MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Have use a vial and 1/2 of test/primo and about 1/4 vial of the primo200. For the most part smooth for me .
I use the primo and it’s solid. Ordered more but changed the carrier oil to MCT. I found this Primo to be far smoother than my QSC primo.
I'm here to lift heavy ass weights, not do math.

Anyways, here's my not so scientific or math based review of Rage Preworkout Blend (40mg) 10mg Halo/30mg Tren Base.

Out of the 8 oil based compounds I've ordered from Axle, it was the only one that arrived crashed (not surprised). Had to heat it to hell and back (170f+ for over 30 minutes) to fix that.

Out of the 5 oil based compounds I've pinned thus far from Axle, test 250 and 500, tren 400, sus 250, npp 200 (or should I say npp 164.79?), it was the only one with any real PIP (again, not surprised). It's the kind of PIP that makes you want to thrash that muscle ASAP cuz you know it's the only way to make it feel better.

On to the feelings part of the review: had urges to crash my car into other cars on the way to the gym. Odd feeling. Once there I had to force myself to leave after 2 hours. Got home and wanted to drive back to the gym immediately.

How much of this was placebo? Unsure. Maybe a good amount. But I love me some strong placebo effects.

TL;DR rage pwo blend lived up to its name so be careful when driving on it

now someone send it to jano to see how much of the feels was placebo
I use the primo and it’s solid. Ordered more but changed the carrier oil to MCT. I found this Primo to be far smoother than my QSC primo.
Nice. @dirthand and @cherm thanks for the response. I am probably going to try the test/primo mix but wasn’t sure about the pip. I have a lot of extra test e I need to use but was thinking the mix might be easier just for dosing and less overall oil.

Never used a premix before and I have read they can sometimes give more pip.
Nice. @dirthand and @cherm thanks for the response. I am probably going to try the test/primo mix but wasn’t sure about the pip. I have a lot of extra test e I need to use but was thinking the mix might be easier just for dosing and less overall oil.

Never used a premix before and I have read they can sometimes give more pip.
In my opinion (which ain't worth much) the blend is great if you know for sure you are going to run that ratio all the way through. I now find myself running a 1:1 ratio so I end up drawing out of 2 vial anyway but I guess it's really not that big a deal just an extra math step. The only time I experienced and soreness is twice in 6 weeks and probly only cause of Virgin muscle. I read somewhere about putting the vials on a candle warmer for about 4 minutes before hand. I tried that and maybe it pushed through a little easier. @Obscured78 " pip "hell I like to get beat on a little every once in a while. Reminds me of being back in the joint!
I'm here to lift heavy ass weights, not do math.

Anyways, here's my not so scientific or math based review of Rage Preworkout Blend (40mg) 10mg Halo/30mg Tren Base.

Out of the 8 oil based compounds I've ordered from Axle, it was the only one that arrived crashed (not surprised). Had to heat it to hell and back (170f+ for over 30 minutes) to fix that.

Out of the 5 oil based compounds I've pinned thus far from Axle, test 250 and 500, tren 400, sus 250, npp 200 (or should I say npp 164.79?), it was the only one with any real PIP (again, not surprised). It's the kind of PIP that makes you want to thrash that muscle ASAP cuz you know it's the only way to make it feel better.

On to the feelings part of the review: had urges to crash my car into other cars on the way to the gym. Odd feeling. Once there I had to force myself to leave after 2 hours. Got home and wanted to drive back to the gym immediately.

How much of this was placebo? Unsure. Maybe a good amount. But I love me some strong placebo effects.

TL;DR rage pwo blend lived up to its name so be careful when driving on it

now someone send it to jano to see how much of the feels was placebo
Hahah, thank you for the detailed review. That was fun to read.
Was pretty hesitant to place an order with this source due to mixed opinions but figured I'd give it a try. Anyways, placed an order on the 10th and package was received on the 12th. Axle was pretty good with communication and even sent out a tracking number, which is a first for me. I'll be starting up another blast soon, will follow up with labs in the near future to keep you guys updated.
Enjoy the gear, looking forward to your review!
Nice. @dirthand and @cherm thanks for the response. I am probably going to try the test/primo mix but wasn’t sure about the pip. I have a lot of extra test e I need to use but was thinking the mix might be easier just for dosing and less overall oil.

Never used a premix before and I have read they can sometimes give more pip.
They can. Generally it goes away after 2-3 pins. I switched to the higher concentration simply to avoid pinning so many cc’s at once. First time I used another source's Primo it felt like someone ran over my leg, I was hesitant to pin it again but by #3 it was perfectly fine. I typically warm mine up slightly (to body temperature) and it helps .
Going on my second order so far everything is spot on first order took two days which was sust deca and enanthate second order was dbol armidex and primo I placed last night already got my tacking number his responses are super quick and answers every question you have when I receive this order I'll send touchdown pics
Going on my second order so far everything is spot on first order took two days which was sust deca and enanthate second order was dbol armidex and primo I placed last night already got my tacking number his responses are super quick and answers every question you have when I receive this order I'll send touchdown pics
Thank you for the review! Enjoy the gear.
I don’t think my personal relationships can withstand another storewide sale at this point.

But I’d be interested in a fire sale on the NPP 164.79
Haha, shoot us an email if you want to grab those vials for a large discount. Off shelves for now though till testing is in.