Are luer lock syringes worth it?

The Braun #4550579 has a number of unique features. It has a pressure balancing air inlet with a filter, as well as a particle filter for the fluid and a valve to prevent the fluid from free flowing from the vial when held upside down.

I've used others, but that one is the nicest to use. The process of filling a syringe takes me a few seconds.
Holy shit, I was there, few to a few weeks ago, I forgot to change my draw pin, 18ga 1.5", was in a rush. Went to pin, just noticed that it was really hard to puncture the skin in my glute, finally went in and then looked when it was empty. Apparently the PTSD is real! I saw the 16s too, thought it was a blowgun. Finally figured out how to dismantle an epi-pen after a couple of weeks of harpooning.

Ahh, Make PEDs Great Again lol
I still have phantom pain in my asscheeks from that
We used those 18 g harpoons , the sust 250 preload came in a glass syringe with attached needle , im not even sure if the needle was interchangeable, ,,, talk about a little "PIP" ,,,
From the ones I had it was all one piece, so after dismantling my epi-pen I used to back fill it with no stopper, and holy shit was 25ga missable! First couple of times I knew it was done only because of the adrenaline that epinephrine gives, even in miniscule amounts when I'm not is anaphylaxis. No, I didn't use the spring load lol and no, I stopped with the redi-jects, Ttoykko from then out lol. Those 18s were murder, cold blooded murder on my poor glute. Glute because at first I couldn't stretch far enough to reach the left one lmao. Ha, and now my site of choice for Sust is my bicep, then? I was wishing it into me haha.
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