MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

For what it it’s worth I’ll probably get scolded for this and I’m new to this bored but have definitely been through these forums for years and no I’m no alt Acc you can run my ip I placed an order literally a day before this bored really blew up I was nervous once I seen everything but my pack td yesterday and I throughly inspected all I didn’t have any smell on bottles nore did I have any smell on pin once I pulled it out of each bottle all bottle filled to identical levels all caps on and lids tight as pharma lids (test e 250, deca 250, mast 400) so I personally was pleased at the end of the day. Roast me if you want I’ve definitely been through the good and bad through out the years though.
I also recently bought from here. Test E had no smell, I pulled to make sure. But the Tren A had a slight smell of mint and Arimidex also had a slight smell of mint. That could be because those 2 things are stored next to eachother. But I will say I can’t smell the tren unless I pull from it, so I dunno
Cat Cafe had growing pains and worked hard to deliver an amazing product. Unfortunately Cat Cafe and Liska are no longer around. Axle Lab is trying to be successful as a business and to me has worked to be more precise and deliver a quality product. I have had Test and Winny tested from Axle and they were clean and good to go. People on Meso have been burned in the past and they tend to be aggressive at holding sources accountable. In this situation lets try to have a balanced approach, sources make mistakes, none of us are perfect.

I have three products from Axle being tested by Jano right now.. I will post when complete.
Cat Cafe had growing pains and worked hard to deliver an amazing product. Unfortunately Cat Cafe and Liska are no longer around. Axle Lab is trying to be successful as a business and to me has worked to be more precise and deliver a quality product. I have had Test and Winny tested from Axle and they were clean and good to go. People on Meso have been burned in the past and they tend to be aggressive at holding sources accountable. In this situation lets try to have a balanced approach, sources make mistakes, none of us are perfect.

I have three products from Axle being tested by Jano right now.. I will post when complete.
What products exactly?
Cat Cafe had growing pains and worked hard to deliver an amazing product. Unfortunately Cat Cafe and Liska are no longer around. Axle Lab is trying to be successful as a business and to me has worked to be more precise and deliver a quality product. I have had Test and Winny tested from Axle and they were clean and good to go. People on Meso have been burned in the past and they tend to be aggressive at holding sources accountable. In this situation lets try to have a balanced approach, sources make mistakes, none of us are perfect.

I have three products from Axle being tested by Jano right now.. I will post when complete.
Make sure to request Jano test for guaiacol, since Axle bathes in the stuff and can't seem to keep it out of his vials.

You're a good guy but your request is hilarious, the dude is a pathological liar who has spent months posting on alt accounts and has been banned multiple times from SST. When he brewed for JuiceApe, he had the same issues with cross contamination he's having now. He's a dishonest shitbag.
Well, we did fix the NPP having test cyp, but if there’s another compound you’re referring to, let us know.

What are the “number that are misdosed”? Still scratching my head on this one. There’s the NPP which was fixed.. and then I’m drawing a blank. But if you enlighten us via testing, we would address it.
You do understand that your testing thread is publicly viewable, right?

Your Ripper blend was made with test e when it was labeled as prop.

Your brewer cannot figure out how to make tren e 400, because he has twice missed the dose by a significant margin.

You’ve whiffed on both test p and sustanon, with the test p being wrong twice.

Your deca 400 was underdosed.

Your steady gainer blend is a nowhere near the fairway.

That’s just what I found glancing over a few pages of test results. You say you’re scratching your head about the factual statement that you guys can’t brew straight, which means either you’ve memory holed all that sloppiness or you were hoping everyone else did. One or two mistakes can be understood, but you guys in your brief history here have had more fuck ups than other labs that have operated for years.
Didn't he just say in this forum he filled dragons order for a small period of time?
This shipper's pack (which had a hole in it) is what got Colonial Labs busted. Just FYI. Hopefully Buck has upped his packaging game. (Words directly from Colonial as I know him).

I personally haven't ordered from Buck. I was talking to Colonial and he told me how he got caught.
He said a shipment of test from buck was not packed properly + had a hole in it and the postal inspector pulled it aside and inspected it. This led to the whole investigation + his bust.

September 2021? So you're illiterate now too?

August of 2022 is when he was arrested. He was released same day (no bond needed). The case ended July 2023. Pretty standard timeline. Again.. you can literally see ALL of this by a simple search:

Not to mention, the documents I attached literally SHOW the sentence he got.

