Are you injecting IM or Sub-Q?


It’s been a while since this became a thing and I was curious what others are doing.

I still do IM for long easters at low doses/ml but have gone to Sub-Q for the short ones and highly concentrated blends. I would sub-q the low dose long easters to but it’s to much volume and leaves a lump and a bruise. If I use 1 cc or less, it’s ok. For less than 1/2 a cc I use a 27g x 1/2”. If it’s a full cc I use a 27g x 1” and pull it half way out as I inject to keep the site from bruising.

Your thoughts?
I'll have oil run out at times hitting it IM. No way I'd to SQ, seems it'd be wasteful.

But I don't really deal with much in the way of PIP or anything.
So I dunno.
Why would sub-q be wasteful? I thought that was disproven or at the least it’s not enough to be an issue.
Short easters just kill me. Within two weeks I can’t move my legs or shoulders. Tried many different companies gear and all the same. The short stuff hurts a lot.
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Never done subq.

I'm curious is there pip with it?
Guess I could try lol but seriously seems like it could be possibly worse subq.

I always heard going in the muscle helped the oil absorb more streamline than sitting under the skin.
Why would sub-q be wasteful? I thought that was disproven or at the least it’s not enough to be an issue.
Short easters just kill me. Within two weeks I can’t move my legs or shoulders. Tried many different companies gear and all the same. The short stuff hurts a lot.
Hey bro,, when I do AAS cycles,, I will always use short ester steroids and I inject those every day for up to 10 to 12 months! I even inject long ester compounds like DHB every day at about 80mg to 100mg per shot,, with other things in the same syringe. The trick is to utilize as many muscle groups as possibe for injections. I continually rotate from delts, traps, ventro glutes, triceps, quads ect. So for me,, each muscle group gets injected into at about once every 10 to 14 days. (If you do it this way,, then you should never have a problem with scar tissue or other types of muscular pain). Thats more then enough time for a muscle to recuperate from an injection. Check out this site I listed below on injection sites
From what I've read IM has more efficient bioavailability but subq is a close second. Secondly, subq only makes sense if you are injecting TRT amounts of hormone, otherwise it gets painful.

I'm too lazy to post a bunch of sources but here's a couple on bioavailability

Testosterone cypionate - Wikipedia
Hey bro,, when I do AAS cycles,, I will always use short ester steroids and I inject those every day for up to 10 to 12 months! I even inject long ester compounds like DHB every day at about 80mg to 100mg per shot,, with other things in the same syringe. The trick is to utilize as many muscle groups as possibe for injections. I continually rotate from delts, traps, ventro glutes, triceps, quads ect. So for me,, each muscle group gets injected into at about once every 10 to 14 days. (If you do it this way,, then you should never have a problem with scar tissue or other types of muscular pain). Thats more then enough time for a muscle to recuperate from an injection. Check out this site I listed below on injection sites

Can you give a quick ordering of what your opinion is with overall pip and other pros and cons of those muscle groups?

That site seems great btw so thanks.

I've only ever pinned glutes and delts and well obviously glutes are the winner imo with those 2 but I'm clueless with the rest.

I've heard the hate about pinning quads from pip so that's about my experience so any info is appreciated.
Hey bro,, when I do AAS cycles,, I will always use short ester steroids and I inject those every day for up to 10 to 12 months! I even inject long ester compounds like DHB every day at about 80mg to 100mg per shot,, with other things in the same syringe. The trick is to utilize as many muscle groups as possibe for injections. I continually rotate from delts, traps, ventro glutes, triceps, quads ect. So for me,, each muscle group gets injected into at about once every 10 to 14 days. (If you do it this way,, then you should never have a problem with scar tissue or other types of muscular pain). Thats more then enough time for a muscle to recuperate from an injection. Check out this site I listed below on injection sites
Thanks for the input. I use that site as well. It’s a great source for shot location. I get really bad pip with a single shot of short easters. I have tried rotating groups and the only ones that don’t just kill me are shoulders and the lateral thigh. Biceps triceps, lats... are to painful to work the muscle group for over a week. Glutes are to hard for me to comfortably reach.
As others have said to much volume and sub-q is more painful. But if you can keep it under 1 cc then it’s better for me.

