Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

An uproar of $50 primo is insane. Not that long ago you were lucky to find Primo100 under $100. Spoiled children.

Oh no my caps are the same color. Do we want dealers to start inventing new colors? The amount of peptides available exceeds the number of varying cap colors in circulation. Of course some will be the same color.

I’m not defending SSA. Some of these complaints are ridiculous.
An uproar of $50 primo is insane. Not that long ago you were lucky to find Primo100 under $100. Spoiled children.

Oh no my caps are the same color. Do we want dealers to start inventing new colors? The amount of peptides available exceeds the number of varying cap colors in circulation. Of course some will be the same color.

I’m not defending SSA. Some of these complaints are ridiculous.
For sure.

If I want gear, I am going to buy it. Not bat a fucking eye. You know what is expensive? God damn food.