are eliteanabolx gtg?

In case any of you newer members weren't sure, which is clear by the handful of pm's asking,(english may perhaps be your second language?) if we were giving the go ahead here with this deviant? No, we're not. By "we" I mean the guys who lookout for you all.
lol You should change your name to powertrippedcrossdresser . Wow you are a little off. Acting like you are Jesus. lol You are just a douche at the computer. Probably never seen the inside of a gym. I am sure you do not have a clue on any process of gear. Reason I know this is if you knew anything about cycling you would be helping people instead running your head.
Have you noticed I am not going from thread to thread begging for people to buy my gear? There is a reason for that. I am sure I make somewhere between what you make on you corner being a john for lonely old men and Mark Cuban.

Again with the homophobia- you see a picture of a guy with a mask and your asshole starts twitching, doesn't it? Sex with lonely old men? I hope you do a better job with that than you do arguing and manipulating.
Again with the homophobia- you see a picture of a guy with a mask and your asshole starts twitching, doesn't it? Sex with lonely old men? I hope you do a better job with that than you do arguing and manipulating.
The gay comment come from him saying he is going to fuck the dress up shit is just bonus.
So it seems that this guy that is the protector of all is on eroids as a member. His whole attitude is different there. Pictures - Serostim changed my life!

I don't think that's Ben. This dude doesn't write anything like Ben and I don't think I've ever heard Ben call someone "bro." Sounds like an imposter to me. Ben can confirm or refute.

Reading that again, I'm sure it is BS. There is NO WAY that's Ben.
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I don't think that's Ben. This dude doesn't write anything like Ben and I don't think I've ever heard Ben call someone "bro." Sounds like an imposter to me. Ben can confirm or refute.

of course he will deny it. Fact is anyone would. he is running his mouth on here to get post count up while over there he is doing what it takes to get Karma. Trying to play both boards. I am sure he is a teenager that is snowing everyone.
I doubt that's Ben, like CBS said, he's never said "bro" on here.. That's no where near his writing style either..
of course he will deny it. Fact is anyone would. he is running his mouth on here to get post count up while over there he is doing what it takes to get Karma. Trying to play both boards. I am sure he is a teenager that is snowing everyone.

Pretty obvious imposter- he makes a lot of enemies... notice the two b's in the beginning. Was there already a biggerben69? And if yes I know he has another similar handle he would use instead of duping b's. Nice try.
Which HGH for zero bloat?
Views: 2,456
Posted By biggerben69
Pharm shit homie. Seros and the like. They...

Pharm shit homie. Seros and the like. They expensive but the amount you need for results and the absence of shitty sides like bloat make it worth the cash. Bite the bullet one time and you'll know.
You can tell someone has become very desperate when it's obvious they believe the only means of restoring their own character is destroying someone else's!

Pan Man, your one pathetic excuse for a human being, who is obviously groping again.

In no way do those posts of BB (if that's who it it) on Eroids alter my opinion WHATSOEVER!.

Ben is a friend and one of my first Meso mates, and I'm thankful he's on Meso, period!

Moreover whoever that is, understands something you never will, adjust to the environment rather than expecting the environment adjust to YOU, or stated another way, WHEN IN ROME DO AS ROMANS DO, FOOL!

He is and always been a stand up guy, ready and willing to help others and give POS like you a well deserved (and colorful ) tongue lashing.
(If he can achieve his goals on Eroids also, something you couldn't do, more power to him, you jealous bitch, lol)

Shit what's your claim to fame Pan Man? The number of Eroids members you scammed or lied to before being booted off that forum. Yep!

So get a life elsewhere because there is NOTHING you can do, say or post on Meso which will redeem your worthless ass or reconcile the differences essentially EVERY Meso member has with you, SCAMMER.

Get a life and be gone, ya worthless piece of shit!
You can tell someone has become very desperate when it's obvious they believe the only means of restoring their own character is destroying someone else's!

Pan Man, your one pathetic excuse for a human being, who is obviously groping again.

