MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

So hypothetically, if you were looking for a new source, would you say Muscle Candy has a better reputation at this point?
Hypothetically you would spend a few hours reading the last 20 or 30 pages of a sources thread and make an informed decision for yourself. This is all hypothetical though.
You may be right but on that note IIRC isn’t muscle candy his ex-business partner?

The irony
Yeah allegedly they are. To the point that muscle candy pretty much exposed him. Now to know if they are the same person lmao. That would be some shit! Wouldn’t be surprised considering both of their brewing is terrible. They both brew way off targeted dose.
Yeah allegedly they are. To the point that muscle candy pretty much exposed him. Now to know if they are the same person lmao. That would be some shit!
Na there’s no way they’re the same person. Muscle Candy is so incredibly inaccurate on his recipe dosing. Axle can at least follow a homebrew calculator / recipe. Even if he adds a lil somethin somethin that he doesn’t claim to.

Definitely ex-partners though. Both conducting bad business.
Yeah allegedly they are. To the point that muscle candy pretty much exposed him. Now to know if they are the same person lmao. That would be some shit! Wouldn’t be surprised considering both of their brewing is terrible. They both brew way off targeted dose.
I’m unfamiliar with Muscle candy. Although I have heard of that fag lab Tranny Candy and there brews are terribly inaccurate.
I'm really not. But it's funny because now every time I get on here I wonder if everyone has five or ten accounts for different personalities. I look at entire threads and wonder if it's all one person. What if I'm the only other person talking to one nutcase. Lmao
Just seems odd you pretty much never commented here before besides once in February.. one single order.. and now from that one order your dick riding to the moon on axle and commenting more than you ever have… your shilling really hard on a guy you dont know besides one single order.
Just seems odd you pretty much never commented here before besides once in February.. one single order.. and now from that one order your dick riding to the moon on axle and commenting more than you ever have… your shilling really hard on a guy you dont know besides one single order.
I'm not going to talk about how many orders or anything like that I'm also not shilling for anyone. What's your obsession with dick? Is it true what they say about tren turning you gay? LOL I'm jk. I usually just read and not comment but this thread is the happening place. Right when I think I'm done someone makes a comment I have to reply too. Honestly I don't trust anyone I like seeing testing. I can only comment about my experiences with axle. Which have all been positive. I apologize if that offends some of you. I'm not trying to piss anyone off.
Just a theory.

You will notice 808 on PM has more reasonable concentrations of gear, no crazy 400mg per ml or short ester 200mg per ml (I dont think atleast, very briefly browsed a week ago) but still very similar compounds available, clearly using the same source and bulk ordering together.

Its 2 people. 808 helped set up Axle on Meso and very likely has a better handle on things, handed the reigns off to his friend or partner to take over (who clearly is inexperienced and maybe shouldnt be in this line of work), and said okay its yours now to run or ruin, im launching my own thing now, good luck. Enter guaiacol fuck up and a change in communication style from Axle, at the exact same time 808 goes live on PM.

Fun to talk about but everyone take a deep breath, maybe get off the tren, have a refeed day and take a nap. Some of you are wayyy to invested in this. It will either fall apart or get fixed, jumping around thumping your chest and yelling wont change that lol.

There are atleast 20 reliable domestic sources that can be found within a single hour of googling popular forums. If guys still want to buy from Axle, thats kind of on them. (And no, dont pm me asking, I wont respond).
Guaiacol is not just a benign additive.
Google - Vigorous steve C-Reactive Protein & Carrier Oils Within Pharmaceuticals.
He does a good article on this stuff causing inflammation ect.
I’ve recently been dealing with elevated CRP and another issue (have not used gear from this potato)
I think I can provide some clarity for everyone here. The “accusation” of discrediting us was how this all started.
Believe this or not, I won’t be going back and forth to try to convince anyone.

Let’s just put it all out there….

