MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Been on the Test C 300 and mast 400 for about 5 weeks. 600/400.
Been gaining but test isn't like any I have seen before. Like water. Got serious Pip last injection new vial. Hit the other leg today. Hoping I just caught a nerve or user error I guess. Got a bunch of GL test left probably going to switch to that until something safer comes along. Never smelled anything weird checked all vials of tren, test, mast and capsules of anavar. Batch C54 on the test C56 on the mast. If I get pain like that again gonna have to throw it away.
My main point in posting was the question. Of how many people were actually affected. In regards to me talking about new members just running theirs mouth there are a few who have contributed zero to whatever tf they post. Not sure why you would attack me when I am asking genuine questions about who was involved, and what we as members plan for the outcome. I stated about my dealings and what I received as well. Because. The way I see it we have 1 or 2 people saying they smell it?
The alt accounts yes are a problem as well. But gtfo my back when most of you are just screaming Monty python ‘she’s a witch’ in here.
I can certainly see your point if view here, sort of like mass hysteria from the days of salem witchcraft. One person suspects something, they all think in their minds that person is a witch.

I have smelled guac before, because I've ordered products with it before that I knew had in it (different source). I had some personal things come up so I didn't send my hplc test in yet (I will this week and I'll update in the thread). I reached out to Axle before anyone else made a guac claim, via private message. I voiced my concerns and he immediately offered a free reship. I declined and said let's hold off for the hplc report first.

I can definitely see newbs who have never smelled guac before thinking they are smelling something. The mind is very powerful. It could also be something as innocent as he spilled guac all over the goddamn place.

Or maybe everyone is right and there are oils that contain it, that shouldn't.

I personally am not really sure. I don't have a solid enough opinion but I DID smell it

I have not again chimed in on this thread because I feel the same way as you. Without scientific proof, we are not going anywhere. So hopefully within this coming week we will have some scientific answers for us all.

I'm sorry I didn't yet have the time to send my sample. It'll be done this week and I'll update everyone with the tracking (within reason for opsec).
I would like to make a potential deal with axle, if the test is positive for guac I'd like reimbursement via bitcoin for the hplc test. Because obviously I would not be interested in store credit if that is the case. If I was wrong and it's negative, i do not want store credit or any reimbursement at all. I feel this is fair

Regardless of his stance on it, I still will be fulfilling the test. But I feel if you're in the wrong, you should be the one eating the testing cost.

Hope everyone has a great week
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Take it for what it’s worth but ive used Axle on multiple orders before without issue. The only thing I’ve ever used that smelt like Guaiacol were products I ordered that I already knew was in the product. Even then I had no cross smell or odor leaving the vial until it was opened. I’ve used his Test C, Primo, Rage, and Bazooka preworkout along with his Cialis and Tirz….no issues. I also blind tested the Test C which returned spot on. If new guys are claiming to smell this on the product I’d say send it for testing. If you’ve never used anything with Guaiacol it’s a fucking unmistakable smell which can’t be compared to anything else. It’s not dull or subtle in the slightest.
I haven't seen any test results that show guaiacol in products (other than the products listed on the website that explicitly state that it's included in it--TNE, injectable orals, and perhaps a few other blends im failing to mention)

The NPP/test contamination is a different topic/issue, but I'm speaking strictly on the supposed guaiacol cross contamination

