MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

How? Seems really like a lot of work to get water hot enough then wait then reheat the water 2-3x, then dry off the vial ect.

Place vial on mug warmer, read the news/jerk off/take a shower whatever takes 5 minutes. Come back vial is warm and clear. Inject it and go to my 4pm shift at Burger King. EZ lol
In addition to that, having the vial in water makes an opening for possible contamination if fully submerged or knocked over.
Water is not better much less 5x better lol
Fill a small cup almost boiling water, calculate volumen of water to not be submerged and BOOM.
Faster, more efficient, cheaper
Microwave king ( water microwaved, not vial)
Bro we did that shit forever ago
It’s time to catch up to this century
We do things differently now because it’s better
Absolutely NOT faster
I did the water thing hundreds of time in the past
My coffee warmer is on the counter I just set the vials on and in two minutes they ready
How in the absolute fuck do you think the Stone age water method is faster??? Lmao
You have to warm up the water, then place the vials in and wait.
Meanwhile I already pined and I’m at the gym working out

I don’t even use a microwave for food. Microwaves are for your hot pocket and McDonalds. I cook my food. Don’t own a microwave.
why couldn't you just set the vials on the electric coffee base the part that heats up, or does that get to hot?

You can. But in my experience they recrash.

I looked up the safe temps for standard butyl vial stoppers, which is well above 190F (they're supposed to be sterilized at higher temps than that).

190f in the oven for 45mins seems to fix it for good.
What's the minimum order and shipping cost? I don't see that in the intro. Thanks in advance.
$200 min.

$11 flat shipping.

Tablets are made for all oral compounds and being sent off for testing! Will be doing the switch to tabs once all tests come back!

Thanks to all the new customers, we appreciate it!
$200 min.

$11 flat shipping.

Tablets are made for all oral compounds and being sent off for testing! Will be doing the switch to tabs once all tests come back!

Thanks to all the new customers, we appreciate it!
Excited for tabs. Recent order was great and happy to hear you’re doing the guaiaicol testing too.
Axle’s test is the purest I’ve ever seen visually. Hope it holds up when I start my cycle soon.

I also just did get some QSC test C 250, and there seems to be millions of floating air bubbles.
Blood results taken on Monday 8th.
4th week of 8- Current cycle is 30mg pinned daily (7 days a week)
All Axle labs:
30 mg Test Prop.
30 mg Tren Ace.
30 mg Masteron E.
Cabergoline was purchased from Axle but was pharma. Arimidex from Axle also taken as needed.

Side question, what can I do to raise crashed prolactin?
I am happy with the results, i’m grainy, vascular, and recomped, without really changing how i did anything before. Daily pinning really cut down on the side effects.IMG_9431.jpeg
Side question, what can I do to raise crashed prolactin?
View attachment 289218

Give it time, don't take vitamin B6, especially the P5P form. If you're getting bad side effects like depression/anxiety or ED you can grab some Tongkat Ali extract. Nootropics Depot's 10% Eurycomanone Tongkat extract is about the best you can buy.

You obviously won't get the effects towards testosterone production being shut down, but it'll absolutely spike your prolactin back up after a week or two. It throws some people high and out of range.

Tongkat is one of the few herbals that are legitimately potent hormonal agents. Obviously nothing gear, but significantly will help any natty out when it comes to increasing free and total T.
@Axle Labs I know you said Minoxidil and Lasix are both in the works, do you have an ETA by chance? I need to grab some Minoxidil ASAP, but if you're looking at having it in the next 2-3 weeks it'll still probably be quicker to wait for you than go international.
I’m running axles test e and primo (375/300) and I’m loving it. The primo 200 is super smooth. Just a little PIP nothing to write home about.
The test feels great as well. No negative side effects whatsoever.
It’s safe to say I’m finally done source shopping and will be doing business with axle only from now on.