First VAR cycle

Nearing the end of my cycle :(

It’s been a great experience so far with minimal side effects. I would say the worst side so far has been the oily skin and tiny acne on my back. No voice changes that I can tell. Excellent strength gains, and great recovery. I am already planning my next cycle and how I can improve on this one. My diet has been spot on for the whole cycle, but I do want to work on my training split as I feel like that could use some more structure, but I am limited to my home gym. Might invest in an online trainer who can advise me based on my available equipment. I also believe If I added more cardio I have no doubt I would have toned up even more. My goal for the next 3 months will be to try and continue to eat more Whole Foods, more carbs, and continue to grow my glutes. Was thinking about adding/substituting more quinoa for rice, broccoli for potato, and oats. I am on a carb refeed once a week and have seen good results even though the pics may not show it. I feel the change in my mid section. The E/C/Yohimbine has been a great addition to my supplements as well for anyone considering it. I started working core 4-5x a week about 3 weeks ago as well. Lots of lessons learned with all your advice which I appreciate greatly. For anyone considering AAS it is not a magic pill like I’ve said before. The work has to be done and some of the hardest work is honestly in the foods and eating. I will have better pics at the end of the cycle. I am nearing my time of the month so I am a little bloated unfortunately.
Great post!

You have worked your butt off and you should be super proud of all you have accomplished!

Also those abs though! I definitely couldn’t tell you were bloated.

Keep up the great work! It was awesome seeing someone work hard and get results. Will be interested in where you will be 3, 6, 9 months from now if you keep up your awesome work ethic.
Good morning update. Everything remains the same, just some oilier skin this week. I have been feeling slightly fatigued during the day unfortunately. Still going up in weight couple times a week, thank god for 5 lb plates :D This is my final week on cycle as it ends next Sunday. I’ll have some progress pics this week, next week, and the week after being off for a week to see if there was any bloating. I am going to be even stricter on my diet these next few months. The plan is for a paleo diet on current macros to see if I can really get these abs to pop. I do not plan on going on another cycle of anavar until next year around February or March.

I have been contemplated, and doing lots of research this past week, on a short 4 week bulk cycle with a great emphasis on lower body around October or November. Health and safety is my first priority as always so I am still researching but that is why I am on this board as well. Basically I have been looking into mass building oral compounds. Anadrol seems to be one that women tolerate well with minimal sides (hypertension and liver) and good gains. Dbol was another one I looked into but I am not sure the sides (virilization) are something I want to experience. I knocked Primo off the list due to it really not being “felt” for 6 weeks. Turinabol was another I looked into but it seems to be more for strength and endurance. Anything would be run with liver support. I also will up my calories to a clean 2000-2200 for this short cycle. Am I crazy? Honesty is appreciated as always :oops:
Would you mind if i offer a different opinion?

I don't think you are ready to use steroids, as you have a large margin to progress naturally. Or, in other words, you can can still achieve the same results naturally, just by fixing your diet and training.

Using them now, it seems rushing towards a goal that will take some time to achieve (at least 6 months to a year), and for now, could be done naturally.

If i were you, before thinking in new cycles, i would maintain the yohimbine HCL, alternate it with an ECA stack or salbuterol, etc, at least until you reach a lower BF%.

Just by maintaining the current strict diet and training, while also using the thermogenics, you would be able to progress a lot in the next few months. And only then, i would add the steroids, so you could push the gains and the fat loss even further.
Would you mind if i offer a different opinion?

I don't think you are ready to use steroids, as you have a large margin to progress naturally. Or, in other words, you can can still achieve the same results naturally, just by fixing your diet and training.

Using them now, it seems rushing towards a goal that will take some time to achieve (at least 6 months to a year), and for now, could be done naturally.

If i were you, before thinking in new cycles, i would maintain the yohimbine HCL, alternate it with an ECA stack or salbuterol, etc, at least until you reach a lower BF%.

Just by maintaining the current strict diet and training, while also using the thermogenics, you would be able to progress a lot in the next few months. And only then, i would add the steroids, so you could push the gains and the fat loss even further.
I don’t understand your viewpoint… she’s not ready to use steroids because she can still progress naturally, but she is ready to use fat burners/thermogenics, which are arguably harder on ones body than anavar.

I would not consider the use of those stimulants to be “natural progression”

Did I get that right? Because that doesn’t make a bit of sense to me
Do you think ECA / Yohimbine, even Salbuterol(with regular dosages ) have less sides to a women than Anavar?

To me, steroids should only be used when you have already maximized your natural potential, use them when a lot of progress can be done naturally is a bad approach.

Based on the pictures, the OP can still make a LOT of progress naturally.
Good morning update. Everything remains the same, just some oilier skin this week. I have been feeling slightly fatigued during the day unfortunately. Still going up in weight couple times a week, thank god for 5 lb plates :D This is my final week on cycle as it ends next Sunday. I’ll have some progress pics this week, next week, and the week after being off for a week to see if there was any bloating. I am going to be even stricter on my diet these next few months. The plan is for a paleo diet on current macros to see if I can really get these abs to pop. I do not plan on going on another cycle of anavar until next year around February or March.

