New Member
Hello. Per the rules I was directed to write an intro post as my first post. I can generally follow directions.
Lifted regularly in high school and throughout college. Like most dudes here, I just seemed to enjoy lifting weights and the benefits.
Have always been told I'm an "easy gainer" and have "good genetics". Not sure what it means or if I agree with it. Was always able to eat and put on mass naturally. Never really had the discipline or desire to do a hard cut while lifting, always liked just being a bigger dude. Still played lots of recreational basketball and tennis. Most of my adult life I was around 6'2", 225ish.
A good deal of my buddies ran lots of gear back in college. Never interested me at the time, maybe because I had lifted all through high school I was never self conscious about needing to be bigger. No judgement, I partied my ass off and did a whole lot of other shit. Knew I was riding my body hard enough with the recreational stuff, no need to add anabolics on top.
Took 5 years off from lifting in grad school / early professional life. Then did another 4 year run in the gym and got up to about 245lbs, big and strong, probably not healthy. Said fuck it and got into distance running and road cycling and cut down to 185lbs. Didn't like being a skinny little bitch, albeit a healthy one.
Then a good career, a good wife and a bunch of kids came along and spent ten years turning into a fat piece of shit. Was totally fine and happy being a fat piece of shit. Just assumed this was life now. Wife is actually a good woman and seemed to love me no matter what, so I didn't have the motivation to find the time for the gym.
Was up to 280lbs, of pure fucking middle age neglect. Winded just living. Still active but miserable. Hopped on Tirz. Goddamn, every Tirz internet community is filled with the whiniest most pussy humans in the world. These clearly weren't my people I realized. Treated Tirz like a real diet, hit 250 grams of protein per day, stuck to my calorie goals and dropped 15lbs per month. Got down to sub 200 pounds and realized I now looked like a skinny middle aged bitch, which I hated more than being fat. Never been skinny in my life, wasn't about to start now. Now my bloods were perfect from losing the weight and said fuck it, lets see what we can do with the right hormones, an easy perfect clean diet courtesy of tirz, and a good lifting regime. I mean fuck, its 2024 now apparently you can get your Test from a real MD and pharmacy and pay cash to get your bloods done whenever you want. Great time to be alive, no?
Got on TRT (not that my levels were low, but said fuck it, lets optimize this shit). I don't drink, don't smoke, actually love my wife and family and am faithful; have no vices. Said lets go full send on lifting as a mid-life crisis.
I thought the muscle memory thing was bullshit, but was really shocked how quickly I was able to slab on muscle going from 200lbs and running 200mg test per week.
Was shocked to learn how cheap, readily available, and reasonable it is to acquire gear in 2024, and then have it blindly tested by a reputable lab. A couple grand and I can have all the gear and then get it tested for another few grand. OK, lets do that.
So that's my intro. Doubt I'm the first boring middle aged fucker to show up around these parts. Currently running my first cycle. 400mg Test C, 200mg Primo. Was running 4iu of HGH but would wake up with my hands numb and noticed my bite in my mouth was changing (I assume my jaw was fucking growing) and said, maybe we will save the HGH for later.
That's my intro. Not sure if I will be posting our interacting much, but there it is.
-Mid-life Chris
Lifted regularly in high school and throughout college. Like most dudes here, I just seemed to enjoy lifting weights and the benefits.
Have always been told I'm an "easy gainer" and have "good genetics". Not sure what it means or if I agree with it. Was always able to eat and put on mass naturally. Never really had the discipline or desire to do a hard cut while lifting, always liked just being a bigger dude. Still played lots of recreational basketball and tennis. Most of my adult life I was around 6'2", 225ish.
A good deal of my buddies ran lots of gear back in college. Never interested me at the time, maybe because I had lifted all through high school I was never self conscious about needing to be bigger. No judgement, I partied my ass off and did a whole lot of other shit. Knew I was riding my body hard enough with the recreational stuff, no need to add anabolics on top.
Took 5 years off from lifting in grad school / early professional life. Then did another 4 year run in the gym and got up to about 245lbs, big and strong, probably not healthy. Said fuck it and got into distance running and road cycling and cut down to 185lbs. Didn't like being a skinny little bitch, albeit a healthy one.
Then a good career, a good wife and a bunch of kids came along and spent ten years turning into a fat piece of shit. Was totally fine and happy being a fat piece of shit. Just assumed this was life now. Wife is actually a good woman and seemed to love me no matter what, so I didn't have the motivation to find the time for the gym.
Was up to 280lbs, of pure fucking middle age neglect. Winded just living. Still active but miserable. Hopped on Tirz. Goddamn, every Tirz internet community is filled with the whiniest most pussy humans in the world. These clearly weren't my people I realized. Treated Tirz like a real diet, hit 250 grams of protein per day, stuck to my calorie goals and dropped 15lbs per month. Got down to sub 200 pounds and realized I now looked like a skinny middle aged bitch, which I hated more than being fat. Never been skinny in my life, wasn't about to start now. Now my bloods were perfect from losing the weight and said fuck it, lets see what we can do with the right hormones, an easy perfect clean diet courtesy of tirz, and a good lifting regime. I mean fuck, its 2024 now apparently you can get your Test from a real MD and pharmacy and pay cash to get your bloods done whenever you want. Great time to be alive, no?
Got on TRT (not that my levels were low, but said fuck it, lets optimize this shit). I don't drink, don't smoke, actually love my wife and family and am faithful; have no vices. Said lets go full send on lifting as a mid-life crisis.
I thought the muscle memory thing was bullshit, but was really shocked how quickly I was able to slab on muscle going from 200lbs and running 200mg test per week.
Was shocked to learn how cheap, readily available, and reasonable it is to acquire gear in 2024, and then have it blindly tested by a reputable lab. A couple grand and I can have all the gear and then get it tested for another few grand. OK, lets do that.
So that's my intro. Doubt I'm the first boring middle aged fucker to show up around these parts. Currently running my first cycle. 400mg Test C, 200mg Primo. Was running 4iu of HGH but would wake up with my hands numb and noticed my bite in my mouth was changing (I assume my jaw was fucking growing) and said, maybe we will save the HGH for later.
That's my intro. Not sure if I will be posting our interacting much, but there it is.
-Mid-life Chris