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Really. You call that dude a member? I’ve been contributing here for 25 years. Posting countless test results and this dude comes around in January and literally talks shit to everyone. He isn’t a member. Members contribute. Go look at his posts.
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Really. You call that dude a member? I’ve been contributing here for 25 years. Posting countless test results and this dude comes around in January and literally talks shit to everyone. He isn’t a member. Members contribute. Go look at his posts.
100% agreed, he’s a pussy who actually brought up threatening, = rat !!!! Which you never did and acted like you asked Axel for anything at all, which you didn’t !!
Yeah, honestly, let it go. I've never seen a single positive thing come from him that wasn't loaded with a condescending tone.

I think he was just talking about a month ago how his long term low dose tren doesn't give side effects.

Homie, if this is your real personality, good luck I guess.

You could just like, not say anything and not make yourself look bad at the same time.

I've even gotten shit because people thought I was you because of a similarish avatar until I corrected it with them. Not their fault. I'd be pissed to the point of missing that detail too with the comments you made to them.
You're right you guys I've been talking shit to everyone lately, Just noticed that. Sometimes you dont even notice gear changing your mood until its pointed out to you. My apologies to everyone I was rude to
You're right you guys I've been talking shit to everyone lately, Just noticed that. Sometimes you dont even notice gear changing your mood until its pointed out to you. My apologies to everyone I was rude to
Honestly I respect that a ton man. I'm sure we've all been there at times. Being able to recognize it without throwing stones back is pretty stand up.

Life's too short to spread negativity.
You're right you guys I've been talking shit to everyone lately, Just noticed that. Sometimes you dont even notice gear changing your mood until its pointed out to you. My apologies to everyone I was rude to
I think a lot of us do that to some degree
I know I am guilty and dont notice till after the fact.
This is a steroid forum lol
You guys are sweet.
Mistakes can happen and that's OK. That's life.
I am sure you have a lot more in common in real life than all the criticism you constantly throw at each other would suggest.
Maybe they made a bot to send emails to trtbuilder at protonmail, etc. People's names on the boards.

Might be prudent to use an email not affiliated with any of the fake names you use on anon boards like meso.
Also, if you do Jano lab testing, don’t have your email listed on it. Jano can make it anything you want.
Question for the colllective. Two vials, same batch, same lab, same ester, different color. Does color matter, if so, which one would you prefer?


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