Been on the Test C 300 and mast 400 for about 5 weeks. 600/400.
Been gaining but test isn't like any I have seen before. Like water. Got serious Pip last injection new vial. Hit the other leg today. Hoping I just caught a nerve or user error I guess. Got a bunch of GL test left probably going to switch to that until something safer comes along. Never smelled anything weird checked all vials of tren, test, mast and capsules of anavar. Batch C54 on the test C56 on the mast. If I get pain like that again gonna have to throw it away.
Take it for what it’s worth but ive used Axle on multiple orders before without issue. The only thing I’ve ever used that smelt like Guaiacol were products I ordered that I already knew was in the product. Even then I had no cross smell or odor leaving the vial until it was opened. I’ve used his Test C, Primo, Rage, and Bazooka preworkout along with his Cialis and Tirz….no issues. I also blind tested the Test C which returned spot on. If new guys are claiming to smell this on the product I’d say send it for testing. If you’ve never used anything with Guaiacol it’s a fucking unmistakable smell which can’t be compared to anything else. It’s not dull or subtle in the slightest.
I used injectable dbol for a few weeks. And unless it was just me it seemed like I could smell it for days threw my skin. Or I spilled a drop on my chair or something lol.
This message isn't related to axle or anybody. I'm just quoting on the smell.
From an opsec standpoint this is an absolute dumpster fire. Armchair detectives are airing this guy out in their spare time from work. Can you imagine if law enforcement took interest? I think it’s safe to say he’s not even bright enough to be using a vpn correctly if all the alts come back to the same cellular IP. SMH

Adding to what I already mentioned is that anybody with a brain can see this is colonial. Same website, pictures, batch numbers starting with c, alts from Axel promoting colonial and sharing bloods and “independent” testing. The list goes on and on.

Now this is just speculation on my end but I think I understand the guaiacol mystery. Colonial while being popular and well liked had probably the most complaints of any lab ever regarding red and swollen injection site and unrelenting pip. While his actual thread has disappeared from sst some of those complaints can still be found. Imo to circumvent gear crashing as many see it as unfavorable he adds the guaiacol to most injectables. Thus the smell people are detecting and the very high incidence of pip and swollen injection sites. Again this is just speculation. I would be curious to hear if members are experiencing pip and redness from the vials that smell of guaiacol currently though.
From an opsec standpoint this is an absolute dumpster fire. Armchair detectives are airing this guy out in their spare time from work. Can you imagine if law enforcement took interest? I think it’s safe to say he’s not even bright enough to be using a vpn correctly if all the alts come back to the same cellular IP. SMH

Adding to what I already mentioned is that anybody with a brain can see this is colonial. Same website, pictures, batch numbers starting with c, alts from Axel promoting colonial and sharing bloods and “independent” testing. The list goes on and on.

Now this is just speculation on my end but I think I understand the guaiacol mystery. Colonial while being popular and well liked had probably the most complaints of any lab ever regarding red and swollen injection site and unrelenting pip. While his actual thread has disappeared from sst some of those complaints can still be found. Imo to circumvent gear crashing as many see it as unfavorable he adds the guaiacol to most injectables. Thus the smell people are detecting and the very high incidence of pip and swollen injection sites. Again this is just speculation. I would be curious to hear if members are experiencing pip and redness from the vials that smell of guaiacol currently though.
I did not experience any swelling or redness at 1 ml eod tren ace

Also the only complaint from colonial that I found and remember was the test e. Which is very common. It's no great mystery who axle used to work for. It's not a theory it's reality

Also I never smelled guac in anything I bought from colonial labs ever. And during those years I spent several thousand dollars with them.

What colonial did many years ago I don't see what that has to do with here today. It's clearly not the same batch from 4 years ago.

We'll see from the testing I sent out earlier.

You're calling other people arm chair detectives while you do the same thing. If you want to know place an order and send it for testing like I have instead of doing what you claim people shouldn't do
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You're calling other people arm chair detectives while you do the same thing. If you want to know place an order and send it for testing like I have instead of doing what you claim people shouldn't do
Are you feeling okay? Where in my post do you see me saying people shouldn’t speculate? I said armchair detectives because they are not police with tons of resources at their disposal. Not once did I say they were wrong or shouldn’t be posting. Bump up on your reading comprehension before you quote me.

Also I can find a few dozen complaints from colonial regarding pip and red swollen injections with great ease. You’re literally retarded if you can only find one. And it clearly wouldn’t be the same batch you absolute Neanderthal. Just similar brewing methods. This shouldn’t even need to be said.