Another question I have for ya is if you run 10 month to a year on cycle why not use test-u and inject weekly? I personally run low dose cycles at around 650mg/week total compounds for 8+ months and have found test u to be my favorite when blended with some test-e. Nice smooth 450mg/ml. One ml/week and I am good. Then I can add test-a or p Or tren-a or other compounds easily throughout the week if I want to up the game.

For those that are curious it does burn for about two hours after injection but by the next day it’s gone.
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From what I've read IM has more efficient bioavailability but subq is a close second. Secondly, subq only makes sense if you are injecting TRT amounts of hormone, otherwise it gets painful.

I'm too lazy to post a bunch of sources but here's a couple on bioavailability

Testosterone cypionate - Wikipedia
IM More efficient? Then why did the patients need a lower dose to achieve the same levels.

Superiority of subcutaneous over intramuscular injections relies on improved convenience, safety, and cost. Approximately 25% lower SC than IM dose of testosterone is needed to achieve similar outcomes.

This statement from the study suggest its more efficient?

The literature I have read says that sub-q is the same or more bioavailable depending on injection method. Some sources say it’s 98% as available as IM. There is a method said to improve bioavibility for sub-q injections. Using a longer needle and pulling part way out as you inject.

I have had friends in the hospital for over a week with an absest. I know it’s rare but I eliminate risk when ever possible. The possible risks of IM vs Sub-Q are clearly spelled out in the lit. So for me I sub-q when possible.
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Lumps. Pushing thick oil through a slin pin takes awhile. K.I.S.S. put the oil in a muscle, put GH and slin sub cue. Trt doses probably just fine, i tried it didnt care for it. Im doing 35 to 45 ius slin a day. No lumps with the small waterbased doses.
It’s been a while since this became a thing and I was curious what others are doing.

I still do IM for long easters at low doses/ml but have gone to Sub-Q for the short ones and highly concentrated blends. I would sub-q the low dose long easters to but it’s to much volume and leaves a lump and a bruise. If I use 1 cc or less, it’s ok. For less than 1/2 a cc I use a 27g x 1/2”. If it’s a full cc I use a 27g x 1” and pull it half way out as I inject to keep the site from bruising.

Your thoughts?

No need to pull it out.

Look at and use as many different sites as you can.

The people that mention extreme pip in biceps/triceps/calves/chest etc, are those who inject 1ml+ into a virgin muscle. Never had major pip, pump some blood into the muscle after injection, light stretching and you are good to go.

27g 1" for IM is good enough as long as you are lean, for oil substances, for anything else I use slin size.
It’s been a while since this became a thing and I was curious what others are doing.

I still do IM for long easters at low doses/ml but have gone to Sub-Q for the short ones and highly concentrated blends. I would sub-q the low dose long easters to but it’s to much volume and leaves a lump and a bruise. If I use 1 cc or less, it’s ok. For less than 1/2 a cc I use a 27g x 1/2”. If it’s a full cc I use a 27g x 1” and pull it half way out as I inject to keep the site from bruising.

Your thoughts?

I tried subq tren, injection sites ended up looking like I took a bean bag round to the abdomen.
Curious why there's a difference in terms of pain. I've only run Sust / E until yesterday. Hit 75mg of TA and zero PIP.

Didn't even get the touted Tren cough.

Why would sub-q be wasteful? I thought that was disproven or at the least it’s not enough to be an issue.
Short easters just kill me. Within two weeks I can’t move my legs or shoulders. Tried many different companies gear and all the same. The short stuff hurts a lot.
Wow really??? I have found that as long as I don’t inject more than 1cc of anything shorter than prop in anything else besides my quads and glutes, then I am fine., The second I go for 1.5 cc in my delts it is sore but never is it sore for 1.5 wks. I always massage in a circular motion for atleast a min after. ALWAYS.
Thanks for the input. I use that site as well. It’s a great source for shot location. I get really bad pip with a single shot of short easters. I have tried rotating groups and the only ones that don’t just kill me are shoulders and the lateral thigh. Biceps triceps, lats... are to painful to work the muscle group for over a week. Glutes are to hard for me to comfortably reach.
As others have said to much volume and sub-q is more painful. But if you can keep it under 1 cc then it’s better for me.

