what happened early on. It's a wildfire virus that I want going to be stopped without 100% isolation.

More testing would prove the population has it in much higher numbers and this would prove the need to panic is overblown. This leads to people being productive faster. The sick, afraid and old shouldn't dictate what the 95% of the rest of us do with our lives.

You don't want AIDS? Don't partake in random gangbangs. You don't want covid? Stay home. The rest of us will continue to float the sandbaggers. It's cool.

What I’m saying is this is a lot more lethal than your farts, and 300% more lethal than the common flu. It affects a broader range of people, not just your Nana So the world paid more attention to the looming threat
and I finally get a % sign out of you and it's regarding farts. Come on man....
The stated goal of most nations was to not monopolize the health case system. As it is right now, no elective surgeries, no annual visits, no non-emergency dental. That’s all on hold.
The stated goal of most nations was to not monopolize the health case system. As it is right now, no elective surgeries, no annual visits, no non-emergency dental. That’s all on hold.
Which is bullshit. I have a friend in tremendous pain because of ovarian cysts who can’t get it taken care of because it’s “elective.”

And it’s even worse because Frauline Whitmer is in charge.
What I’m saying is this is a lot more lethal than your farts, and 300% more lethal than the common flu. It affects a broader range of people, not just your Nana So the world paid more attention to the looming threat

This is a bullshit statement.

Corona has been here since at least Jan 1st. Even with the bullshit “presumed corona related” deaths it has not killed more people than the flu. 63,000 deaths by flu for 2020 (with the flu vaccine) compared to 59,000 corona

Corona largely does not affect children, yet the flu is responsible for children dying. Who the fuck cares about 92 year old grandma dying of corona when 12 year old Susie passes away from the flu. Which is more tragic.

Stop talking CNN out of your ass. You’re horrible at this.
