Are both Clomid and Nolva necessary?

Just wondering if I need both Clomid and Nolva for pct. I've done 5 cycles so far and im about to stack sust300 with dbol in about a week. I usually just run HCG and Nolva, but being new to the boards i've read many people use both clomid+nolva. I'll be doing 500mg of sust with 30mg of dbol.
I'm sure there's info out there but i want some direct input from people with experience. What are the benefits of running both if they do the same thing?
you don't need them both, in fact you don't need either you will recover its just smoother with an ai.
Really? first time i've heard that. I was gonna run arimidex throughout the cycle ... or should i just use if i experience any amortizing symptoms or just straight up as pct?
Recommend adex during cycle to prevent gyno. Why wait till you feel it?

I would recommend PCT. Play it safe then sorry.

I'm running HCG 1 week after last injection for 3 weeks and 4 weeks nolvadex.

Keep your gains. Do it right!
get your estro levels checked if you need adex use it if your estro levels are fine why use it ? or be like wood4days and waste your money,
I suppose he uses an antibiotic daily just in case he gets an infection.
Recommend adex during cycle to prevent gyno. Why wait till you feel it?

I would recommend PCT. Play it safe then sorry.

I'm running HCG 1 week after last injection for 3 weeks and 4 weeks nolvadex.

Keep your gains. Do it right!
What do you mean waste of money? It's cheap lol. Everyones body is different and taking arimidex .5 EOD is safe. If you feel gyno doing .5 EOD then do .5 every day or adjust the dose until you feel it go away.

You must be a low budget gear user. IMO if you can't afford to buy all the nessesary medication to be safe while on gear then don't do it in the first place.
Don't be like ironwill here. You know what's a waste of money? Gyno surgery lol roughly ($2000-$5000)

So I guess spending $29 on a box of arimidex isn't such a waste of money is it?
I have no problem buying whatever I want.
you two fools are missing the point, you don't medicate until you think its going away you do a blood test. read what I said have your estro levels checked. idiots...
what would I need to do more research on ?
anyone with a brain would know to do a blood test.
you must be one of those fools who trickled over here from eroids lol.
I got my answer from doing alot of research on my own and guys that been cycling for years. You think I'm going to inject gears into my body without knowing everything I need to know? LoL Yea of course blood test would tell you. However not eveyone has to keep running blood test. We all work. It's called a job. We're not all lucky like you. And always at the gym and have so much free time on our hands.

So if you don't have time to run blood work. You can safely take .5mg EOD while on cycle. Adjust as needed. If you feel gyno obviously you need to up the dose or take .5mg every day.

Alot of information can be found online.

No need to get raged about it bro. Relax.
your still not getting my point not everyone gets gyno you can have extremely high estro and no gyno,
but their are a lot of other health problems caused by high estro, absolutely everyone should know their estro levels bloods are a must .

I got my answer from doing alot of research on my own and guys that been cycling for years. You think I'm going to inject gears into my body without knowing everything I need to know? LoL Yea of course blood test would tell you. However not eveyone has to keep running blood test. We all work. It's called a job. We're not all lucky like you. And always at the gym and have so much free time on our hands.

So if you don't have time to run blood work. You can safely take .5mg EOD while on cycle. Adjust as needed. If you feel gyno obviously you need to up the dose or take .5mg every day.

Alot of information can be found online.

No need to get raged about it bro. Relax.
I'm not disagreeing with you. This is true. There are guys who go on a cycle and never use arimidex and are perfectly fine. I never used arimidex for my first cycle. However from all my other cycles I use it just in case. The higher the dose per week the more chances you will get gyno from what I was told. Some guys tell me to take arimidex when I feel itchy nipples. I take .5mg EOD because I don't want to wait till I feel the gyno. I rather avoid it at all cost. This is what I do. Everyone has their own methods, but this has worked out for me just fine.