First VAR cycle

25mg wow! How do you feel on 25mg? I’m guessing this isn’t your first time on Anavar? I know my BF isn’t low enough yet to see any abs but my core is feeling tighter and I feel a baby abdominal trying to peek.

You're doing great and I can definitely see the abdominals poking out! You're waist looks really slim too!

Im going to a family member's wedding at the end of the month and the only gear I had when I started the cycle was 25 mg so i quartered it and worked my way up. I have 10mg pills now but my body has probably built up a tolerance so hopefully I can do a longer cycle with the lower dose next time. I have noticed a difference in my legs but not as much in the tummy as I'd like which may be from water bloat. Since I'm trying to cut, I've been doing mostly supersets with anywhere from 15-40 reps on all sets so I'm using lighter weight. I haven't noticed myself getting freakishly stronger, but my legs feel like they have a pump 24/7 and I'm constantly wanting to stretch.


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I take EAA’s during my workouts and I mix my creatine with my post workout protein shake. I have tried the coconut water on the days that my cramping was real bad and it worked. I believe the salbutamol is the culprit as with the Anavar alone I had no issues. The only thing I really want to stop taking is the vitamin B5. It has dried my skin and hair up so much, but the alternative is possibly bad acne from the Anavar.
Hey ForYourEyesOnly, salbutamol depletes taurine and potassium in the body, which in turn causes electrolyte imbalance hence cramping and muscle spasms can occur, 2-3 grams of taurine a day is a good idea. A good way to balance your electrolytes is to get yourself some food grade potassium chloride, it is really fine like salt. You can mix it 50/50 with himalayan or sea salt and use as you would normal salt. Or you can mix 1/8 of a spoon in water and drink twice a day. Then take around 400mgs magnesium glycinate with your last meal of the day, this will balance your electrolytes and magnesium glycinate can even help people sleep better.
On another note your making very solid progress and should be proud of yourself, you are in the vast minority of people who take pride in them self and have the discipline to do anything about it. Also glad to see that jerk from the other day didn't get under your skin, keep up the good work.
You're doing great and I can definitely see the abdominals poking out! You're waist looks really slim too!

Im going to a family member's wedding at the end of the month and the only gear I had when I started the cycle was 25 mg so i quartered it and worked my way up. I have 10mg pills now but my body has probably built up a tolerance so hopefully I can do a longer cycle with the lower dose next time. I have noticed a difference in my legs but not as much in the tummy as I'd like which may be from water bloat. Since I'm trying to cut, I've been doing mostly supersets with anywhere from 15-40 reps on all sets so I'm using lighter weight. I haven't noticed myself getting freakishly stronger, but my legs feel like they have a pump 24/7 and I'm constantly wanting to stretch.
Amazing progress for 3 weeks! Keep it up and post some updates after your cycle. Your stomach area has definitely changed and I get you when you feel like it hasn’t changed much because it has it’s just harder for us to see it ourselves. I have the same issue and post on here for an honest opinion.
l agree with you to a certain extent on chiropractors, you have good chiro's and bad chiro's. Any chiro that wants to manipulate and pull you all over the place without any stretching or muscle release techniques is not a properly educated chiro and should be avoided at all costs. A good chiro will always do some form of stretching or muscle release before he even attempts to manipulate and in a lot of cases manipulation is not even needed. Manipulation is really only needed to open up and decompress joints when nerves are involved. Most of the time stretching techniques that are properly executed with some form of muscle release, like dry needling will resolve most issues. l used to see a chiro regularly and still had chronic back troubles. lt wasn't till l became friends with a good ortho who taught me how to stretch properly and dry needle that l finally got my back right. l haven't had to see anyone for my back for 10+ years. My wife is happy to because she gets her stretching and dry needling done for nothing. Pity l cant fix my screwed shoulder. l agree with you on the foam roller, they are great. Also the hard plastic spikey balls can be useful to and cost next to nothing.
I have never had a good one then! All they wanted to do was crack my back because they thought it would fix my mild scoliosis and that was the cause of every issue. It was very annoying. It's literally a very mild curvature. I think it's like 11°. I always got alot out of PT and massage and salt baths. Anyway this ain't my thread, enough about me lol.
I have never had a good one then! All they wanted to do was crack my back because they thought it would fix my mild scoliosis and that was the cause of every issue. It was very annoying. It's literally a very mild curvature. I think it's like 11°. I always got alot out of PT and massage and salt baths. Anyway this ain't my thread, enough about me lol.

I feel like you all are a part of my journey haha. You’re always welcome to post whatever you want as it keeps everyone engaged. :)
Posting some progress pics. Left is 4/24 which was start of cycle, on the right is yesterday. I have 3 more weeks on cycle as July 3 will be my last dose after tapering down for a week. I am happy with the results thus far. I fluctuate between 158-161. I started around 155, and I am still on salbutamol, caffeine, and Yohimbine.


