Are luer lock syringes worth it?

What's the difference between 1ml and 3ml syringes? So far i've only used 1ml. Most ppl say need a little more push with the 3ml, also you can be more accurate with there anything else?
1ml is a lot better for smaller gauge needles. Gotta push hard as hell with a 3ml and 25g or smaller needle.

OP luer lock is the way to go. Draw with a 22-23 and pin with a 25 or smaller
1ml is a lot better for smaller gauge needles. Gotta push hard as hell with a 3ml and 25g or smaller needle.

OP luer lock is the way to go. Draw with a 22-23 and pin with a 25 or smaller

Thanks for the heads up, it seems i'm going to experience it since that's what i'm planning to use, 3ml syringe with 27G or 25G tops.

Most disturbing thing is the angle you have to push, eg pinning quads, pecs or VG is easy to apply more pressure but when shoot rear delts, oh my..i was already cramping with slin pins lol
Thanks for the heads up, it seems i'm going to experience it since that's what i'm planning to use, 3ml syringe with 27G or 25G tops.

Most disturbing thing is the angle you have to push, eg pinning quads, pecs or VG is easy to apply more pressure but when shoot rear delts, oh my..i was already cramping with slin pins lol
With 25g is easy most of the time, if you have a good 3ml syringe a not a Chinese shit knock-off.

With 27g... Well you need a lot of pressure and so probably need a good angle as well or you will find yourself moving that needle left and right and do worse than using a 25g
With 25g is easy most of the time, if you have a good 3ml syringe a not a Chinese shit knock-off.

With 27g... Well you need a lot of pressure and so probably need a good angle as well or you will find yourself moving that needle left and right and do worse than using a 25g

Yeah, makes sense. I've only used BD so far and that's what i'm going to use again. Probably 25G 1in because so far besides some 27G 1 1/4 that's out of stock for months i haven't found in my country any 27G longer than half inch, so i'm gonna stick to 25G.


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Yeah, makes sense. I've only used BD so far and that's what i'm going to use again. Probably 25G 1in because so far besides some 27G 1 1/4 that's out of stock for months i haven't found in my country any 27G longer than half inch, so i'm gonna stick to 25G.
Those are great
Idk wtf you peeps are talking about :)) luer slip lock ..meh.... Best way is insulin pins (either 0.5 or 1ml) with integrated needle ,no oil waste ,no problem of needle coming off and if you don't want to dull the needle just back fill ...
U need more than 1ml ? no problem just pin twice a day... The needles are so thin and short scar tissue is a non issue and if you are not a dirty sob infection risk is low. bonus you can pin smaller muscles like short tricep head etc
just get some 25 guage 1.5 inch, if you need a shorter needle then just dont stick it in as far.

You want to push the needle in to the end and keep pressing on it with the same amount of pressure as to avoid unnecessary needle movement inside the muscle (causing tissue damage). "Hovering" with the needle at an arbitrary injection depth results with a lot of movement.

Buying 1.5" needless is more or less unnecessary for most of us as none of us have such fat asses warranting anything longer then 1".

And why limit one self to only one needle length anyway? A box of 100 costs 5, 6e ...

I'm surprised this post had so many likes.
You want to push the needle in to the end and keep pressing on it with the same amount of pressure as to avoid unnecessary needle movement inside the muscle (causing tissue damage). "Hovering" with the needle at an arbitrary injection depth results with a lot of movement.

Buying 1.5" needless is more or less unnecessary for most of us as none of us have such fat asses warranting anything longer then 1".

And why limit one self to only one needle length anyway? A box of 100 costs 5, 6e ...

I'm surprised this post had so many likes.
yes, you are right and I agree with everything you say.

the point I was making is that we simply need to move oil under the skin, the poster has made 3 seperate threads just about needles, worrying about all types of nonsense like steroids aren't going to work if he doesn't have the perfect syringe size, needle length, needle diameter and if the needle is screw on or not
yes, you are right and I agree with everything you say.

the point I was making is that we simply need to move oil under the skin, the poster has made 3 seperate threads just about needles, worrying about all types of nonsense like steroids aren't going to work if he doesn't have the perfect syringe size, needle length, needle diameter and if the needle is screw on or not

lol, poor fella.

Then just say so. If he is really a total noob, then chances are he'll take your advice to heart ...
3ml BD are great, just warm the oil ffs. On cycle 3ml castor through a 25g goes like butter
I like 25g too, I use MCT oil, but warming the oil is pro. I use a hair dryer and warm it in the syringe. Unless something crashed (I'm looking at you NPP), then I warm the vial with a mug warmer.
Get you a vial spike.
Since I'm being pushy about such things, this is the one I use for oils. They're in Germany, but do ship to the US. I can't find a distributor in the US for this particular item, Braun #4550579

Last time I ordered, I got 15 of them for around $33 and $30 in shipping. Totally worth it.
Personally, all I use is Leur Locks, an 18ga to draw if a vial then screw on a 25, 24, or 23 to pin. I pay under $10 for 100 syringes and pins, or can get them separately if the supply isn't there, still under $10 for 100 pins and have had zero issues reusing syringes. I mistakenly got pushons before, and they pushed off a couple times so I scrapped them at a hospital. If there isn't a lower priced source for you, be creative, try a livestock store. They ask no questions and require no prescription, and that's in an area where a single complete pin is a felony on its own.
3ml BD are great, just warm the oil ffs. On cycle 3ml castor through a 25g goes like butter
InB4 some youngster says 25g is a harpoon & anything over 1.5ml per shot is excessive oil volume!

You want to push the needle in to the end and keep pressing on it with the same amount of pressure as to avoid unnecessary needle movement inside the muscle (causing tissue damage). "Hovering" with the needle at an arbitrary injection depth results with a lot of movement.
Absolutely agree with this. “Hovering” is just asking for trouble with oil IM. Personally I’ve always kept the base of the needle pressed hard enough against the flesh that it leaves a temp mark afterwards - makes for a very stable base.

As for pins blowing off slip tip syringes - this has only ever happened to me once in 20 ish years, so I suspect some aren’t fitting them properly. You need to twist them as you push them on to obtain a good friction-lock. If fitted correctly, they should require some force to remove.
Absolutely agree with this. “Hovering” is just asking for trouble with oil IM. Personally I’ve always kept the base of the needle pressed hard enough against the flesh that it leaves a temp mark afterwards - makes for a very stable base.

For sure. That comment made little sense.
InB4 some youngster says 25g is a harpoon & anything over 1.5ml per shot is excessive oil volume!

I've heard a dude once, i think it was Dave Crosland, saying there were guys (including him) that used to pin with 18G 1,5in and some even used 16G with 5ml syringes. That's a harpoon..i guess the 25G would feel like acupuncture to them lol