MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

The following four accounts have used the same two IP addresses on both ISP and cellular networks on dozens of occasions and they all post in this thread. The likelihood of this occurring by chance is very small:

@Axle Labs

While there may be other explanations for this, Occam's razor would suggest they are alternate user accounts.

Echoing - Axel has used alr accounts to create a fake narrative while shipping misadvertised products, conducted terrible OPSEC and addressed none of the complaints aside from using his alt accounts to back himself up.
From the looks of it seems likely. Another user sent theirs to Jano to have him add the guac test to the AAS test. Wait about a week we will know with 100% confidence as opposed to the current ~95% confidence.
sounds good I will keep an eye on the thread. If there is Guac how hard is that on the body? I’ve never used anything with that to my knowledge. Would it be better just trashing the vials?
sounds good I will keep an eye on the thread. If there is Guac how hard is that on the body? I’ve never used anything with that to my knowledge. Would it be better just trashing the vials?
No idea, never looked into it because

1. I brew my own
2. I brew reasonable concentrations that don’t require such.

From what I see, vets and others avoid it like the plague. Much more than EO.

The issue with Axle, aside from having it go in your body, is it has a strong smell apparently. And he is somehow having many if not all his packs reak of it. Ticking time bomb for USPI
No idea, never looked into it because

1. I brew my own
2. I brew reasonable concentrations that don’t require such.

From what I see, vets and others avoid it like the plague. Much more than EO.

The issue with Axle, aside from having it go in your body, is it has a strong smell apparently. And he is somehow having many if not all his packs reak of it. Ticking time bomb for USPI
Guess when I get home I will be trying to do some research on it thankfully I did not notice any weird smell when checking the vials and putting them away but I will still keep a eye on this thread in case anyone else adds any info on the guac.
its crazy to me that Axle pretty much isnt addressing anything and is just trying to skirt past with sticking his head into the sand ignoring everything… calling it “drama”..
Ah man looks like I have a lot to catch up on. I ordered a decent amount of test E vials a little while ago, is it pretty likely there is guac in them? I haven’t used any yet since I still have a decent amount from another source.
I know I’m new but I just grabbed 4 bottles test e I’ll share my batch # with you if you want also grab mast e 400 and deca 250 no smell of it after each draw smelled pin after each draw of each no issues on mine
its crazy to me that Axle pretty much isnt addressing anything and is just trying to skirt past with sticking his head into the sand ignoring everything… calling it “drama”..
Yeah, I read back a few pages only to see him hop on and completely ignore it.
I know I’m new but I just grabbed 4 bottles test e I’ll share my batch # with you if you want also grab mast e 400 and deca 250 no smell of it after each draw smelled pin after each draw of each no issues on mine
I’ll check my batch number later tonight, although I’m not entirely positive that batch numbers matter with this kind of brewing and quality control.
I’ll check my batch number later tonight, although I’m not entirely positive that batch numbers matter with this kind of brewing and quality control.
He said batch number only refers to the batch of raws received to make various batches of product from them.

Also here:
You’re mailing a package back to the source?

Can @janoshik test for the ole guacamole

We do, 30 USD extra on top of the regular test. ID only.

I unfortunately also received tren a 100 that smells like guac like the other two users stated. It is definitely in the oil and not on the outside of the vial because i smell it within the syringe. I reached out to Axle to see if he used guac, he said not in the tren a 100. He offered a reship but I declined. I plan to mail a sample to janoshik, it's $100 for guac test only or $150 for hplc with guac test. The $30 janoshik quotes you is in ADDITION to regular testing price.

It's somewhat concerning other users are smelling guac in products that don't contain it as well. Because at first I thought I was just imagining it. I also brought a syringe of it to a friend's house and he smelled it to.

I should have my sample out to janoshik by next week.

Bazooka preworkout has a heinous smell to it. If you heat it up it smells like you dissolved an entire batch of tren.

@nightprowler7 will be your guy
its crazy to me that Axle pretty much isnt addressing anything and is just trying to skirt past with sticking his head into the sand ignoring everything… calling it “drama”..
It’s because some members here are so desperate for gear they’ll still order. This guy can’t even figure out how to use a VPN to manage his alt accounts, what do you think he’s doing with your addresses and info? lol.
Bazooka preworkout confirmed to contain guac
If you go on his website he lists the products that contain guac under product description. Bazooka always said it contained guac so I never bought it.

Curious though how the labs will come back on the items sent in for testing that didn't list guc on his website.
It’s because some members here are so desperate for gear they’ll still order. This guy can’t even figure out how to use a VPN to manage his alt accounts, what do you think he’s doing with your addresses and info? lol.
eh, it will all go back to business as usual after a bit. I mean Hutech had a domestic seizure i believe and poor packaging and people are still ordering from them.

confirmed from his website​


30mg Testosterone Base/ml

30mg Trenbolone Base/ml

1mg M-Tren/ml


Carrier Oil: MCT Oil

Contains Guaiacol
Every time I read this thread I'm going to think about guacamole. After doing alot of research online this guaiacol is very common and only toxic in extremely high levels. Its used as an expectorant if you have a cold lol. Individuals that use the same equipment for brewing even after cleaning the smell remains. I believe that may be what's going on here. Or reused equipment. Could also explain the cross contamination others have been talking about. I havent had any issue with that. I've been running his goods for awhile now and haven't had any issues and there's alot of others as well. I'm betting he has already fixed the issue. I would like to see additional testing from others that have ordered and are concerned about his products. As for names and ip addresses (marketing) it doesn't really bother me. Honesty Product quality and good service are what's important.
Ah man looks like I have a lot to catch up on. I ordered a decent amount of test E vials a little while ago, is it pretty likely there is guac in them? I haven’t used any yet since I still have a decent amount from another source.
I’ve recently ordered his 250mg test e. No smell from mine.