I have been contemplated, and doing lots of research this past week, on a short 4 week bulk cycle with a great emphasis on lower body around October or November. Health and safety is my first priority as always so I am still researching but that is why I am on this board as well. Basically I have been looking into mass building oral compounds. Anadrol seems to be one that women tolerate well with minimal sides (hypertension and liver) and good gains. Dbol was another one I looked into but I am not sure the sides (virilization) are something I want to experience. I knocked Primo off the list due to it really not being “felt” for 6 weeks. Turinabol was another I looked into but it seems to be more for strength and endurance. Anything would be run with liver support. I also will up my calories to a clean 2000-2200 for this short cycle. Am I crazy? Honesty is appreciated as always :oops:
The bulk cycle sounds like a great idea... I might extend it to 6 weeks if you tolerate the sides well. It will be hard to gain too much muscle in 4 weeks.
Do you think ECA / Yohimbine, even Salbuterol(with regular dosages ) have less sides to a women than Anavar?

To me, steroids should only be used when you have already maximized your natural potential, use them when a lot of progress can be done naturally is a bad approach.

Based on the pictures, the OP can still make a LOT of progress naturally.
I’m not saying you’re incorrect for suggesting there’s plenty more gains to be made naturally, but to say “stay natural” and then also say “use stimulants” just seems like an oxymoron to me

Also, those stimulants are hard on anyone, regardless of sex. It’s inducing stress on several systems in the body.

Let’s be real, pretty much everything everyone does on here is unnecessary, but this forum is geared toward using these compounds in the least unsafe ways
I agree 100% on the natural approach as I know I have a lot of muscle to gain and inches to lose still to reach my goals. I like my shape the way it is now honestly and will continue to try and tone what I have gained thus far. Any other cycle I consider will not be done until I reach my current goals which is a 20% BF or lower. I will be doing a body fat analysis sometime soon to get a good idea of where I stand. It was just an idea I had for if/when I reach my goal. I am extremely happy with the progress I have made these last 6 months natural and on this current Anavar cycle. I am about to end the Yohimbine and ECA stack for the next couple months as I have been on that combo for 2 months now with salbutamol the first month.
Also, those stimulants are hard on anyone, regardless of sex. It’s inducing stress on several systems in the body.

Let’s be real, pretty much everything everyone does on here is unnecessary, but this forum is geared toward using these compounds in the least unsafe ways

There are a lot of studies on the safety and efficiency of an ECA stack, for example:

When using steroids so soon, what will the OP do when the progress slows down? Increase dosages, use harder substances?

IMO, steroids should be only used when you have achieved your natural limits, or at least when you have a few years of consistent training/nutrition.

On topic, the OP idea of only doing a new Anavar cycle next year seems a great choice, and i would avoid the unnecessary short "bulk" cycle.
There are a lot of studies on the safety and efficiency of an ECA stack, for example:

When using steroids so soon, what will the OP do when the progress slows down? Increase dosages, use harder substances?

IMO, steroids should be only used when you have achieved your natural limits, or at least when you have a few years of consistent training/nutrition.

On topic, the OP idea of only doing a new Anavar cycle next year seems a great choice, and i would avoid the unnecessary short "bulk" cycle.
I can post plenty of studies on the safety and efficacy of anavar too. Your statement was never about safety though, it was about making progress naturally, which an ECA stack or salbutamol would not be “natural progress”
Cycle has come to an end. Overall I am happy with the progress I have made, and I will have some before and after pics coming up this week. I have made some nice gains in my upper body and have definitely toned my lower body a lot more although I didn’t see the gains I thought I would. That is due to my calorie deficit though. Plan for the next 3 months is to 2 weeks cycle salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine. Taking half Yohimbine dose first thing In the morning at 6am, and fasting until 11. The next dose will be around 10pm before bed. I will reassess in 4 weeks and see where I stand. I will say my greatest gains have come the last 3 weeks of the cycle I feel. My body, especially my midsection, has “hardened”. I would love to take this cycle for another 4 weeks but I did feel the acne starting to come on a lot more the last couple weeks as well as a slightly scratchy throat. I will update this week with better before and after pictures.


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Cycle has come to an end. Overall I am happy with the progress I have made, and I will have some before and after pics coming up this week. I have made some nice gains in my upper body and have definitely toned my lower body a lot more although I didn’t see the gains I thought I would. That is due to my calorie deficit though. Plan for the next 3 months is to 2 weeks cycle salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine. Taking half Yohimbine dose first thing In the morning at 6am, and fasting until 11. The next dose will be around 10pm before bed. I will reassess in 4 weeks and see where I stand. I will say my greatest gains have come the last 3 weeks of the cycle I feel. My body, especially my midsection, has “hardened”. I would love to take this cycle for another 4 weeks but I did feel the acne starting to come on a lot more the last couple weeks as well as a slightly scratchy throat. I will update this week with better before and after pictures.
You look fantastic!

