Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

So if you were the “secret overlord,” would you really want revolution? No, is the only answer.

if you’re going to control a population, you either have to go North Korea on everyone, or create a system where people thing they’re free and really are not.
You’re asserting you have the most effective method. Gates has chosen a different method.

there’s no Dr Evil here. Some members here desperately want to make him a Dr Evil, but that’s just not the case.

Gates was / is the richest guy on the planet. He doesn’t need your money for a vaccine shot. He doesn’t want to control you.
Bill Gates is not even close to the richest man on the planet.
Keep watching MSM.
Thanks for playing--your entry will go into this week's Bowl of Stupid.
How useless of a post was that. Seriously. Why bother posting? You feel it’s humorous?
He’s not going to mine crypto from us all... jesus christ. Where does this Dr Evil stuff come from??

It comes from the philosophies that guys like Bill Gates have. Bill is a control freak, he gave you a shitty operating system, crashing all the time, freezing, endless bug fixes, wide open to attacks and then had the nerve to charge you $150 to obtain said POS.

If we compare a guy like Richard Stallman(free software movement) who is more of an activist and questions any type of government or corporate surveillance, to Bill Gates who is the embodiment of surveillance and nanny state. That's where it comes from.

So you have the nerds that are hardcore about keeping everything out of the eyes of the government(Stallman side), you have dickheads like Gates and his army of H1B East Indian corporate scumbags working overtime to make sure you're stuck with their spyware.
That means absolutely nothing.

“it comes from philosophies that guys like Bill Gates have...”

sounds like enough evidence to lock him up, eh?
All I hear is people posting links to videos that don’t suggest anything bad at all. Then we have people voicing their opinions. Opinions are great. Opinions are not fact.

so nothing whatsoever to comment on. And boy does that irritate people.

I get the same responses on another forum where some flat earthers babble the same way. If you’re stuck in the conspiracy theory, there’s little way out.

Them: The world is flat
Me: no, it’s roughly a sphere
Them: keep drinking the cool-aid. You’re obviously young. You’re with the government who watch these forums

same conspiracy bullshit. Same lame responses. Doesn’t matter the conspiracy
So are you’re comparing “flat earth believers” to the “bullshit corona pandemic” and global financial collapse that is happening right before your very eyes. wow.

Moving forward that’s an important piece of information for times I may come across your posts

Do you believe the government is good and they don't want to control you?

Do you enjoy being preyed upon by police.

Would you enjoy reaching for your license and having a cop pull his gun and blow your brains out.

Would you enjoy having a cop plant evidence in your vehicle like what happened in Florida where a 140 people were falsely arrested and sent to jail or prison for planted meth.

Would you enjoy being in a courtroom and hearing the judge tell the jurors that they aren't supposed to interpret the law(whether it's even just), their job is only to decide if the law has been broken.

I could go on and on. Just seeing who we're dealing with here.
Joe Morgan the video was good, the scary part is he referred to fighting the American public as combat.

This is what I find problematic. The fact that the cops and the military can be turned against us. Who in their right mind cop or military would go out killing our own citizens, this is the shit we saw in Waco and Ruby Ridge that started off a bunch of terrorism.

I would consider any cop or military that turns on US citizens and kills us, a traitor.
Joe Morgan the video was good, the scary part is he referred to fighting the American public as combat.

This is what I find problematic. The fact that the cops and the military can be turned against us. Who in their right mind cop or military would go out killing our own citizens, this is the shit we saw in Waco and Ruby Ridge that started off a bunch of terrorism.

I would consider any cop or military that turns on US citizens and kills us, a traitor.

he’s talking about American people fighting against the government. said it’s is going to wake up a sleeping giant and the people are going to turn on the government. and he’s right American citizens the people are not gonna put up with their shit any longer and it’s just a matter of times before we take up arms to protect our liberties against the government. he’s on the side of the American people
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he’s talking about American people fighting against the government. said it’s is going to wake up a sleeping giant and the people are going to turn on the government. and he’s right American citizens the people are not gonna put up with their shit any longer and it’s just a matter of times before we take up arms to protect our liberties against the government. he’s on the side of the American people

The question is will he look out for his job and badge or will he get out of the way and stay out of the way, take that worthless piece of tin on his chest and throw it in the trash.

It's one thing to fight for your freedom, it's another if you know LE is keeping tabs and will be hunting down anyone that dares to fight the state.

Cops to me only protect the freedom that government allocates. They don't represent true freedom.
The question is will he look out for his job and badge or will he get out of the way and stay out of the way, take that worthless piece of tin on his chest and throw it in the trash.

It's one thing to fight for your freedom, it's another if you know LE is keeping tabs and will be hunting down anyone that dares to fight the state.

Cops to me only protect the freedom that government allocates. They don't represent true freedom.

he got fired from his job because he refused to take down the video. this is a good guy. he stands behind every word he says.

“Cop Fired for Posting Video Complaining about Cops Enforcing Stay-at-Home Orders”

Cop Fired for Posting Video Complaining about Cops Enforcing Stay-at-Home Orders
he got fired from his job because he refused to take down the video. this is a good guy. he stands behind every word he says.

“Cop Fired for Posting Video Complaining about Cops Enforcing Stay-at-Home Orders”

Cop Fired for Posting Video Complaining about Cops Enforcing Stay-at-Home Orders

Wow....rare cop indeed to stand up to these bureaucratic psychopaths.

When you get into these agencies, high up the food chain, these people are damn scary, they are some seriously slimy fucks, right up there with Stalins KGB.