I also ordered from both colonial and Axel. I smelled guaiacol in the oils of both. Its smell is distinct and can be identified immediately if you know what you’re smelling. Doesn’t need testing. I honestly don’t have any poor reaction to it but since it’s a topic of discussion and others seem adverse to it I was giving my 2 cents.
The question then becomes can a postal inspector articulate that they can identify the distinct odor of Guaiacol and use it as probable cause for a warrant?
Are you feeling okay? Where in my post do you see me saying people shouldn’t speculate? I said armchair detectives because they are not police with tons of resources at their disposal. Not once did I say they were wrong or shouldn’t be posting. Bump up on your reading comprehension before you quote me.

Also I can find a few dozen complaints from colonial regarding pip and red swollen injections with great ease. You’re literally retarded if you can only find one. And it clearly wouldn’t be the same batch you absolute Neanderthal. Just similar brewing methods. This shouldn’t even need to be said.

I also ordered from both colonial and Axel. I smelled guaiacol in the oils of both. Its smell is distinct and can be identified immediately if you know what you’re smelling. Doesn’t need testing. I honestly don’t have any poor reaction to it but since it’s a topic of discussion and others seem adverse to it I was giving my 2 cents.
Then send it for testing then. You're so sure. But you don't mind it containing guac? Then why are you talking? I doubt you've ordered anything. You just showed up to talk out your ass.
Then send it for testing then. You're so sure. But you don't mind it containing guac? Then why are you talking? I doubt you've ordered anything. You just showed up to talk out your ass.

I’ve been here 10 years, my reputation proceeds me. You’ve been here since January. I think it’s clear who showed up to talk out their ass. Go sit down somewhere jr.
I’ve been here 10 years, my reputation proceeds me. You’ve been here since January. I think it’s clear who showed up to talk out their ass. Go sit down somewhere jr.
Your account age means nothing to me guy. I couldn't care less.

If you actually ordered something and it contained guac, you would have clearly voiced your concerns much earlier right? Can you post a pic of what you ordered and I'll do the same? You've not ordered anything, I would bet the farm.

I showed up, voiced my concerns about a product I ordered. Then sent it for testing today to see scientific proof of my suspicion. Not basing my nose as "proof" like you are.

What have you done? You've speculated about shit. Made a claim you also received guac in your gear, but your seemingly OK with it. Then speculated about shit that happened 4 years ago with no actual evidence, again.
I did not experience any swelling or redness at 1 ml eod tren ace

Also the only complaint from colonial that I found and remember was the test e. Which is very common. It's no great mystery who axle used to work for. It's not a theory it's reality

Also I never smelled guac in anything I bought from colonial labs ever. And during those years I spent several thousand dollars with them.

What colonial did many years ago I don't see what that has to do with here today. It's clearly not the same batch from 4 years ago.

We'll see from the testing I sent out earlier.

You're calling other people arm chair detectives while you do the same thing. If you want to know place an order and send it for testing like I have instead of doing what you claim people shouldn't do
Dude, you’re silently shilling for Axel. I could care less about your test that comes back the way you are vouching for him. He fucked up on multiple occasions and on numerous things. I can almost guarantee anyone who has been here for a good number of years will not use this source. Newbies and shills will continue to use and say the words accident or mistake. Experienced members see thru the bullshit.
Your account age means nothing to me guy. I couldn't care less.

If you actually ordered something and it contained guac, you would have clearly voiced your concerns much earlier right? Can you post a pic of what you ordered and I'll do the same? You've not ordered anything, I would bet the farm.

I showed up, voiced my concerns about a product I ordered. Then sent it for testing today to see scientific proof of my suspicion. Not basing my nose as "proof" like you are.

What have you done? You've speculated about shit. Made a claim you also received guac in your gear, but your seemingly OK with it. Then speculated about shit that happened 4 years ago with no actual evidence, again.
How much did you charge Axel to say you’d be his shill ? Pathetic !!!
I don't think night is shilling for Axle... just got a little derailed and is attacking someone he doesn't need to. Let's keep our eye on what's important here boys.