In no way do those posts of BB (if that's who it it) on Eroids alter my opinion WHATSOEVER!.

Ben is a friend and one of my first Meso mates, and I'm thankful he's on Meso, period!

Moreover whoever that is, understands something you never will, adjust to the environment rather than expecting the environment adjust to YOU, or stated another way, WHEN IN ROME DO AS ROMANS DO, FOOL!

He is and always been a stand up guy, ready and willing to help others and give POS like you a well deserved (and colorful ) tongue lashing.
(If he can achieve his goals on Eroids also, something you couldn't do, more power to him, you jealous bitch, lol)

Shit what's your claim to fame Pan Man? The number of Eroids members you scammed or lied to before being booted off that forum. Yep!

So get a life elsewhere because there is NOTHING you can do, say or post on Meso which will redeem your worthless ass or reconcile the differences essentially EVERY Meso member has with you, SCAMMER.

Get a life and be gone, ya worthless piece of shit!

just shit I got in pm and email. Why did you avoid telling Angus his mass specs are bull shit? This is my permanent home. Funny you are sticking up for your pill pushing boyfriend. I would have followed your ways if you did not talk shit to get me to do something. simple asking would have worked. I have provided you will all the info you ever asked. You just do not know how to read it.You have people here thinking you actually run tests. Who is living the lie? You not me.
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I do not know why you all are such pussies you can not post this shit yourself.
lol this is funny. Swim lol is a pill pushing burnout.
Very clever, I joined eroids and was a member briefly. I was banned within 72hrs if i remember correctly? I registered back well before December. I specifically went there looking for one of the founders of Pinnacle Labs, zeek. He ripped off a bunch of members at SI(now ugbb). He has since expired. Dead as dirt at the ripe old age of 42(i believe?)
The dick who wanted to sign up as myself most likely couldn't because the handle was already taken, albeit banned.
Reaching now, aren't we? The pic in the avi is my back and was my avi here when whomever signed up for that account this past December.
I've never posted labs at any time on any board because I've never had any done. You can do a search on the big 4 boards that I'm a regular member of, or any other, and you'll not find me ever posting or talking about ANY labs not just the 2 they have up over at that shit board, BRO. Lol.
Gearusing posted that post that has my old email addy back in 2008. You don't see anyone else talking about me selling fake dope or meds anywhere. I'm part of some jamok's ridiculous rant.
You're not the first loser nobody to bring up the 1 or 2 stupid posts by another nobody loser made 6 or 7yrs ago.
I've no reason to change my handle. I posted all this when gearusing/tilly thought he had discovered some classified info, biggerben69 and biggerben692000. No reason to change them. I have nothing to hide. No multiple handles.
Don't you have some work to do?
Hey little man. You do more than talk and try and peddle gear. The avi at eroids is me. There are a few others here....where are yours? You must be a giant if you're talking shit to a big man such as myself. I didn't think you would. Where are u from? I'm a real person. You don't have to dig far to verify my ID. There are around 15 or 20 members here at meso that know my ID and what I'm about,,,,and I know them. You really are just some jag off wanting to be a flash in the pan but couldn't make it at that shit board,. How about real life? You accomplish anything? I've done a lot. Good and bad. Documented, Meaning I can back it up with paperwork, newspaper articles, and the like. Accomplishments. You,,,whatcha got? A faceless petty thief with a slick mouth that would behave himself and be polite to the big man...wanting to be cool with me. I can smell weakness...a little wanna be dope dealer. A nothing, Couldn't hang and run with and do it in the streets and in real life? Hiding.
I've done it all, Legitimately I'm a pretty big fucking deal and have been since a very early age. On the other side of the law I;ve done some big things as well. Unfortunately there are little men of weak character that are controlled by fear that turn into CI's and are granted 5k1's to talk about men who take know what they're involved in that won't ruin the lives of others to save himself a couple of years inside.
No matter. My friend regular will be back soon; I hope you do stick around. We just might get into this a little deeper. I certain you'll say your don't care and I'm this and blah blah....stick around.
Very clever, I joined eroids and was a member briefly. I was banned within 72hrs if i remember correctly? I registered back well before December. I specifically went there looking for one of the founders of Pinnacle Labs, zeek. He ripped off a bunch of members at SI(now ugbb). He has since expired. Dead as dirt at the ripe old age of 42(i believe?)
The dick who wanted to sign up as myself most likely couldn't because the handle was already taken, albeit banned.
Unfortunately there are little men of weak character that are controlled by fear that turn into CI's and are granted 5k1's to talk about men who take know what they're involved in that won't ruin the lives of others to save himself a couple of years inside.
No matter. My friend regular will be back soon; I hope you do stick around. We just might get into this a little deeper. I certain you'll say your don't care and I'm this and blah blah....stick around.