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Question. I feel as though the salbutamol has worn off a bit after being on for 5 weeks today. I’ve read that most go 4 on 4 off with it. Would it be ok to switch to an ECA stack for a couple weeks? I do not have Ketotifen on hand as I overlooked this unfortunately.
Question. I feel as though the salbutamol has worn off a bit after being on for 5 weeks today. I’ve read that most go 4 on 4 off with it. Would it be ok to switch to an ECA stack for a couple weeks? I do not have Ketotifen on hand as I overlooked this unfortunately.
Yes, I'd add in 2.5mg or 3mg Yohimbine HCL with that stack and you'll love it. Most any brand but nutricost is good
Question. I feel as though the salbutamol has worn off a bit after being on for 5 weeks today. I’ve read that most go 4 on 4 off with it. Would it be ok to switch to an ECA stack for a couple weeks? I do not have Ketotifen on hand as I overlooked this unfortunately.
Yeah. I find ephedrine really suppresses my appetite a ton. I have never taken the aspirin with it, but apparently it significantly increases the fat burning effect and orevents norepinephrine levels from dropping, thus keeping energy higher.
Question. I feel as though the salbutamol has worn off a bit after being on for 5 weeks today. I’ve read that most go 4 on 4 off with it. Would it be ok to switch to an ECA stack for a couple weeks? I do not have Ketotifen on hand as I overlooked this unfortunately.

Or you can increase the yohimbine.

Sometimes when I come off stimulants I just drink green tea or take green tea extract. It’s a great natural fat burner.
I am also planning to do my labs post cycle since the time is coming soon. Should I wait a couple weeks off? I think I’m going to go with LabsMD. Is there any choice in particular I should go with from this list?

Yes I would wait at least 2 weeks.
Nearing the end of my cycle :(

It’s been a great experience so far with minimal side effects. I would say the worst side so far has been the oily skin and tiny acne on my back. No voice changes that I can tell. Excellent strength gains, and great recovery. I am already planning my next cycle and how I can improve on this one. My diet has been spot on for the whole cycle, but I do want to work on my training split as I feel like that could use some more structure, but I am limited to my home gym. Might invest in an online trainer who can advise me based on my available equipment. I also believe If I added more cardio I have no doubt I would have toned up even more. My goal for the next 3 months will be to try and continue to eat more Whole Foods, more carbs, and continue to grow my glutes. Was thinking about adding/substituting more quinoa for rice, broccoli for potato, and oats. I am on a carb refeed once a week and have seen good results even though the pics may not show it. I feel the change in my mid section. The E/C/Yohimbine has been a great addition to my supplements as well for anyone considering it. I started working core 4-5x a week about 3 weeks ago as well. Lots of lessons learned with all your advice which I appreciate greatly. For anyone considering AAS it is not a magic pill like I’ve said before. The work has to be done and some of the hardest work is honestly in the foods and eating. I will have better pics at the end of the cycle. I am nearing my time of the month so I am a little bloated unfortunately.


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Nearing the end of my cycle :(

It’s been a great experience so far with minimal side effects. I would say the worst side so far has been the oily skin and tiny acne on my back. No voice changes that I can tell. Excellent strength gains, and great recovery. I am already planning my next cycle and how I can improve on this one. My diet has been spot on for the whole cycle, but I do want to work on my training split as I feel like that could use some more structure, but I am limited to my home gym. Might invest in an online trainer who can advise me based on my available equipment. I also believe If I added more cardio I have no doubt I would have toned up even more. My goal for the next 3 months will be to try and continue to eat more Whole Foods, more carbs, and continue to grow my glutes. Was thinking about adding/substituting more quinoa for rice, broccoli for potato, and oats. I am on a carb refeed once a week and have seen good results even though the pics may not show it. I feel the change in my mid section. The E/C/Yohimbine has been a great addition to my supplements as well for anyone considering it. I started working core 4-5x a week about 3 weeks ago as well. Lots of lessons learned with all your advice which I appreciate greatly. For anyone considering AAS it is not a magic pill like I’ve said before. The work has to be done and some of the hardest work is honestly in the foods and eating. I will have better pics at the end of the cycle. I am nearing my time of the month so I am a little bloated unfortunately.
I see some new abs popping out too say hello! :)
Really it has been awesome watching you grow and share with the board. In think I speak for us all when I say thank you for your contributions and your bravery and for not allowing yourself to be put down by the occasional asshole. I wish you the best and hope to see you back again!

Also don't discount natty training! You can still make gains and lose weight without PEDs, so don't let up on your efforts when you do off cycle! :)
Based on the info/pics in this thread, I think the best advice I could give would be to try to use consistent lighting when taking pics. The lighting can make a big difference in whether or not changes are visible. It looks like you may be in different areas of your house or different times of day so the sunlight is hitting differently.

I can still see the progress even with the erratic lighting, but as the changes become more subtle, it’ll be harder to see them without using consistent lighting.

With all of that said, good job, you’ve clearly dialed in your diet and training and made great progress.
I am going to continue my same training and diet while natural, I didn’t work this hard to have it all go away. :D I’m actually excited to see what I can achieve natural and compare. I agree the lighting is terrible and inconsistent which makes it hard to assess progress. I’ll make a note of that and make sure to have the same lighting and outfit for every progress photo I take.