Anyone familiar with Sxript


Well-known Member
Does anyone have personal experience with the UGL Sxript . Seems like they have some good prices on testosterone, their anavar is a little pricey though.
I was curious about this UGL and aas direct shop(Pure/entity pharma) myself. ADS is really cool and willing to work with you but that doesn't matter if the gear is no good. Sxript same deal , but I have heard nothing about them on meso and not most places other than the boards they're on .
I ordered some of his test and anavar. Came in about 3 days. Packaging is awesome but we know that means jack shit. Took Anavar before workout last night and had the usual forearm pumps just while driving. I probably won't send the Anavar to get tested as I only got a pretty small order
Read a review where someone injected his Sustanon and it was the worst pain they ever felt in their life and they had a softball size lump on their glute.
When I ordered anavar it was actually dbol.
I got some of their test and anavar , but even if mine is legit, sounds like they may or may not be selective scammers IF they are scirrox. Totally going off of feels for the Anavar, but dbol never makes me insanely vascular like var does. My leg veins were really popping and forearms pumps while driving.
I don't have the same consequences mistakingly taking dbol as you though @Kim . That's completely fucked up
@Kim I'm curious when you were taking the dbol when did you figure out it was not anavar, did you notice immediately by the effects or did verilization start happening, like voice changing or something.
Read a review where someone injected his Sustanon and it was the worst pain they ever felt in their life and they had a softball size lump on their glute.
I always gotten lumps and pip from the sust I've tried. That was PPLs stuff tho.
Edit, sorry I missed the SOFTBALL size part holy fucking shit
@Kim I'm curious when you were taking the dbol when did you figure out it was not anavar, did you notice immediately by the effects or did verilization start happening, like voice changing or something.
It was a few years ago. I felt like the hulk. I started getting a sore throat. Then I tested it. I can lift 50 pounds usually on DB bench press, but with dbol 60 pounds.