Hahah. Fear is a very prominent thing in this society, I believe awareness and logic debunk the common fears, but a sense of prolonged displacement amongst the male population (as is such with many members on here, and is made apparent), results in personalities such as what we've seen in these furious but amusing threads. :rolleyes:

The subtle lines there and brief sarcasm at the end clearly shows your confidence, and your competence for this forum, biggerben.

You my friend, are worthy of respect.
Very clever, I joined eroids and was a member briefly. I was banned within 72hrs if i remember correctly? I registered back well before December. I specifically went there looking for one of the founders of Pinnacle Labs, zeek. He ripped off a bunch of members at SI(now ugbb). He has since expired. Dead as dirt at the ripe old age of 42(i believe?)
The dick who wanted to sign up as myself most likely couldn't because the handle was already taken, albeit banned.
Reaching now, aren't we? The pic in the avi is my back and was my avi here when whomever signed up for that account this past December.
I've never posted labs at any time on any board because I've never had any done. You can do a search on the big 4 boards that I'm a regular member of, or any other, and you'll not find me ever posting or talking about ANY labs not just the 2 they have up over at that shit board, BRO. Lol.
Gearusing posted that post that has my old email addy back in 2008. You don't see anyone else talking about me selling fake dope or meds anywhere. I'm part of some jamok's ridiculous rant.
You're not the first loser nobody to bring up the 1 or 2 stupid posts by another nobody loser made 6 or 7yrs ago.
I've no reason to change my handle. I posted all this when gearusing/tilly thought he had discovered some classified info, biggerben69 and biggerben692000. No reason to change them. I have nothing to hide. No multiple handles.
Don't you have some work to do?
Hey little man. You do more than talk and try and peddle gear. The avi at eroids is me. There are a few others here....where are yours? You must be a giant if you're talking shit to a big man such as myself. I didn't think you would. Where are u from? I'm a real person. You don't have to dig far to verify my ID. There are around 15 or 20 members here at meso that know my ID and what I'm about,,,,and I know them. You really are just some jag off wanting to be a flash in the pan but couldn't make it at that shit board,. How about real life? You accomplish anything? I've done a lot. Good and bad. Documented, Meaning I can back it up with paperwork, newspaper articles, and the like. Accomplishments. You,,,whatcha got? A faceless petty thief with a slick mouth that would behave himself and be polite to the big man...wanting to be cool with me. I can smell weakness...a little wanna be dope dealer. A nothing, Couldn't hang and run with and do it in the streets and in real life? Hiding.
I've done it all, Legitimately I'm a pretty big fucking deal and have been since a very early age. On the other side of the law I;ve done some big things as well. Unfortunately there are little men of weak character that are controlled by fear that turn into CI's and are granted 5k1's to talk about men who take know what they're involved in that won't ruin the lives of others to save himself a couple of years inside.
No matter. My friend regular will be back soon; I hope you do stick around. We just might get into this a little deeper. I certain you'll say your don't care and I'm this and blah blah....stick around.
I am not a giant lol never bragged that I was. Not even 6' and I only weigh a little over 250. You always need help.The only thing I came up with is you being a pill pusher. I think the whole finding broke AID patients is a good idea. Kind of reminded me of a post where you explained how to rip off old peoples meds.Why not come out with the truth. You was a douche and fucked over people and you turned over a new leaf. You now want to be the super man of this board. It makes you feel good to stop people from getting scammed. I have never been a pill pusher (again you admitted that on this forum) but I do understand the good feeling you have when you help people. I am all for stepping up and weeding out scammers but I find it hard to do that without proof. Your whole approach is talking shit to anyone that is new that does not bow down to you is ludicrous. I am not here to rip anyone off or steer them in the wrong direction. I will not stand and get attacked and submit