But Yohimbine before bed would probably be regrettable if you'd like to sleep. It would be best to take about 6hrs after the first dose
I'm all for performance enhancement, but imo for women who don't compete I think hgh is what you want to do for women it has amazing benefits at 2-3iu per day

I have my wife on 3 iu opti purple, she is prescribed t3 and t4 for hashimotos, and the results have been incredible, she's lost 21lbs in 3 months with nothing but walking maybe 5 full body workouts total in that time and a calorie restricted diet

And nevermind the anti aging effects, her skin looks better than it did 10 years ago, I think hgh for women who don't compete is the best option,

But either way your progress has been great, and the surgeon did an awesome job with the liposuction, very natural looking reductions

At the end kf the day you will do what you feel is best, but I urge you to try the hgh route with no anabolics, and hire a female bodybuilding coach for a nutritional plan (doesn't have to be a female, just someone with experience providing coaching for women)
but imo for women who don't compete I think hgh is what you want to do for women it has amazing benefits at 2-3iu per day
That is a mega dose for women. Female COMPETITORS often run 1.5-2iu in physique and figure.

1iu-1.5iu is absolutely sufficient for a non competitor
That is a mega dose for women. Female COMPETITORS often run 1.5-2iu in physique and figure.

1iu-1.5iu is absolutely sufficient for a non competitor
1 iu is barely over a physiological dose, and a waste of gh imo, and doesn't nearly jave the negative effects of a dht derivative for women, no matter how safe people say it is

Most physique and figure are also stacking var or primo, not solely running hgh, which makes a huge difference

I'd much rather a female take more hgh than anabolics if not competing

Saying 3 iu is a mega dose is like saying 200 test is a mega dose, while it's superphysiological and will come back high on a blood test, not many are running a 200 test cycle, cruising sure...
1 iu is barely over a physiological dose, and a waste of gh imo, and doesn't nearly jave the negative effects of a dht derivative for women, no matter how safe people say it is

Most physique and figure are also stacking var or primo, not solely running hgh, which makes a huge difference

I'd much rather a female take more hgh than anabolics if not competing

Saying 3 iu is a mega dose is like saying 200 test is a mega dose, while it's superphysiological and will come back high on a blood test, not many are running a 200 test cycle, cruising sure...
I disagree with you. There is no need for a female who isn't even competing to be running that high of a dose of gh.

1.5iu is completely sufficient.

I will note that I'm not saying 3iu is unsafe, I'm saying it's unnecessary and 1iu-1.5iu would suffice.

Most women are going to benefit more from optimizing their levels of testosterone progesterone and estrodial. With women they often are going to benefit far more from having those as well as igf all at optimal levels rather than just going to a big dose of gh
I disagree with you. There is no need for a female who isn't even competing to be running that high of a dose of gh.

1.5iu is completely sufficient.

I will note that I'm not saying 3iu is unsafe, I'm saying it's unnecessary and 1iu-1.5iu would suffice.

Most women are going to benefit more from optimizing their levels of testosterone progesterone and estrodial. With women they often are going to benefit far more from having those as well as igf all at optimal levels rather than just going to a big dose of gh
Exept for the fact that 99% of endos won't play with female hormones outside of birth control and thyroid function at least where I am, and don't want to do irreversible damage to a females reproductive system if they even have knowledge of playing with a females hormones in general, I've been to probably 10-15 with my wife

And it's OK to disagree but I won't be putting my wife on steroids anytime soon, one because it's not needed for her goals, of anti aging and fat loss, and 2 the hgh has done wonders with zero sides at this dosage, however that being said she is being put on 2iu with the Grey's as she has pretty well reached her goal weight and will now be in a maintenance phase
Exept for the fact that 99% of endos won't play with female hormones outside of birth control and thyroid function at least where I am, and don't want to do irreversible damage to a females reproductive system if they even have knowledge of playing with a females hormones in general, I've been to probably 10-15 with my wife

And it's OK to disagree but I won't be putting my wife on steroids anytime soon, one because it's not needed for her goals, of anti aging and fat loss, and 2 the hgh has done wonders with zero sides at this dosage, however that being said she is being put on 2iu with the Grey's as she has pretty well reached her goal weight and will now be in a maintenance phase
Use HRT clinics like most do. That's their main focus with women and what they specialize in and have the education for.
Cycle has come to an end. Overall I am happy with the progress I have made, and I will have some before and after pics coming up this week. I have made some nice gains in my upper body and have definitely toned my lower body a lot more although I didn’t see the gains I thought I would. That is due to my calorie deficit though. Plan for the next 3 months is to 2 weeks cycle salbutamol/caffeine/Yohimbine. Taking half Yohimbine dose first thing In the morning at 6am, and fasting until 11. The next dose will be around 10pm before bed. I will reassess in 4 weeks and see where I stand. I will say my greatest gains have come the last 3 weeks of the cycle I feel. My body, especially my midsection, has “hardened”. I would love to take this cycle for another 4 weeks but I did feel the acne starting to come on a lot more the last couple weeks as well as a slightly scratchy throat. I will update this week with better before and after pictures.
Looking good! Great work on your cycle! Your hard work definitely paid off!

As for the yohimbine dosing...

I would be more inclined to dose it at 6am and again at 9am while you are still fasted. As said previously, dosing it before bed may leave you with insomnia.