Anyone else about sick to fucking death of the term "social distancing"?

Yep, just lost a pension and probably fucked himself getting hired anywhere else. Not worth it
You started this thread saying you were sick of the current state of affairs, and now you're saying this guy should forget about doing what is right, lick the money masters' boots, go along to get along, and enforce the current state of affairs?
Where about? Our dipshit governor just extended out SIP order through May. It was open back up on the 4th

In Washington state. Sorry I'm just seeing this haha.

Dude I was worried at first but somehow I've managed to bring in more money than ever through this thing. There were 2 big jobs we were allowed to keep going on due to loopholes, one was prevailing wage so made a fuckin bundle on that. Plus the 3 of us installers that were willing to keep working all got raises, plus all the money the government threw at me. Not how I expected things to go.
I 100% disagree wit you!! We need more people
Just like him and less like you ... selling out for money fuck that man
Nah man, when you get in a position like that you can't be doing that shit, you're asking for problems. Yea yea, selling out for money, whatever you wanna call it. Because YouTube is gonna make him rich and take care of a family rt? Ppl making videos like that aren't changing shit. More ppl like him, yea, more gofund me programs for ppl too stupid to keep their fucking jobs.

350k from a go fund me for a guy who was making videos in uniform, in a police car, about personal political views....IDIOTIC.

And I wholeheartedly agree with his viewpoint. But it doesn't change the stupidity for videos like that. Another gofundme....because someone got shit-canned from work...gtfo of here with gofundme already
Popular morning radio jock Mancow Muller is going to hold a big defiant "OPEN ILLINOIS" rally in Chicago. I wonder how that is going to go over with their psycho mayor.

there’s many sheriffs around the country that openly share the same views. they’ll have no problem getting a job with some sheriffs department. sheriffs are elected, so they’re prone to speak out more.
Yea but was he a deputy or a sheriff? And it all depends on the county. But I agree with the guy and what he said.
You started this thread saying you were sick of the current state of affairs, and now you're saying this guy should forget about doing what is right, lick the money masters' boots, go along to get along, and enforce the current state of affairs?
No, what I'm saying is that it's absolutely retarded to post videos like this in the position he was in. Lick the money master's boots? No, it's more like take your ass to work and make an honest living rather than post some stupid fucking shit that everyone else is already thinking anyways, and lose your damn job over it.

Being unemployed over that does not prove you are some badass, outspoken person who doesn't give a fuck. It shows you're a fucking retard for doing it on the job.

When shit like this happens it's NOT EASY to just go get another job, ppl talk and even if someone agrees with you, you can be looked at like a possible liability.

Shit, I agree with everything the dude said! More power to him, but in that position it's not like you can get away with that shit. What you do on AND off duty matters. He is outspoken and opinionated, awesome. But now he is unemployed for it and collecting gofundme money, another fucking donation fund, so what's the damn difference?

