Whos that suppose to be? You cant even see their face and thats one pic and i wouldnt be surprised if that was before being first lady. How much searching did that take lol...Anyway, the insecure excuse is dumb. I havent forced anyone to cover their face so idk what you talkin about. None of my sisters wear hijab and i have said anything to them....My wife covered herself and acted modest before marriage so thats why i chose her. No one is forcing anyone except you. You claim i force women to cover up, i claim you force women to show off for your piggish hunger to see some skin. I claim guys arent men for treating women as sex objects and wanting every girl to dress less and you claim that women who cover up have done so because they are forced and are "prisoners" (Lmao). It is a womans choice. In reality its people like YOU who force women to dress differently so you can benefit. You make women feel like their being controlled if they dress modestly and you give the notion that if they dress like sluts they will be free (Youre obv a feminist). Stop forcing your beliefs on people. If everyone just lets women make their own choices they would cover up, but because theyve been treated like shit and sex objects by these past few generations, they dress like they do now. Anyway, just dont pressure anyone into your ideology.