Are luer lock syringes worth it?

The 2ml syringes have actually become hard to find by themselves. I found a couple places selling the needle and syringe combo but they’ve got some no name brand needles on them. I was gonna buy them and toss the needles but that’s just a pity to be throwing away the extra money I paid to get them though.
I use those needles for drawing
I've heard a dude once, i think it was Dave Crosland, saying there were guys (including him) that used to pin with 18G 1,5in and some even used 16G with 5ml syringes. That's a harpoon..i guess the 25G would feel like acupuncture to them lol
the testosterone redijects i used to use came with a 2 inch 21 gauge. pretty sure my first cycle was 18 gaugers because no one gave a fuck and its faster to draw and inject
Not a fan of most things coming from Russia, but they've recently released a convenient injector for 2, 3 and 5 ml syringes.


You hold it to your skin and it inserts the needle, pushes the plunger and removes the needle for you. User reviews are claiming painless IM injections.
Not a fan of most things coming from Russia, but they've recently released a convenient injector for 2, 3 and 5 ml syringes.


You hold it to your skin and it inserts the needle, pushes the plunger and removes the needle for you. User reviews are claiming painless IM injections.

Ain't no way I'm going near that! Right now I'm using Vanish Point 2 syringes and I don't care for them but that's what the ole lady brought back from the pharmacy and it was only 2.80 for 20 so dirt cheap!
I've heard a dude once, i think it was Dave Crosland, saying there were guys (including him) that used to pin with 18G 1,5in and some even used 16G with 5ml syringes. That's a harpoon..i guess the 25G would feel like acupuncture to them lol
By the time I started using UK forums circa 2000 ish, 21g was beginning to be seen as old school & 23g was becoming the norm. Back then no one did SQ for oil, worried about 2ml shots or about used anything shorter than 1” - pretty much all pharma injectables were marked For Deep IM Only (or words to that effect), so that’s what everyone did.

Personally I’m still a great believer in going deep.
Not a fan of most things coming from Russia, but they've recently released a convenient injector for 2, 3 and 5 ml syringes.


You hold it to your skin and it inserts the needle, pushes the plunger and removes the needle for you. User reviews are claiming painless IM injections.

It’s a pretty big device, though it does let you control the injection speed - there’s even a display where you can choose how fast the substance goes in. But you’d basically be injecting blindly, which seems odd to me, even though it’s only $50. For example, I have a Needle Guide Assistant: 90 Super Grip | Union Medico. It’s a neat little thing - I sometimes use it myself, though some people might see it and say it’s for “pussies.” Personally, I think it’s perfect for anyone who’s afraid of needles or who’s doing IM injections for the first time. There’s a similar device in the US for about $120.
we used to get the Orgenon sustonon 250 pre loads from mexico 25 +years ago ,,,, ;) with the 18 g harpoons,,,
Holy shit, I was there, few to a few weeks ago, I forgot to change my draw pin, 18ga 1.5", was in a rush. Went to pin, just noticed that it was really hard to puncture the skin in my glute, finally went in and then looked when it was empty. Apparently the PTSD is real! I saw the 16s too, thought it was a blowgun. Finally figured out how to dismantle an epi-pen after a couple of weeks of harpooning.

Ahh, Make PEDs Great Again lol
Holy shit, I was there, few to a few weeks ago, I forgot to change my draw pin, 18ga 1.5", was in a rush. Went to pin, just noticed that it was really hard to puncture the skin in my glute, finally went in and then looked when it was empty. Apparently the PTSD is real! I saw the 16s too, thought it was a blowgun. Finally figured out how to dismantle an epi-pen after a couple of weeks of harpooning.

Ahh, Make PEDs Great Again lol
We used those 18 g harpoons , the sust 250 preload came in a glass syringe with attached needle , im not even sure if the needle was interchangeable, ,,, talk about a little "PIP" ,,,
Since I'm being pushy about such things, this is the one I use for oils. They're in Germany, but do ship to the US. I can't find a distributor in the US for this particular item, Braun #4550579

Last time I ordered, I got 15 of them for around $33 and $30 in shipping. Totally worth it.
I order them on Amazon. They might not be the same brand though. I'll have to check. They come out to roughly a dollar a piece. Small price to pay for safety, cleanliness and peace of mind.
Luer lock for me since once a luer slip blew up all the oil on my ex face.

I nowadays have a new mrs and I do my own injections which is miles better.

I got used to daily injections and I use a 1ml syringe with luer lock and 19-21g to draw and 25g to pin.

Although once I was distracted and I pinned my lat with a 21g green, felt like I had a bic pen inside my lat lol
I order them on Amazon. They might not be the same brand though. I'll have to check. They come out to roughly a dollar a piece. Small price to pay for safety, cleanliness and peace of mind.
Unfortunately, you can’t find them in the US, and there aren’t any good ones on Amazon. You can find vial spike adapters there, but they’re not as good as B.Braun. So, it’s better to order B.Braun from Germany.