Getting fired isn't winning, winning is just doing the damn job and moving forward when you find something better. Not shooting your mouth off when you're a public official. It's just stupidity
but he got 350k+ , hill probably end up with 500k i think that was def worth it. His friends set it up not him personally. Hes lucky it worked out this way otherwise hed be fked.
I didn't read the thread, but you know what I'm completely fucking sick of? These low IQ dumb ass "security" guards, standing in front of every god damn store front, that think they're guarding the Hope fucking Diamond! Fuck off! I know where to stand, and I know that big line up of people are waiting to enter. These mindless goofballs had zero social life before Covid. Now that the world is upside down and they have been given a uniform and a couple of instructions, they think they're Jack Bauer from CTU. I swear I'm gong to choke out one these misfits. Other than that, everything is JUST FUCKING PEACHY! o_O:)
but he got 350k+ , hill probably end up with 500k i think that was def worth it. His friends set it up not him personally. Hes lucky it worked out this way otherwise hed be fked.
I think the biggest thing here is he just made a video in uniform. I think firing the guy for it is a little overboard though. I don't see who in particular it could offend. It really all depends on the jurisdiction I guess. The only issue I could see is that the police are supposed to be enforcing this shit and he is more or less saying it's bullshit. Which I agree with. It just sucks to see ppl shit-canned so easily now and I've seen this way too much lately
I didn't read the thread, but you know what I'm completely fucking sick of? These low IQ dumb ass "security" guards, standing in front of every god damn store front, that think they're guarding the Hope fucking Diamond! Fuck off! I know where to stand, and I know that big line up of people are waiting to enter. These mindless goofballs had zero social life before Covid. Now that the world is upside down and they have been given a uniform and a couple of instructions, they think they're Jack Bauer from CTU. I swear I'm gong to choke out one these misfits. Other than that, everything is JUST FUCKING PEACHY! o_O:)
Extra hatred if they have sunglasses on and a mustache
I didn't read the thread, but you know what I'm completely fucking sick of? These low IQ dumb ass "security" guards, standing in front of every god damn store front, that think they're guarding the Hope fucking Diamond! Fuck off! I know where to stand, and I know that big line up of people are waiting to enter. These mindless goofballs had zero social life before Covid. Now that the world is upside down and they have been given a uniform and a couple of instructions, they think they're Jack Bauer from CTU. I swear I'm gong to choke out one these misfits. Other than that, everything is JUST FUCKING PEACHY! o_O:)
I heard u can cheat the system and go straight in and tell those "security ppl" you forgot your wallet and just went out to grab it. I'm gonna try this.
I think the biggest thing here is he just made a video in uniform. I think firing the guy for it is a little overboard though. I don't see who in particular it could offend. It really all depends on the jurisdiction I guess. The only issue I could see is that the police are supposed to be enforcing this shit and he is more or less saying it's bullshit. Which I agree with. It just sucks to see ppl shit-canned so easily now and I've seen this way too much lately
He was on Fox news with Laura Ingraham tonight. Two lawyers both said he has grounds for a lawsuit against his department.
Nah man, when you get in a position like that you can't be doing that shit, you're asking for problems. Yea yea, selling out for money, whatever you wanna call it. Because YouTube is gonna make him rich and take care of a family rt? Ppl making videos like that aren't changing shit. More ppl like him, yea, more gofund me programs for ppl too stupid to keep their fucking jobs.

350k from a go fund me for a guy who was making videos in uniform, in a police car, about personal political views....IDIOTIC.

And I wholeheartedly agree with his viewpoint. But it doesn't change the stupidity for videos like that. Another gofundme....because someone got shit-canned from work...gtfo of here with gofundme already

I don’t agree at all. This video, is what he could do right now and it does change things! Look at how many people believe in what he did man...
what he did is the equivalent of being a business owner of a gym or a store front retail/service shop saying “I’m open for business because “it’s my constitutional right to be open for business” I dont care about the consequences of losing my job as much as I care about consequences of losing my freedoms .

We are in a war, the government is the enemy, they’re not going to give us back what we offer up for the false sense of security and peace! Trust me on this or don’t but I am 100% spot on accurate in what I’m saying right now.

Think*** What if the entire business word says “no more” all at once! Think what would happen bro...

Instead of living in fear of losing money or a job or a pension. which you can always make more money and generate new revenue and build a new pension fund. You can’t get back your liberties amd your freedoms, that’s foolish thinking bro.
I don’t agree at all. This video, is what he could do right now and it does change things! Look at how many people believe in what he did man...
what he did is the equivalent of being a business owner of a gym or a store front retail/service shop saying “I’m open for business because “it’s my constitutional right to be open for business” I dont care about the consequences of losing my job as much as I care about consequences of losing my freedoms .

We are in a war, the government is the enemy, they’re not going to give us back what we offer up for the false sense of security and peace! Trust me on this or don’t but I am 100% spot on accurate in what I’m saying right now.

Think*** What if the entire business word says “no more” all at once! Think what would happen bro...

Instead of living in fear of losing money or a job or a pension. which you can always make more money and generate new revenue and build a new pension fund. You can’t get back your liberties amd your freedoms, that’s foolish thinking bro.
A 77 year old MI barber said he’s opening his shop and doesn’t care if he’s arrested and an armed militia stood outside his shop to prevent him from being arrested.

And look at this - this clueless bitch had the nerve to call orders LAW. These are not laws!
“I also know a lot of people who could use a haircut, yours truly included as well as my husband. … I expect people to follow the law,” Whitmer said. “These executive orders are not a suggestion. They’re not optional. They’re not helpful hints.”

