MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Isn't pharma like 25% or more?
Pharma Test Cyp 200 mg/ml is 0.2 ml BB per 1 ml total.

Example compounded product from Empower:
200 mg TE/ml
Claimed 2% BA in GSO. Which would be about 20 mg. No BB.

Delatestryl is
Each mL of sterile, colorless to pale yellow solution provides 200 mg testosterone enanthate in sesame oil with 5 mg chlorobutanol (chloral derivative) as a preservative.

So my question is really around Test concentration and tradeoff on amount of excipient needed for solubility. Pharma products above are proof points that typical 20% BB seems like overkill at standard Test E loadings. Obviously 500 mg/ml is far from that.
Pharma Test Cyp 200 mg/ml is 0.2 ml BB per 1 ml total.

Example compounded product from Empower:
200 mg TE/ml
Claimed 2% BA in GSO. Which would be about 20 mg. No BB.

Delatestryl is
Each mL of sterile, colorless to pale yellow solution provides 200 mg testosterone enanthate in sesame oil with 5 mg chlorobutanol (chloral derivative) as a preservative.

So my question is really around Test concentration and tradeoff on amount of excipient needed for solubility. Pharma products above are proof points that typical 20% BB seems like overkill at standard Test E loadings. Obviously 500 mg/ml is far from that.
You ever hear the saying "don't fix something that isn't broken"? Probably hundreds of people are using the guys test e 500, One gets a mild itch and your thought process is to reinvent the wheel.

Maybe this was asked before, but what BB/BA % is used in the test e 500? I'm not getting PIP, but getting a single itchy lump at pin site a couple days post injection even after switching from subq to shallow IM (assuming shallow IM is 1" for DG and 0.5" for side delts at my bf %). No pain or infection, so thinking I might be reacting to the higher BB % needed to keep the test 500 from crashing? I don't think it's the MCT but it's my first time using MCT (and higher concentrations).

May try deeper IM (1.5" DG and 0.75" side delt) before giving up on the higher concentrations... it's nice to inject only 0.3ml of oil but the itchy bumps are annoying as fuck. I've been using a heating pad and massage to make them go away quicker. Also heating the oil prior to pinning.
Also this may be of interest to you since you are utilizing very high concentration products...

0.5 inch works fine for me with swallow VG IM. I never go above 200 mg/ml though.
Also this may be of interest to you since you are utilizing very high concentration products...

Yeah I think it's the post-injection drug precipitation (PDP) causing an issue for me. I rubbed a bunch of the MCT test 500 on my wrists 24 hours ago and haven't had a reaction, so I don't think it's the ingredients in the mix causing a reaction, but perhaps the test precipitation left after MCT is quickly absorbed. I heard that's why pharma uses thicker oils, so they're more slowly absorbed post injection?

Anyways, I think shallow IM is exacerbating the issue. Will try deeper IM shots.
Yeah I think it's the post-injection drug precipitation (PDP) causing an issue for me. I rubbed a bunch of the MCT test 500 on my wrists 24 hours ago and haven't had a reaction, so I don't think it's the ingredients in the mix causing a reaction, but perhaps the test precipitation left after MCT is quickly absorbed. I heard that's why pharma uses thicker oils, so they're more slowly absorbed post injection?

Anyways, I think shallow IM is exacerbating the issue. Will try deeper IM shots.
Best wishes with the experiment. I have some thoughts but will await your observations with going deeper IM vs SQ / Swallow IM.
Found this in one of my primo vials. It’s inside the vial. Looks like a hair. Not gonna use this vial. Other vials were good. Been using a different vial for 2 injections, smooth so far.


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Found this in one of my primo vials. It’s inside the vial. Looks like a hair. Not gonna use this vial. Other vials were good. Been using a different vial for 2 injections, smooth so far.
Pubes add an extra 50mg/ml.
@Axle Labs i was noticing when i saw @StayNatty01 with his post that The batch number on his primo 200 is c52 I have the same batch number on mine as well but in the testing results it says batch #c48. Has the #c52 been tested?