Look up higher on the doc buddy. Sentenced 3 days which were voided as CFTS (credit for time served) this doesn't mean he did those 3 days. I think he's not going to spoon feed you every document in the case. But it is available to see through the link he sent if you search through the relevant timeframe.

More to come on this shortly. Actually having to get some real work done today. Sorry for the delay boys.


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Still no reply as to Guac being in the test c. I ran maybe 10ml so I am not particular worried, but it’s the point. Will never again order from this source.
O that was my last comment regarding the drama. Will give any store/product updates going forward.

Thanks to the rest for the continued orders.

Given the controversy of the last week, I’m assuming you are still offering store credit for 3rd party testing?
you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means
I guess most people just don’t want to have such an aggressive solvent in body. I def don’t. I’m not sure how many people run injectable orals, but I’m sure they don’t care much I guess.
Not sure what you mean with your comment.
The following four accounts have used the same two IP addresses on both ISP and cellular networks on dozens of occasions and they all post in this thread. The likelihood of this occurring by chance is very small:

@Axle Labs

While there may be other explanations for this, Occam's razor would suggest they are alternate user accounts.
I’m so glad I clicked this thread lol

I was in here claiming he did had tons of suspicious accounts associated with him, and that he’d been banned before for doing such things in the past. Mysteriously, I had several members (all with ‘new member’ badges) jump on me about how silly that was.

Yet here we are. Lol.

It sucks because I hear zero problems with his gear, though to be fair half his praise could be himself. It’s just that he’s such a sleazy source.
Peptides will be restocked next week. Clen is also restocked. And tretinoin is added to the store.

Yea we made a booboo. Got a little too business oriented with the promotion tactics. But yea totally understand if we get banned/kicked for it. Sorry, regardless - didn't need to be doing any of that!

Nothing different in the products/shipping currently for the people sending all the emails. Still filling all orders as normal.

You may continue the shitshow now.
I called you (via your alt accounts) out on this weeks ago, and you (via your alt accounts) said I was a loon to entertain such notions, and you attacked MY integrity.

And now it comes out that I was right all along, you knew I was right, and you called me a liar. You got caught doing the same thing you got caught for last time. You even got caught the same way you got caught last time, you fucking moron.

Get fucked.
Guac is usually in injectable orals right? Why is it bad if it’s in regular Injectables? Just curious
From my understanding, since I didn’t even know about till a couple days ago, is that you can easily find alternatives without guac in it. You are just needlessly putting more hard shit into your body.

It’s also the fact that it’s labeled as not having it in it. The very fact that it does means some sort of contamination happened. It raises a question of what else is contaminated.

This is also just my own assumption, but people running injectable orals are also probably using coke and adderall as pre-workout. They simply just don’t care
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If a source is stupid enough to get caught doing the same bullshit a second time then what else are they stupid enough to do? To me this is evidence that he is more likely to scam you or sell you incorrect product or who knows what. The laziness and just how sloppy what he did makes me not trust this guy at all. I won't be buying anything but if I had anything I would want every vial tested, or more likely just trash them at this point and move along.
@SkankHunt called it since page #1

Joined Monday at 7:25 PM

Cmon Axel you’ve been here a week and already have new accounts shilling for you. Fuck this source.

Getting pretty ridiculous. Any recent member that comments on here is automatically me now.

If I was the one doing all this, I would be absolutely retarded to do it right now after what happened. Nothing I can do here to “prove” it. So believe what you want. Don’t forget your tin hat.

You even have me tin hatting now. Any source can now make new accounts and leave me reviews knowing I’ll get blamed .

Nothing will change that we have the best gear and customer service. Try all the tactics you’d like.
Getting pretty ridiculous. Any recent member that comments on here is automatically me now.

If I was the one doing all this, I would be absolutely retarded to do it right now after what happened. Nothing I can do here to “prove” it. So believe what you want. Don’t forget your tin hat.

You even have me tin hatting now. Any source can now make new accounts and leave me reviews knowing I’ll get blamed .

Nothing will change that we have the best gear and customer service. Try all the tactics you’d like.
And there you have it. This source is, by his own admission, absolutely retarded.
Ah man looks like I have a lot to catch up on. I ordered a decent amount of test E vials a little while ago, is it pretty likely there is guac in them? I haven’t used any yet since I still have a decent amount from another source.