Mid-Michigan barber wins early victory in fight to stay open
I don’t agree at all. This video, is what he could do right now and it does change things! Look at how many people believe in what he did man...
what he did is the equivalent of being a business owner of a gym or a store front retail/service shop saying “I’m open for business because “it’s my constitutional right to be open for business” I dont care about the consequences of losing my job as much as I care about consequences of losing my freedoms .

We are in a war, the government is the enemy, they’re not going to give us back what we offer up for the false sense of security and peace! Trust me on this or don’t but I am 100% spot on accurate in what I’m saying right now.

Think*** What if the entire business word says “no more” all at once! Think what would happen bro...

Instead of living in fear of losing money or a job or a pension. which you can always make more money and generate new revenue and build a new pension fund. You can’t get back your liberties amd your freedoms, that’s foolish thinking bro.
Agreed 100% man. I understand exactly where you're coming from. My rant was more anger for the guy losing his job over it than anything. Because I agree with everything he said, and it was more anger abt it really. Obviously the dude is not a dumbass, I was just pissed to hear he got canned because cops already take a lot of shit and can't really do much anymore anyways. It's the absolute hardest time for ppl to be police officers now because you realize that nobody really has your back anymore...even when you are in the right
Ok, someone tell me I misunderstood this guy, but it sounds to me like he said they would rather vaccinate everyone than let us build up/develop herd immunity.

I believe he meant let's hope we don't need vaccines because there's no guarantee they will EVER be available.

I don't understand why having herd immunity would be a bad thing.

Exactly! Herd immunity means you don’t need a vaccine and the body did what it was supposed to do.
10%+ of the world population would need to die to get to herd immunity levels.

But the most important thing:
There's no guarantee that herd immunity is even possible with this virus.
For most viruses, immunity only lasts a few months, then people can get reinfected, even from the same strain.
Reinfections are way more vicious than the first one.

Haha must have slipped his tongue he Hope's because then people wont need the $$$$ vaccine of his.
I believe he meant let's hope this doesn't get that bad that the only hope is a vaccine, because there's no guarantee that a vaccine will ever be available.

What we HAVE...IS a gang of armed people dictating things.
By the way, Bill Gates called; your vaccine is ready.
He doesn't sound like he has the secret vaccine formula ready.
He sounds a bit DESPERATE, and that's not the way someone who has the saviour vaccine would behave like.

Oh so Bill Gates doesn’t want population control. I see.

many pages on this thread dedicated to describing how he wants to cut the world population. I’ve seen videos and never saw any indication of this. So you say he’s not looking to reduce the global population. Whew
Even if he wants to reduce the world population, that doesn't mean he wants to do so by unethical means, like a killer virus or an sterilizing tainted vaccine.

You can easily sterilize people through vaccines
At worst, they may have the sterilizing Trojan horse, but not the vaccine.

But who knows, they may peddle a BS "vaccine" just to spread the sterilizing Trojan horse.
Especially if it's an RNA based vaccine.

Many people with higher IQ's and lots of money tend to dabble in eugenics. They look at all those icky smelly poor people and wonder how to prevent these people from existing in the future, it's not done out of compassion or concern, it's done to clear the countryside of an eyesore.

Now I'm all for not having kids, I don't have any use for the religious right and their obsession with abortion, even though I personally view abortion as murder. The problem is they turned this issue into a religious matter, instead of a more straight forward matter of being non-violent, which abortion is an act of violence against the will of a future person.
I'm all in for sharply reducing population growth in developing countries,

but IMO that can be done trough legal and ethical means:
Just threaten to cut all aid, all loans, all trade with third world countries unless they invest a % of their tax revenues in free birth control for their people.

No guarantees it’s going to work, but Bill Gates says lockdown needs to remain in place until there’s a vaccine :rolleyes:


Fauci tells Congress: 'There's no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective'
You're mixing Fauci and Gates they're not the same and there's no evidence that they're colluding together.

Gates is like: "we're fucked, reinfections will continue forever until we have a vaccine"

Fauci is more like: "we're fucked, a vaccine ain't technically feasible"

Bill Gates will use your microchipped body to mine cryptocurrency

Bill Gates will use your microchipped body to mine cryptocurrency

20-Apr-2020, Biohackinfo News.