Another question I have for ya is if you run 10 month to a year on cycle why not use test-u and inject weekly? I personally run low dose cycles at around 650mg/week total compounds for 8+ months and have found test u to be my favorite when blended with some test-e. Nice smooth 450mg/ml. One ml/week and I am good. Then I can add test-a or p Or tren-a or other compounds easily throughout the week if I want to up the game.

For those that are curious it does burn for about two hours after injection but by the next day it’s gone.
If you think bi and tri’s can hurt. Lol try pushing a cc of Winstrol in your calves. Holy fuck. Yeah 1 time was all it took. I was locked and loaded so I pushed all of it. But never again.
As someone mentioned above subq works fine for TRT type of doses or about 0.5ml of oil per injection. Based on feels and results, 0.5ml of prescription test enanthate did not produce any issues but expected benefits of trt. When UGL, in this case Anonymous Anabolic, test cyp was used for 0.5ml of subq injection, injection site gets little itchy and leaves a lump for number of days; was not the case with prescription test e.
I have tried everything I can think of. Heat pads, hot tubs, message and no matter who makes it, the short easters, they hurt like hell. Never had an issue with the long easters even at 2ml per shot. Thankfully my short easters blends are super strong. I only need 0.5cc per shot. Like I say I would not recommend more than 1cc sub-q. My friend can not do sub-q as it leaves a huge bruise. Same compound same spot as me. He tried the other day and damn it looks bad lol
Can you give a quick ordering of what your opinion is with overall pip and other pros and cons of those muscle groups?

That site seems great btw so thanks.

I've only ever pinned glutes and delts and well obviously glutes are the winner imo with those 2 but I'm clueless with the rest.

I've heard the hate about pinning quads from pip so that's about my experience so any info is appreciated.
Hi Breakneck,,, everybody will react differently by injecting in those particular muscle groups. I never get any pain from injecting glutes, quads, or ventro glutes. But when I first started injecting into delts, chest, traps and triceps;;; then I would experience some minor discomfort or minor pain. The worst was injecting into my lats. I would have moderate pain from that muscle lasting one or two days. I do not bother injecting into lats anymore because of that. But I did find that the pip would reside to nothing at all after about 2 or 3 months of injecting into those other muscle groups at about once every 7 to 10 days. It all comes down to getting that particular muscle used to repeated injections.
Thanks for the input. I use that site as well. It’s a great source for shot location. I get really bad pip with a single shot of short easters. I have tried rotating groups and the only ones that don’t just kill me are shoulders and the lateral thigh. Biceps triceps, lats... are to painful to work the muscle group for over a week. Glutes are to hard for me to comfortably reach.
As others have said to much volume and sub-q is more painful. But if you can keep it under 1 cc then it’s better for me.

Another question I have for ya is if you run 10 month to a year on cycle why not use test-u and inject weekly? I personally run low dose cycles at around 650mg/week total compounds for 8+ months and have found test u to be my favorite when blended with some test-e. Nice smooth 450mg/ml. One ml/week and I am good. Then I can add test-a or p Or tren-a or other compounds easily throughout the week if I want to up the game.

For those that are curious it does burn for about two hours after injection but by the next day it’s gone.
Hey Oldman,,,, the reason I don't use test-u (or other long ester compounds) is because I do not have a clue if its all out of my system when I come to do the PCT thing. If its in my system or out of my system for an overdue amount of time when I do the PCT thing,,,,, then my HPTA axis will be negatively affected one way or another whether test u is still in my system or out of my system at the time of doing PCT. With test prop,, I can effectively taper my dosage downward and just stop it exactly two days before doing PCT and in turn have a very effective recovery. You see,, Im not into doing the TRT thing,, and I want to avoiding doing TRT for as long as possible. If I keep doing AAS cycles,, which very like will,, then that time will come that I will officially have to do the TRT thing,, but for now,, I have been recovering very efficiantly from the oldschool use of clomid and nolvadex,, and of course I use HCG throughout every cycle.
Also,, another reason I like using short esters is because the gains come on quickly. I can switch various AAS around every 8 weeks or so and continue to make decent fast gains.