MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Who cares what you inject bro? It’s UGL bro. Who cares if it’s under dosed or has toxic shit bro. I just want gear bro. No im not checking if it’s safe bro. I just want gains bro.

This is what you sound like to me
Really? Stop watching the Tren twins on YT, Bro what a toolbag. Bro, bro, bro. Yeah. So if I'm using gear and have positive results, how is it unsafe or under dosed? Don't blood test which I do every 3 months prove that? Or don't you do that, Bro? Isn't this gear unsafe in reality and it's up to us to be safe with it, bro? Go back under your rock, bro
Really? Stop watching the Tren twins on YT, Bro what a toolbag. Bro, bro, bro. Yeah. So if I'm using gear and have positive results, how is it unsafe or under dosed? Don't blood test which I do every 3 months prove that? Or don't you do that, Bro? Isn't this gear unsafe in reality and it's up to us to be safe with it, bro? Go back under your rock, bro
Sure thing. Make sure to have some chips with your guac bro!

You should post some on the ingredients in food people consume on a daily basis. Like fluoride, aspertane, ect. Or the effects of sugar on one's body in general. Guac is harmful no doubt, but so much other stuff we introduce our bodies to is as well. That's my argument. We have choices in life, why bring others down for a choice YOU make?
You know alot of UGL use guac to help stabilize the oils. I use Dbol that has Guac in everyday. Still hasn't made me into a Karen. You get what you pay for with every UGL. 50% of UGL send good mixes in for test and bottle the cheap stuff for us who chose to buy UGL instead of medical grade oil. I've used Axle for awhile and used Ape labs too, never had a problem. Never sniffed it like a Karen or cared for that matter. Because once again, it's my choice to buy here. Just like the FB Karen's, don't like it, move on. Plenty of UGL's around. Why ruin someone's Livelyhood? Where did the guac touch you?
If this ain’t obvious
You should post some on the ingredients in food people consume on a daily basis. Like fluoride, aspertane, ect. Or the effects of sugar on one's body in general. Guac is harmful no doubt, but so much other stuff we introduce our bodies to is as well. That's my argument. We have choices in life, why bring others down for a choice YOU make?
Is it painful waking up this stupid every day?
If this ain’t obvious
Check all you want. I'm also on 2 other boards. My only knowledge of Axle is using his products currently and previously. Axle doesn't sell Dbol injectable but I have 3 other sources that do. All 3 use super solvent to keep it from being crystallized.
It's sure made me a good living and sponsors seem to think what I'm doing is good. So why worry about what losers like you have to say? By the way which domestic UGL is paying you to bring Axle down?

Nobody has to pay anybody to bring Axle down, he does it with his own stupidity.

Luckily for him, there's a few 90 IQ dullards wandering around who will inject themselves with anything someone throws at them.

BTW, nobody knows who you are or cares about your low quality of life.

Nobody has to pay anybody to bring Axle down, he does it with his own stupidity.

Luckily for him, there's a few 90 IQ dullards wandering around who will inject themselves with anything someone throws at them.

BTW, nobody knows who you are or cares about your low quality of life.
I've only used his Tren Base, I use his old partner Musclecandy Tren base, and used their old gear from Ape labs. That's all I use from him or these guys. I have better sources who unfortunately don't make this gear. But if insulting a 42yr old gear using man, makes you feel better. HAVE at it BRO!!
I've only used his Tren Base, I use his old partner Musclecandy Tren base, and used their old gear from Ape labs. That's all I use from him or these guys. I have better sources who unfortunately don't make this gear. But if insulting a 42yr old gear using man, makes you feel better. HAVE at it BRO!!
Nobody cares about your age or your sob story. You're the one coming in here sucking Axle's dick and attacking everyone who pointed out very legitimate issues with his shop.
Nobody cares about your age or your sob story. You're the one coming in here sucking Axle's dick and attacking everyone who pointed out very legitimate issues with his shop.
As I also pointed out that most ugl's use the super solvent to stabilize the gear. Tren has a very distinct smell. No way you could smell guac over the Tren smell that I've been using. But I personally like to warm my gear up to around 80°+ temp before injection so it's all mixed good. To each their own, but I will continue to use his gear. My choice. Not a dictator trying to make everyone use it or not use it. Have your fun Karen
As I also pointed out that most ugl's use the super solvent to stabilize the gear. Tren has a very distinct smell. No way you could smell guac over the Tren smell that I've been using. But I personally like to warm my gear up to around 80°+ temp before injection so it's all mixed good. To each their own, but I will continue to use his gear. My choice. Not a dictator trying to make everyone use it or not use it. Have your fun Karen
Lol what? Guaiacol overpowers literally EVERYTHING. If you think it doesn't, your nose doesn't work or you've never smelled it.
You should post some on the ingredients in food people consume on a daily basis. Like fluoride, aspertane, ect. Or the effects of sugar on one's body in general. Guac is harmful no doubt, but so much other stuff we introduce our bodies to is as well. That's my argument. We have choices in life, why bring others down for a choice YOU make?
Why stop at guaiacol? I mean if your tren had traces of rat poison in it, would you take it? I mean like you said, we divulge in things everyday that are not good for us. So what’s a little rat poison lol
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Tren E 200mg batch C47 has guac in it, smells like mint. I got curious after all of the craziness so I cracked it open to see.

Also for clarification, I haven't had an issue with products with guac in them in the past.... just posting up for clarity sake and awareness. Was a longtime Colonial user.
My Tren Ace, batch C48 also has a mint smell to it :/
Why stop at guaiacol? I mean if your tren had traces of rat poison in it, would you take it? I mean like you said, we divulge in things everyday that are not good for us. So what’s a little rat poison lol
But it doesn't, so why make big assumptions over nothing, without factual proof?
I'm guessing since axle has logged in but twice ignored my question, he won't be standing behind his product if it's positive for guac.