A few weeks after Bill Gates stepped down from its Board of Directors, Microsoft patented a system that uses the human body to mine cryptocurrency.
Microsoft has patented a system that uses human biometrics such as body heat and brain-wave activity to mine cryptocurrency. The patent, filed under international patent number WO-2020-060606 and titled ‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity’, leverages human body activity as proof-of-work.

This proof-of-work is achieved when a user performs given tasks, or even online activities such as viewing ads and using search engines.

“Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,” the patent reads.

Despite the patent being published on March 26 by the World Intellectual Property Organization, some titans of the cryptocurrency industry are already on board, and cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, founded by Britain’s youngest self-made billionaire Ben Delo, hasdonated $2.5 million dollars to the Gates Foundation.

As to how body activity and biometrics will be communicated to servers and cryptocurrency hardware, the patent explains that “a sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user.” The patent then gives examples of sensors that can be used to this end – such as “fMRI scanners,electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, Radio Frequency sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner.”

This list of examples is just typical patent stockpiling, or Microsoft’s way of ensuring they own every applicable aspect of this system. The real technology, with a sensor specifically made for detecting and keeping track of human biometrics, is a microchip implant being developed by a Danish Microsoft partner called BEZH International. After all, a microchip implant is the best sensor for bioemetrics as it is literally inside the body.

BEZH’s microchip implant is not only capable of storing and transmitting biometrics – including medical and genetic data, but it also compliments the entire cryptocurrency mining aspect of Microsoft’s patent as it comes with its own cryptocurrency, which for several months last year, waslisted on cryptocurrency exchange Binance.

With this biometrics-based cryptocurrency mining patent and other human microchipping projects under his belt, namely the Birth Control microchip implant and the implantable quantum-dot vaccination record capsules being developed by MIT, andID2020 which is part of the, it is starting to look like Bill Gates might be the most prolific cybernetic-biohacker on the planet. Not even Elon Musk’s Neuralink has accelerated the mainstreaming of biohacking this fast. Add this to the fact that in the United States, there seems to be bipartisan support to install Bill Gates at the helm of theWorld Heath Organization – with even conservative Republicans like Senator Lindsay Graham calling for Gates to be made head of the WHO.

Yes, the Future is now, and it really does look like Bill Gates is leading this future as he is best placed to revolutionize Public Health and human biology through biohacking and implantable technology.

However, there is still no indication that this cryptocurrency mining project will be connected to Microsoft’s aforementioned and more promising human microchipping projects. But, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, theimplantable quantum-dot vaccination record capsules and ID2020 are likely to be merged to create the digital certificates that Gates wants everyone to have as proof of vaccination against COVID-19. This opens up the possibility of merging the two projects with the biometrics-sensing microchip implant being developed by BEZH – because biometric data is most crucial during health-related events such as pandemics.

Like its parent company Microsoft,BEZH is also simultaneously working on other projects that complement biohacking and human enhancement such as an Internet-of-Things smart farming system called ‘Cybernated Farm Systems’ and the establishment of an Internet-of-Things infrastructured micronation called the Kingdom of North Sudan.
That idea likely came from the Futurama episode where he tells them that The Matrix would spend more electricity keeping people alive than the electricity they would generate.

Interestingly, in the original matrix script, humans would be wired together to make a super computer processor. But that concept would be too difficult to understant for average Joes, so they switched to the battery BS.

Andrew Cuomo just tapped Bill Gates to help him 'reimagine' what New York's public schools will look like when they reopen in the fall

Andrew Cuomo just tapped Bill Gates to help him 'reimagine' what New York's public schools will look like when they reopen in the fall


Andrew Cuomo and Bill Gates.
REUTERS/Mike Segar; REUTERS/Jason Lee; Business Insider/Taylor Nicole Rogers

  • New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates are working together to "reimagine" New York City's public schools before they reopen in the fall, Cuomo announced during his daily COVID-19 briefing Tuesday.
  • Cuomo didn't provide specifics on the reforms, but questioned the need for physical classrooms, "with all the technology you have."
  • The billionaire philanthropist's previous effort to improve test scores in low-income schools "did more harm than good," Business Insider reported in 2018.
Schools are not reopening this fall.
And even if they do, most people won't send the kids to school.

He's just peddling false hopes to weak minded people.
Dems do that all the time.