Hey there.. Long time bodybuilder here.. been training for 20-25 years.. I used to be on eroids a while back, and back then it was even worse.. scams going left and right, people speaking out and getting banned, bad reviews on source pages deleted,, scam promos, etc
But , i stuck around and came back and every so often would get an order.. Some of the stuff was so badly packaged and arrived looking like old vials were peeled off and re-labeled by another source.. and stuff possibly mislabeled, so alot of the crap i never used.. There were some good sources on there for sure though.. but later i learned that was like 5% out of 95% scammers/people selling synthetic pro hormone level chemicals as real steroids
But, after many years and my final time back there.. I learned that the whole website is ran by narcissists who are all steroid junkies and sources themselves who operate at any given time anywhere from 5-10 websites as sources themselves... while also taking $$$ for people to advertise their own websites on there... Doesnt sound too bad so far right? Well, heres where it gets juicy: they pay good money for labels and packaging but most all their gear is bunk/fake but made to look really nice and professional.. yes, some of them sell real gear.. but every once in a while, they create these "promos" on the promo page.. promos happen SO very often on eroids.. and some of the promos are started by unreputable sources.. basically people who have no real reviews.. and they use these accounts to scam members.. i saw the trend happen so many times, and admins defend those sources and not ban them till 3 months passed.... while they are so quick to ban anyone for "fake reviews" or other reasons..
the site is a real mess.. and is created in a way, they can edit and control everything that happens ont he website... they know anytime u make an order, and they know of all your accounts u use on eroids and on the source websites.. they also ask sources to give them logs of everything... they basically run this shit like some kind of mad narcissists whowant to control your life so they make sure no one can mess with what they have going on
i believe these admins/owners are making millions off eroids scams... and they have so many people in on it, because most all of their original users are the only people who never get banned. yet everyone i know who has been on eroids has been banned at least once or twice. how do they keep regular members happy? give the m free gear and steep discounts.
so heres the structure: 3-4 members who run the website as admins
about 5-6 other members who help with operations, and a buncha lackies who actually ship out packs and stuff, now besides those, theres about 20 members on thes ite that are legit... the rest are all of us outsiders who are getting scammed, getting synthetic chemicals thinking its really the gear we want, but its not , and 90% of us get banned anytime we even lift a thought about putting a bad review, calling anyone out, talking about the website, asking about promos, --
But , i stuck around and came back and every so often would get an order.. Some of the stuff was so badly packaged and arrived looking like old vials were peeled off and re-labeled by another source.. and stuff possibly mislabeled, so alot of the crap i never used.. There were some good sources on there for sure though.. but later i learned that was like 5% out of 95% scammers/people selling synthetic pro hormone level chemicals as real steroids
But, after many years and my final time back there.. I learned that the whole website is ran by narcissists who are all steroid junkies and sources themselves who operate at any given time anywhere from 5-10 websites as sources themselves... while also taking $$$ for people to advertise their own websites on there... Doesnt sound too bad so far right? Well, heres where it gets juicy: they pay good money for labels and packaging but most all their gear is bunk/fake but made to look really nice and professional.. yes, some of them sell real gear.. but every once in a while, they create these "promos" on the promo page.. promos happen SO very often on eroids.. and some of the promos are started by unreputable sources.. basically people who have no real reviews.. and they use these accounts to scam members.. i saw the trend happen so many times, and admins defend those sources and not ban them till 3 months passed.... while they are so quick to ban anyone for "fake reviews" or other reasons..
the site is a real mess.. and is created in a way, they can edit and control everything that happens ont he website... they know anytime u make an order, and they know of all your accounts u use on eroids and on the source websites.. they also ask sources to give them logs of everything... they basically run this shit like some kind of mad narcissists whowant to control your life so they make sure no one can mess with what they have going on
i believe these admins/owners are making millions off eroids scams... and they have so many people in on it, because most all of their original users are the only people who never get banned. yet everyone i know who has been on eroids has been banned at least once or twice. how do they keep regular members happy? give the m free gear and steep discounts.
so heres the structure: 3-4 members who run the website as admins
about 5-6 other members who help with operations, and a buncha lackies who actually ship out packs and stuff, now besides those, theres about 20 members on thes ite that are legit... the rest are all of us outsiders who are getting scammed, getting synthetic chemicals thinking its really the gear we want, but its not , and 90% of us get banned anytime we even lift a thought about putting a bad review, calling anyone out, talking about the website, asking about promos, --