Assuming diet & exercise are a 10 what "extra's" provide the best ROI?


New Member
If someone is looking to improve their build (not necessarily be a bodybuilder but just gain muscle and lose fat) what's the best bang for your buck on a scale of 1 to 10. The assumption is Diet & Exercise is a 10. Something like TRT may be a 9 and a few peptides may be a 6 or 7. This curiosity came from personal experience because I haven't seen a difference from using L Carnitine (2,000mg a day) injections for 2 months. It feels like a waste of money. So does a ton of these other supplements and money grabs by fitness influencers. I do take Creatine and give that a 5 also. I am beginning to feel like peptides may be a waste to with BPC being the exception.
So does a ton of these other supplements and money grabs by fitness influencers.
Best return on investment would be to stop watching fitness influencers.

All the information you could ever need is spread across a few online forums (Meso being one of them) from yearssss of experience. Start reading.
I’m definitely do hence this post. Just putting this out there to see what useful responses I get. Thanks
Gear and growth. That’s really it. Insulin if you’re REALLY advanced/need it to use more growth safely.

Peptides don’t compete, aside from injury recovery. Most supps are bullshit.
Gear and growth. That’s really it. Insulin if you’re REALLY advanced/need it to use more growth safely.

Peptides don’t compete, aside from injury recovery. Most supps are bullshit.
I am finding this to be true especially w l carnitine. It hasnt done shit. Thanks for your response
What gear?
Whatever can be used at the lowest doees with the least side effects for the most results and that varies person to person. But almost everybody underestimates what test, a bit of mast or primo, and diet/hard training can do.
If someone is looking to improve their build (not necessarily be a bodybuilder but just gain muscle and lose fat) what's the best bang for your buck on a scale of 1 to 10. The assumption is Diet & Exercise is a 10. Something like TRT may be a 9 and a few peptides may be a 6 or 7. This curiosity came from personal experience because I haven't seen a difference from using L Carnitine (2,000mg a day) injections for 2 months. It feels like a waste of money. So does a ton of these other supplements and money grabs by fitness influencers. I do take Creatine and give that a 5 also. I am beginning to feel like peptides may be a waste to with BPC being the exception.
Use that extra money to buy more food, grocery bill will increase with your growth.

No supplement sold by any company will beat steroids in muscle protein synthesis. So even a small dose over real trt will still beat creatine any given day imo.
I only spend my money on test and GH and quality protein.

Maybe some oral from time to time. And also have a stash of fire tren I don’t use it much anymore I will use it if I wanna look extra good for something and that’s no more than 200 maybe 300 tops for 5-6 weeks.

I’ve expiraments with various combinations and bases I tried last summer nandro only and was very good but not my preference.

Test GH high protein diet and the progressive overload happens automatically on all aspects.