MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Last week or so I had gotten a vial of bazooka from Axle. I used a vial adapter on it. Somehow the vial adapter got clogged to the point where I couldn't draw a dose from the vial. I'm assuming it has to do with guaiacol as every other oil had worked well with those adapters.
I contacted Axle merely to see if it was a known problem with using vial adapters with products containing guaiacol. He immediately tried to send me a new vial no questions asked. I basically had to fight him to take payment to send another vial as I figured the vial adapter use was the problem and that was on me. The oil had worked well with just a syringe before.

The fact that the immediate reaction was to try to replace gear, even if it wasn't his fault, shows his commitment to good customer service. Axle is a stand up dude in my book.
Take care @Axle Labs . Best wishes on the testing project.
Thank you!

Last week or so I had gotten a vial of bazooka from Axle. I used a vial adapter on it. Somehow the vial adapter got clogged to the point where I couldn't draw a dose from the vial. I'm assuming it has to do with guaiacol as every other oil had worked well with those adapters.
I contacted Axle merely to see if it was a known problem with using vial adapters with products containing guaiacol. He immediately tried to send me a new vial no questions asked. I basically had to fight him to take payment to send another vial as I figured the vial adapter use was the problem and that was on me. The oil had worked well with just a syringe before.

The fact that the immediate reaction was to try to replace gear, even if it wasn't his fault, shows his commitment to good customer service. Axle is a stand up dude in my book.
No problem at all man. Enjoy the gear.
Canadian Lol GIF
Literally not correct.
I'm here to lift heavy ass weights, not do math.

Anyways, here's my not so scientific or math based review of Rage Preworkout Blend (40mg) 10mg Halo/30mg Tren Base.

Out of the 8 oil based compounds I've ordered from Axle, it was the only one that arrived crashed (not surprised). Had to heat it to hell and back (170f+ for over 30 minutes) to fix that.

Out of the 5 oil based compounds I've pinned thus far from Axle, test 250 and 500, tren 400, sus 250, npp 200 (or should I say npp 164.79?), it was the only one with any real PIP (again, not surprised). It's the kind of PIP that makes you want to thrash that muscle ASAP cuz you know it's the only way to make it feel better.

On to the feelings part of the review: had urges to crash my car into other cars on the way to the gym. Odd feeling. Once there I had to force myself to leave after 2 hours. Got home and wanted to drive back to the gym immediately.

How much of this was placebo? Unsure. Maybe a good amount. But I love me some strong placebo effects.

TL;DR rage pwo blend lived up to its name so be careful when driving on it

now someone send it to jano to see how much of the feels was placebo
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Within 5% [20/440 = 4.5454545454(54)... % to Jano-esque # of significant figures] and now you guys are the accuracy police LOL

90 to 110% just fine, no?
Injecting it into your body? Fuck readalot's math he's a god damn pencil neck nerd.

Asking for testing refund? YOU IDIOT YOUR MATH IS OFF BY 4%
I'm here to lift heavy ass weights, not do math.

Anyways, here's my not so scientific or math based review of Rage Preworkout Blend (40mg) 10mg Halo/30mg Tren Base.

Out of the 8 oil based compounds I've ordered from Axle, it was the only one that arrived crashed (not surprised). Had to heat it to hell and back (170f+ for over 30 minutes) to fix that.

Out of the 5 oil based compounds I've pinned thus far from Axle, test 250 and 500, tren 400, sus 250, npp 200 (or should I say npp 164.79?), it was the only one with any real PIP (again, not surprised). It's the kind of PIP that makes you want to thrash that muscle ASAP cuz you know it's the only way to make it feel better.

On to the feelings part of the review: had urges to crash my car into other cars on the way to the gym. Odd feeling. Once there I had to force myself to leave after 2 hours. Got home and wanted to drive back to the gym immediately.

How much of this was placebo? Unsure. Maybe a good amount. But I love me some strong placebo effects.

TL;DR rage pwo blend lived up to its name so be careful when driving on it

now someone send it to jano to see how much of the feels was placebo
Do you have to reheat before every pin or it’s been stable so far?
Was pretty hesitant to place an order with this source due to mixed opinions but figured I'd give it a try. Anyways, placed an order on the 10th and package was received on the 12th. Axle was pretty good with communication and even sent out a tracking number, which is a first for me. I'll be starting up another blast soon, will follow up with labs in the near future to keep you guys updated.


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