First VAR cycle

I have considered HGH but do not know enough about it honestly, but I will look more into it. Is it cycled like AAS? How often is it injected?
Get your igf1 levels tested first to assess where you're at before starting

1iu before bed at least 90 mins away from food, 6 days on 1 day off. Never take it near food as it can lead to type 2 diabetes.

To optimize the fat burning effects, do fasted cardio with it and ideally you can change your dosing to 1-2hours prior to fasted cardio
Thanks! I will look more into it when I have some time. I would also need to make the commitment to inject myself which I’m not sure I’m honestly ready for. Started my new diet and I’ll continue to document my progress through this thread.
Thanks! I will look more into it when I have some time. I would also need to make the commitment to inject myself which I’m not sure I’m honestly ready for. Started my new diet and I’ll continue to document my progress through this thread.
Hgh is usually pinned sub q with a small insulin needle.

You can try something similar like melanotan 2 to see if you would be okay with the pokes.

What’s your new diet? Paleo?

Also any changes to your training or cardio?
Hgh is usually pinned sub q with a small insulin needle.

You can try something similar like melanotan 2 to see if you would be okay with the pokes.

What’s your new diet? Paleo?

Also any changes to your training or cardio?

Basically paleo, focusing on more whole foods. Training is the same for now. Shoulders/triceps, Back/biceps, and Lower body. I split up my lower body day since I had 8 total exercises. I also workout core everyday. I’m off all stimulants until July 16 when I will start cycling Salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. I was reading that Yohimbine should also be cycled, but the information isn't clear, some say yes some no.
Basically paleo, focusing on more whole foods. Training is the same for now. Shoulders/triceps, Back/biceps, and Lower body. I split up my lower body day since I had 8 total exercises. I also workout core everyday. I’m off all stimulants until July 16 when I will start cycling Salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. I was reading that Yohimbine should also be cycled, but the information isn't clear, some say yes some no.
Does not need to be cycled like that.
Thanks for the info. I am going to get back on it tomorrow with a dose at 6 and another at 9. I’ll eat around 11 and see how I feel.
Let us know how that works! I generally suggest 6 hours apart but I'm curious! Also if you take it with caffeine there will be a synergistic effect. Yohimbine works on the alpha 2 receptor but when you block one it can cause the other receptor to upregulate. Caffeine works on the alpha 1 receptor so by combining the two you'll yield greater effects
Cycle has come to an end. Overall I am happy with the progress I have made, and I will have some before and after pics coming up this week. I have made some nice gains in my upper body and have definitely toned my lower body a lot more although I didn’t see the gains I thought I would. That is due to my calorie deficit though. Plan for the next 3 months is to 2 weeks cycle salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine. Taking half Yohimbine dose first thing In the morning at 6am, and fasting until 11. The next dose will be around 10pm before bed. I will reassess in 4 weeks and see where I stand. I will say my greatest gains have come the last 3 weeks of the cycle I feel. My body, especially my midsection, has “hardened”. I would love to take this cycle for another 4 weeks but I did feel the acne starting to come on a lot more the last couple weeks as well as a slightly scratchy throat. I will update this week with better before and after pictures.
Any hair loss with the Var?

You definitely made great progress. Good job.
Cycle has come to an end. Overall I am happy with the progress I have made, and I will have some before and after pics coming up this week. I have made some nice gains in my upper body and have definitely toned my lower body a lot more although I didn’t see the gains I thought I would. That is due to my calorie deficit though. Plan for the next 3 months is to 2 weeks cycle salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine. Taking half Yohimbine dose first thing In the morning at 6am, and fasting until 11. The next dose will be around 10pm before bed. I will reassess in 4 weeks and see where I stand. I will say my greatest gains have come the last 3 weeks of the cycle I feel. My body, especially my midsection, has “hardened”. I would love to take this cycle for another 4 weeks but I did feel the acne starting to come on a lot more the last couple weeks as well as a slightly scratchy throat. I will update this week with better before and after pictures.
wow nicely dune