MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Had a great experience with ordering from y’all, idk if I have the right amount of forum privileges to post but either way will let y’all know what jano comes back at n the TA is fkin top notch! Great customer service too so if all goes well I will definitely order again soon
New Testing Results:

NPP 200mg/ml (New batch) -> 192.25 mg/ml (-4%)
Deca 400mg/ml -> 384.39 mg/ml (-4%)

Both items we will add 10% raws.

Had a great experience with ordering from y’all, idk if I have the right amount of forum privileges to post but either way will let y’all know what jano comes back at n the TA is fkin top notch! Great customer service too so if all goes well I will definitely order again soon
Thank you for the review!
Axle Tirzepatide was great, ripmix was exactly what I expected good stuff, no pip. And 4th day on injectable superdrol holyshit, buckle up for that ride. All shipments were packed, discreet, and teleported to my door. Look forward to much more business sir, just hold the pubes please lol, nah appreciate the effort in doing things right.
How was sdrol injection? How’d you react. Curious
Placed an order on January 15th, received the pre-shipment tracking the same day. Package was on the move January 16th and I received it January 19th. .
Placed an order on January 15th, received the pre-shipment tracking the same day. Package was on the move January 16th and I received it January 19th. .
You order online or through email. I have only ordered through email with other sources. Jw
How was sdrol injection? How’d you react. Curious
No pip at all the volume is tiny. My first time using it so I started with 10mg for a few days than to 15mg and the 4th day workouts were intense, strength when up a bit and was able to do more reps, and recovery in-between was fast I could just keep going. Pumps are phenomenal too. I'm gnna go up to 20 25 mg for another week mabey 2 and that's it.
No pip at all the volume is tiny. My first time using it so I started with 10mg for a few days than to 15mg and the 4th day workouts were intense, strength when up a bit and was able to do more reps, and recovery in-between was fast I could just keep going. Pumps are phenomenal too. I'm gnna go up to 20 25 mg for another week mabey 2 and that's it.
Sounds like Adrol for me. Probably hits hella fast. That’s what’s up.
Yeah shits fire, but unfortunately can only be used for a very short cycle. It's been bout a week and I feel great, we'll see how I feel week 2
Is Adrol worth it for 2 weeks or so for strength? Anavar wrecked my lipids after 6 weeks at 50mg.i would assume adrol has even worse sides.
Is Adrol worth it for 2 weeks or so for strength? Anavar wrecked my lipids after 6 weeks at 50mg.i would assume adrol has even worse sides.
I haven't tried adrol yet, I believe its very similar in ways, but don't know to much about it. But I'm sure someone with experience with it can chime in.
Is Adrol worth it for 2 weeks or so for strength? Anavar wrecked my lipids after 6 weeks at 50mg.i would assume adrol has even worse sides.
As far as lipids I don’t know. Didn’t get bloods while using it. Probably stupid but I’m doing fine. Personally other than noticing bp getting high no other sides,I love the stuff. Take it after about 30 mins I’m laser focused and I can just keep going. Rest periods are super short and I can just keep adding weight to each new set I do. Pumps are insane if you add in cialis. Feels like you’re tearing out of your skin.
2 day ta again, definitely fast shipping everytime. Plus excellent communication.
Ordered again for these guys and usps as usual sucks lol
Yeah you will find that they actually do their job way better than the mail people do, I would have had my package way earlier than it came if it wasn’t for the post but hey I also had it otw while there was MLK Day (R.I.P.) so it makes sense, but yeah their ETA is top notch n imma try their DBol in a sec so will let y’all know tf is up bout that, test results should be soon too but I still need to send out to jano so might do one from this order n one from the next as I was so impressed I’m finna order again
Btw @Axle Labs quick question is this the rubber stopper why is it uneven? I’m not used to ugl (used to pharma so usually everything is totally symmetrical) so sorry for the dumb question but this black part under the neck of the vial is that still the stopper or what? The stuff is good as far as ik I’m just wondering why it’s uneven just hope it won’t bust open when I jab it ahah FD56FE83-5DEC-4EAD-A72C-D64581080488.jpeg
As far as lipids I don’t know. Didn’t get bloods while using it. Probably stupid but I’m doing fine. Personally other than noticing bp getting high no other sides,I love the stuff. Take it after about 30 mins I’m laser focused and I can just keep going. Rest periods are super short and I can just keep adding weight to each new set I do. Pumps are insane if you add in cialis. Feels like you’re tearing out of your skin.
Thank you man. I might try it next cycle for a couple weeks at least.