like a bitch. That is not me. I have balls,self esteem, and a brain that will not allow me to be someones bitch. If you think I am a scammer go search my post at eroids. You will find hundreds of post of me helping people with their cycles and calling out scammers that go in and create a name just to post a email. Funny thing I was not looking to sell here until I learned how things operate. If I only new tell the truth was a crime here I would kept my advice to myself. I hope you do realize that pushing pills and telling kids out to rip old peoples drugs off is wrong and fixed that. I have a problem with that but that is your business. If you have to sell oxy to make a living it is not hurting me but to teach kids to start that shit is wrong.All this info I just post came from this forum. You admit all of it. Pushing pills is worse than selling meth in my eyes but teaching people to rip off old people takes the cake. Move along and find someone that want to rip someone off or keep running your mouth here. I do not care. Your past is your past. Just keep those thoughts out of others minds. Send me a link to your avi on eroids or is that the same link I posted? Is that your pic of the lat spread?
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I am not a giant lol never bragged that I was. Not even 6' and I only weigh a little over 250. You always need help.The only thing I came up with is you being a pill pusher. I think the whole finding broke AID patients is a good idea. Kind of reminded me of a post where you explained how to rip off old peoples meds.Why not come out with the truth. You was a douche and fucked over people and you turned over a new leaf. You now want to be the super man of this board. It makes you feel good to stop people from getting scammed. I have never been a pill pusher (again you admitted that on this forum) but I do understand the good feeling you have when you help people. I am all for stepping up and weeding out scammers but I find it hard to do that without proof. Your whole approach is talking shit to anyone that is new that does not bow down to you is ludicrous. I am not here to rip anyone off or steer them in the wrong direction. I will not stand and get attacked and submit like a bitch. That is not me. I have balls,self esteem, and a brain that will not allow me to be someones bitch. If you think I am a scammer go search my post at eroids. You will find hundreds of post of me helping people with their cycles and calling out scammers that go in and create a name just to post a email. Funny thing I was not looking to sell here until I learned how things operate. If I only new tell the truth was a crime here I would kept my advice to myself. I hope you do realize that pushing pills and telling kids out to rip old peoples drugs off is wrong and fixed that. I have a problem with that but that is your business. If you have to sell oxy to make a living it is not hurting me but to teach kids to start that shit is wrong.All this info I just post came from this forum. You admit all of it. Pushing pills is worse than selling meth in my eyes but teaching people to rip off old people takes the cake. Move along and find someone that want to rip someone off or keep running your mouth here. I do not care. Your past is your past. Just keep those thoughts out of others minds. Send me a link to your avi on eroids or is that the same link I posted? Is that your pic of the lat spread?

He called you a snitch and he was right... airing someone's potential to be engaging in illegal activities- whether they are or not- makes you a snitch. Where I come from that's a bullet to the head- a slit neck in prison- your mother beaten and raped. You really crossed the line snitch- can't wait to see what happens here now.
He called you a snitch and he was right... airing someone's potential to be engaging in illegal activities- whether they are or not- makes you a snitch. Where I come from that's a bullet to the head- a slit neck in prison- your mother beaten and raped. You really crossed the line snitch- can't wait to see what happens here now.
Thats me a snitch. I did not give out any personal info. All that shit is public info. I did not come up with anything new. Multiple people knew about all that shit and that is how I got it. Besides the pill pushing part I read that on this forum a long with him telling someone how to rip off old people for meds. You can not snitch on something that is known. Oh and you did not slit shit. You probably had kool aid on your eyes.