A little background on this whole situation:
“Axle” and I worked closely together on a past operation that also got removed from SST due to an internal dispute. I won’t go into detail on this because quite frankly, it doesn’t really matter. I’ll try to refrain from airing out the dirty laundry… The only real important takeaways:
1. After the sources removal, we found that there were a number of cross contaminated products that he was in charge of brewing (thanks to a customers testing, which led us to test everything that he supposedly already had tested).
2. Going our separate ways with a serious question about his character.

We rebranded on SST (with permission from the mods), and so did he. He moved to a different state to operate (with a lot of stolen funds and raws, but that’s beside the point) and we got word of his whereabouts through mutuals (remember this fact, it’ll be important later)…

We were told to ignore him and keep it civil, and we obliged. We remained focused on rebuilding our new brand. We never hid any of this from the community and were transparent about it from the jump. He cannot say the same.. he denied any involvement in the past operation after some speculation from a few members, which makes sense considering he would’ve been attacked for the cross contamination fiasco. Regardless, it seemed as though both of us could mutually exist and were seemingly finding success on our own endeavors.

One day, we get an email from a “customer” stating that they got their pack in the mail and there were floaters in both of his vials. This was the first clue that raised our suspicion because he ordered Test E & Mast E… We immediately started to thoroughly check all vials for floaters under a black light. All were clean. We didn’t understand how every vial in front of us could be clean, and a customer received two vials that had booger sized floaters in them. So I started to look into it a bit more…
First, I noticed that the customer who made the post on the forum had a brand new account created just days earlier… okay, not really out of the ordinary, right… right?
I started scrolling through our email thread and found a few more things that tipped me off. For one, our old business partner (brewer) had a very specific style of typing (not to be confused with whoever is now running the Axle account). I mean terrible grammar, random capitalization of letters, spacing his punctuation.. Now, I know this may seem like a pretty small, unimportant detail… but honestly, the typing was so familiar. Trust me, I know it sounds dumb… but immediately, my senses were tingling.
This lead me to check the address for the order and it just so happened to be the same city that he moved to….
Now I know I’m definitely not trippin…
I told my current partner about this and he made a call, 20 minutes later we had confirmation that his car was outside of that address, with out of state plates from (you guessed it) the same state we both used to operate out of. Bingo. Case closed in our book. This was 100% a sabotage attempt by our old brewer.
And if anyone has any doubts that our old brewer is connected to Axle, I’d be willing to bet any amount of money that I know where every single customers pack was shipped from.. I’m sure that would just be a coincidence though, right?
Not to mention, that “customer” went completely radio silent after we called all of this out. If that was a real customer, why would he not email back denying all of this and call us insane?

I passed this information along to the mods, who started a thorough investigation. At this point, we undoubtedly knew that it was him, but obviously they weren’t just going to take our word for it. They started looking into the IP addresses and not only did they connect them to the account who complained of floaters, but (according to mods) “over a dozen other shill accounts”. Their attempt to destroy our reputation was ultimately their downfall on SST, because they likely would’ve gotten away with all the shill accounts had they not tried to tarnish our image.

Trying to jump to a new forum and deny all of this is truly laughable. I was just going to ignore it and move forward but seeing you come on here and lie about it is kind of frustrating. You all know as well as we do, reputation and trust means everything in this business. If we hadn’t of played detective and found this out, we would be finished. Boosting up yourself is one thing… but trying to destroy our reputation is a lot worse. That was extremely low and like others have said, you should own up to it.
Lol. If you took a shot for every under- or overdosed product on MC's website, you'd be in the ER with alcohol poisoning, at best.
Maybe. But he's transparent and has no cross contamination issues at least! Also not an exposed pathological liar that you'd have to be a total moron to order from.
Hot damn! The guiacol comes free, right? No extra charge? I can’t wait for your numerous imposter accounts to come in and tell me all about how amazing it is lol
Give it a day or two he’s busy currently brewing up several alt accounts at the moment. Those alt accounts time to fabricate off the same IP address and device.